Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 470: gas turbine

As soon as Song Changzheng said this, the others didn't have much, and the ignorance was over. Director Zhao, who acquiesced that Zhuang Jianye had biased the rhythm, was surprised. What happened? Is the navy looking at the D-50 gas turbine power unit?

So without waiting for Zhuang Jianye and others to answer, he asked: "Old Song, are you interested in D-50?"

Song Changzheng nodded without hesitation: "Through what we have just learned, we are generally satisfied with the d-50. Although only turboprop and ground-based power plants have been developed at present, they are sufficient for our navy. Joined in. After all, our maritime patrol aircraft and the gas turbines on ships are indispensable to us. Now that Ascendas Aerodynamics has made breakthroughs in this area, we naturally want to support them to continue their research."

What I said is categorical, and in fact it is true. If Ascendas Aerodynamics is showing a one-kilowatt d-40 gas turbine power plant today, Song Changzheng and Chen Fang will definitely be like other aerospace units. Just take care of it.

Very simple, no matter how good the d-40 gas turbine power unit is, the power is too small, whether it is changed to a gas turbine or its turboprop version is installed on an airplane, it gives people a feeling of a small horse-drawn cart.

After all, the navy is carrying out a coastal defense mission of several million square kilometers, so whether it is a ship or an aircraft, it needs a long voyage.

This is why the navy could not wait to convert it into a maritime patrol aircraft shortly after the finalization of the Yun-8, not because of how advanced the Yun-8 is, but because its 5,000-kilometer range is sufficient to cover most maritime defense areas.

The principles of the 051 destroyer and the 053 frigate are similar to those of the Yun-8 maritime patrol aircraft. Even if the technology is a little bit inferior and the tonnage is smaller, as long as they have enough endurance to meet the basic cruising of maritime defense zones, the navy must tighten its belt. Made.

Otherwise, in the face of the increasingly complex coastal defense situation, it's really useless to rely on lip-synching protests. At a critical time, the planes and warships will have to brighten their muscles to get immediate results.

Because of this, Li Fang and Song Changzheng can not care about the d-40 gas turbine power unit, but can't be indifferent to the d-50, because this gas turbine power has reached the level of 3,000 kilowatts, which is not only light in weight, long life, and excellent in performance. ,

And also formed two series of turboprop and ground power generation device.

For the navy, this is just the sister Lin who fell from the sky, and there are still two. If this is not covered and ran away, if the chief of the navy knows, let's not beat them, point to the nose of the two. Suddenly, it is inevitable.

Let's not talk about the performance improvement of the d-50 turboprop engine with its 857 kg weight and 1860-hour overhaul interval. The turboprop-6 on the Navy Y-8 patrol aircraft will be replaced.

It is said that the d-50 ground power generation device is also very important to the development of the navy. It is necessary to know that the ground power generation equipment of the gas turbine power device can be used as a marine gas turbine with a little modification.

The maximum power of d-50 can reach 3400 kilowatts, which is equivalent to 4622 horsepower. Although there is still a big gap with the high-power gas turbines used in large foreign warships, this value is almost the same as the power of domestic small diesel units.

Needless to say, the diesel engines on the Navy's large number of Type 037 sub-hunting boats are now at this level. This is a relatively new model. The old models in the 1960s and 1970s did not reach the level of D-50.

If only the power is equivalent, the key is that the d-50 is light in weight, small in size, and low in noise. Counting a series of auxiliary accessories such as pipelines and bases, it only looks like more than one ton, but the diesel unit does not count. Its own weight alone is two tons away, compared with d-50 has natural advantages.

Of course, this is not the reason that Li Fang and Song Changzheng are eager to join the D-50 project. The most important thing is that once the D-50 becomes a marine gas turbine, it will have an inestimable role in promoting the future development of the Navy.

After all, in today's world navy, gas turbine power has become the mainstream, but there is still a gap in this aspect in China. From the chief of the navy to the officers and soldiers, almost no one has seen what a gas turbine is like.

If you don’t have the conditions, it’s fine. Look at the books and find out. It doesn’t matter if you are an expert on paper.

But if you can have it, you can't let it go, because the navy is different from other troops. It is a comprehensive service with a very strong accumulation. It does not mean that once a ship is built, the officers and soldiers will form combat effectiveness.

The equipment, damage pipes, turbines, operations, and so on, all require officers and soldiers to adapt and explore.

Therefore, being able to understand the world’s advanced naval technology early, master and use it is essential to the development of the navy, otherwise things will not be used when they come out. What is the difference between new warships and scrap iron?

Because of this, it is very necessary to cultivate gas turbine operation skills, maintenance technology, and damage tube turbine skills, because once these people master the various safeguards and operating specifications of gas turbines, they will become seeds and will be more important in the future. , The rapid generation of combat effectiveness of more advanced ships is essential.

So these two sisters Lin, Li Fang and Song Changzheng don't say they are going to take them away, and they can't wait to swallow them one by one.

So much so that Song Changzheng was thinking in his heart that as long as Zhuang Jianye nodded, he would go directly to the capital with Li Fang, report to the chief of the navy, and then try to transfer the Ascendas Aviation Corporation from the aerospace port to the navy. I believe a few The chief of the navy will certainly compete with the chief of the headquarters for the future development of the navy.

Director Zhao didn't expect Song Changzheng's attitude to be so firm, and he left no room for words~www.ltnovel.com~ Support? What do you mean? When does the unit of the aerospace port need the support of the navy?

A certain type of fighter-bomber is an exception, but it didn’t say that the navy should take it all. How come you fly to the aviation company, your navy will swallow it in one bite, so you won’t be afraid of choking?

Although Director Zhao is not stupid, he is not stupid. Otherwise, how could he have been following the head of the headquarters for so many years? He immediately heard something different from Song Changzheng's words, so a black face slowly sank, frowning and looking at Song Changzheng: "You support? How do you support it?"

"In this regard, I will want to make a special report from the Naval Headquarters. What's more, the Naval Headquarters will give a clear answer to Ascendas Aviation Corporation." Song Changzheng did not say a word, and Li Fang replied blankly, without giving any face.

Director Zhao laughed: “Don’t use the navy headquarters to push people down. You can invest in or buy what you are looking for, but you can’t move your mind. As for the reason, it’s very simple. Ascendas Aviation is involved in a major strategic equipment project. , Unless the old leaders in the capital nod their heads, no one else can move."

As soon as these words came out, Li Fang and Song Changzheng were stunned, Qian Qiang was at a loss. Only Zhuang Jianye almost hugged Director Zhao and kissed them. This is a pro-leader, an absolute pro-leader.

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