Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 471: Facts speak louder than words

It's no wonder that Zhuang Jianye has such an attitude. He took the Ascendas Aviation Corporation and finally became a pilot across the two major sectors of aerospace. At this time, it would be very troublesome for the navy to come to an overlord to force the bow.

It's not that the leaders of the Navy will treat Ascendas Aviation Corporation, but that they are separated from the aerospace system. Many upstream and downstream facilities will become very troublesome.

Therefore, Zhuang Jianye has always opposed the tossing of companies back and forth. He thinks that he can do whatever he makes money. He can use whatever business is profitable. If he sees that business is profitable, he will go up. In the end, he will not be a person or a ghost. Yes, even the company itself doesn't know what it is doing, and such a company will not be far from collapse.

Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation was engaged in gas turbines from the beginning. There is nothing wrong with holding the navy thighs. After all, this thing can be used at this stage, and it is just such a big krypton gold player.

The problem is that the main business of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation is to make advanced aircraft. No matter how good the gas turbine power is, it is in the final analysis to provide supporting equipment for the aircraft produced by Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation. By the way, it is to make some power generation equipment, gas turbines or It's about selling to brother's aero engines to make some pocket money.

Because of this, no matter how hard the navy is, no matter how good the conditions are, it cannot go. After all, for an aerospace company, the industrial chain is more precious than gold.

Of course, Zhuang Jianye was thinking about this in his heart. It would be easy to offend people if he didn't care about it. So he kept thinking about how to decline Song Changzheng's proposal, but before he could speak, Director Zhao jumped. Come out and block things.

Director Zhao doesn't have as much scrupulousness as Zhuang Jianye, let alone offending people. A factory capable of producing advanced composite materials naturally needs a knife. What is a knife, of course, is a few of the country's heavy equipment.

Without these things, the country wants to carry out reform and opening up safely? Don't even think about it. I have been tossed with carrots and sticks for a long time so that there is no bones left.

So this kind of enterprise is just like what the head of the headquarters said at the beginning, as long as it does not touch the law, let it develop and expand as it is. Maybe this set of inaction can be ruled out, which is really better than those bound by rules. It's better.

It is undeniable that the head of the headquarters not only hopes that Ascendas Aerospace Corporation will serve as a pilot for the integration of the two major departments of aviation and aerospace; at the same time, he also wants to find a test sample to solve the dilemma of state-owned enterprises. Because of this, under the promotion of the head of the headquarters, Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation has a very large space.

Otherwise, how could the technicians of the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation regard the basic salary as pocket money? It is the result of the head of the headquarter of the People’s Headquarters for development. If not, Zhuang Jianye would dare to reward Song Yanan’s technical team with 10% from the 20 million fund?

It is estimated that if he did this on the front foot, the discipline inspection department of the back foot ministry would come to the door and invite him to drink tea.

Even so, many senior leaders in Beijing still have some opinions. Not to mention others, Director Zhao is one of them. He always feels that such indulgence of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation is not a good thing. Once the leadership of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation takes off. If you mess up, it's easy to get a good company out of recognition, so it's better to look like it.

It is precisely because of this that Director Zhao has been pushing the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation to move to the Gobi Desert. In this way, without the need for others to bother, he will be able to witness the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation every move.

As a result, Director Zhao accompanied the naval expert team over this time, and suddenly discovered that the reason why the head of the headquarter can reach today’s rank is not without reason. Let him develop and rule by inaction. The result is that the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation has made the Americans Carbon fiber reinforced aluminum matrix composite materials that are proud of.

Facts speak louder than words. No matter how you look down on Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation's deeds before, how to worry about Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation's loss of control, just a carbon fiber reinforced aluminum-based composite material is enough to crush everything in the past.

It is said that the current state-owned enterprise system is okay. If you continue to find it out of the box, the leader can control everything safely. What is the result?

A few years ago, the aerospace system began the pre-research of a new generation of long-range missiles. The key material was the first supporting project. As a result, a few years have passed and various resources have been invested. As a result, the lightweight alloy materials have not even been affected.

On the other hand, the state did not invest much money, and did not give much support. They only use materials as a key accessory for igniting turbine power plants and aviation aircraft.

The result was a series of metal matrix composite materials.

You want to say that the technical staff of Ascendas Aviation Corporation is very strong? What is really missing is that a large part of the college students who have gone up to the administrative level in the past two years can be assigned to professional colleges, and a large part of them are secondary school students or even evening correspondence courses.

Disciplinary leaders are not even more authoritative, at most they are ordinary professors, or even ordinary researchers or lecturers in various universities.

But it is such a group of technical teams that are not top-notch, but they make things that are world-class products.

What does this show?

Ascendas Aviation Corporation has a strong hematopoietic function, and its internal vitality is very strong. As long as the soil, sunlight, and fertilizer are suitable, it will grow unscrupulously and desperately. If you want to cover it up, it will stifle the hematopoiesis of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation. Function restricts his development.

Realizing this, Director Zhao, while admiring the head of the headquarters for his far-sightedness, naturally defended the results created by the head of the headquarters with painstaking efforts.

Even if it takes 10,000 steps, it is not for the head of the headquarters to consider, Director Zhao must also consider the several long-range missiles that have been launched. Such a dynamic and constantly creating miracle company can make carbon fiber reinforced aluminum-based composite materials today. If you can make more advanced materials, how could Director Zhao let someone put a tight spell on him?

Song Changzheng really wanted to get Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation into the navy, but just think about it, people in the aerospace system are good, not the navy can take it away, but to his surprise, Director Zhao not only To oppose them taking the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, or even to intervene in the development of turboprop engines and gas turbines, is a bit too much.

Are there still few developments of leading military components over the years? How could it be impossible to get to Ascendas Aviation Corporation?

"Lao Zhao~www.ltnovel.com~ You are wrong. Even if there is a special package for major strategic equipment, we ignite the turbine power plant and your special package for major strategic equipment is not related to it?" Always laughed Hehe Song Changzheng smiled coldly this time.

"It doesn't seem to matter, but your joining will inevitably tear up the limited production capacity of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation. What should I do if a major strategic equipment cannot be completed on time? You must know that there is a certain type of submarine-launched missile, but you The mainstay equipment of the Navy for the next ten years." Director Zhao is also welcome.

As a result, as soon as he said this, Song Changzheng became miserable. The sky is big and the earth has the largest strategic weapon. What can Song Changzheng say? Well, Li Fang didn't care about it, and stared at Director Zhao blankly: "I will report the truth to the Navy Headquarters."

The meaning is obvious. Whatever you do with missiles, in my eyes all tm is making trouble.

Director Zhao was completely irritated by Li Fang’s words. Seeing that the two of them were about to spray each other, Zhuang Jianye hurriedly came out to make the rounds: "Two chiefs, two chiefs...It’s really impossible. Let’s make a compromise, and don’t worry about it. The turbine power and materials are ignited and the two are simply combined into one. It happens that we have an advanced light tactical transport aircraft solution on hand, which happens to cover both of these two. Would you please understand?"

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