Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 445: air transport

Hearing this, the reporters in the restaurant, regardless of whether they had finished eating or not, put down their plates and ran out. When they looked up, they were shocked by the heavenly scene. Only three waves were seen. At this time, more than a dozen biplanes with amphibious pontoons capable of surface take-off and landing made a cathartic roar over them, slowly passing by.

"Oh, my goodness, it's An-2, an improved An-2 that can take off and land on water." I didn't know it was the female reporter from the Eastern European country, and suddenly exclaimed, and immediately praised it hard to hide: " Songjiang Province has a well-developed water system, with many rivers and lakes. Although An-2 is not advanced overall, it is excellent for short take-offs and landings. It is compact and inexpensive. If it can be converted into a surface take-off and landing aircraft, it can take water from nearby to prevent fires. Spread, the Chinese are really great."

Talking about the brown-haired female reporter, she squeezed her fist in front of her chest excitedly, as if this could spread her high emotions to the departing fleet above her head, fulfilling her wish to extinguish the fire.

"I have to say, dear Lisa, what is in the sky is not the Soviet An-2, but the Chinese imitation Yun-5." As a result, the female reporter named Lisa just finished her admiration and stood beside her. Shao Jin, a senior reporter from the Soviet TASS News Agency in China, shook his head to correct Lisa's mistake in her speech.

Lisa felt a little embarrassed when she heard that, she was just about to explain apologetically, she listened to Shao Jin continue to say: "But the sentence after you is very correct, the Chinese changed Yun 5 to seaplane, which made them The fire-fighting ability has been greatly improved. Of course, this is also the Chinese people have mastered the relevant rapid modification technology, otherwise there will not be so many Yun-5 seaplanes all at once, um~~ I think this is a good news point. Come on, Lisa...Use your camera to take a few more shots, so that after you report to the place, some people will say that it can't be done in other countries except certain countries."

Shao Jin didn't lower her voice. Lisa sneered when she heard the words, and quickly picked up the camera she carried with her and snapped photos at the Yun-5 seaplane in the sky.

As for other reporters, while marveling at the roar of the sky, they also secretly looked at Clark, whose cheeks had swollen into the color of pig liver, with weird eyes.

There is no way that Shao Jin’s words just now are really shocking, but I don’t know why reporters from various countries have a sense of unspeakable comfort. Who made Clark’s words in the restaurant too arrogant? What is it called in other countries besides the United States? ?

The reporters in these countries did not say anything, but they were already dissatisfied with Clark in their hearts. At this time, the Soviet reporter Shao Jin suddenly fired. They were unhappy with Clark. Naturally, they were all gloating.

Clark was indeed so shocked by Shao Jin's words that he almost spit out old blood, and had the urge to go directly to practice with Shao Jin.

Look at Shao Jin’s indistinguishable general grid of polar bears. He gave up the idea of ​​practicing for a while without hesitation. He immediately took two deep breaths and retorted angrily: "I am a reporter, not an engineer. , What does the technology have to do with me? I only record what I see, and what I pay attention to is real evidence. What happened to the Chinese even if they had seaplanes? There were only a dozen planes, and I wanted to put out more than one million hectares of forest fires. Don’t you think it’s a little futile?"

"I think this is more likely to be a gesture they made. After all, during this period of time, our western world has put too much pressure on them. It is understandable to do a show and let our people and other countries see if they are not incapable. After all, This kind of thing is too common in the Western world, which proves that they have the meaning of converging towards us in terms of values. From this perspective, we should support them somewhat."

Clark's words fell off, and Breno, who was standing next to him, came out to help out. His words were well-founded, and he immediately raised the matter of transporting 5 seaplanes to a new height, and was very shameless. Stop all the merits to their Western media.

It made him, like Clark, the savior of the entire Greater Khingan Mountains fire. Only with them can the disaster relief go smoothly, and every relief improvement is the result of their guidance.

But what if not?

Sorry, that is the mistake of values ​​and the essence of the soul. In short, what they say is correct.

Clark was really irritated by Shao Jin just now. He didn't turn his head for a while. At this time, after hearing Breno's words, he almost didn't slap his head twice. Why didn't he think of this? Nodding hurriedly: "Mr. Breno’s words are correct. Our reporter’s mission is to guide correct values. Now that the government here has made substantial improvements, we should support and encourage them so that they can invest more. Similar to aircraft for disaster relief, if there is a shortage, I can appeal to the United States, hoping that American companies can support some small seaplanes here in a humanitarian spirit."

Breno quickly nodded in agreement: "I will also appeal to the Canadian government and relevant companies."

American reporters plus a dog-legged take the lead, reporters from Western countries saw that this was going to be a squad, but think about it, Shao Jin suddenly slapped Clark, which is tantamount to a slap in the face of the US media by the Soviet media. Of course, he has to fight. One game.

In desperation, reporters from Western countries can only agree with one another. There is no way. If they don't figure out their position at this time, it is easy for their boss to wear shoes after returning. Who is still cold war now?

Journalists from Eastern European countries naturally surrounded Shao Jin, and soon the barriers between the two sides became clear, but Shao Jin did not take any further action. Instead, he watched the plane in the sky go away, and then smiled kindly at a bunch of Western reporters. "I hope that your appeal will be quicker~www.ltnovel.com~ Otherwise, China will soon be able to convert all hundreds of Yun-5s into water firefighting planes. Not only will you not get the commission, but it will be possible. Aircraft manufacturers who intend to do business with China have been sued in court for huge compensation."

Clark didn't speak, but just curled his mouth at Shao Jin disdainfully, everything was silent, Shao Jin's words were all regarded as fart by Clark.

Shao Jin was not angry either, he still smiled: "Well, in that case, pay attention to your good luck." After speaking, he walked back to the restaurant without looking back.


Hundreds of Yun-5s. Shao Jin’s words sound scary, but they are by no means alarmist, because there are more than a dozen Yun-5s waiting to be converted on the banks of the Heihe Reservoir, 300 kilometers south of the Daxinganling fire site.

At the temporarily opened earthen airport not far away, a Yun-6 that has not yet been painted slowly landed on the runway under the guidance of a temporary air-to-ground radio station built temporarily, raising a burst of smoke and dust.

Wu Great Wall, who set up a pergola to watch this scene, immediately picked up the phone in his hand after Yun 6 completely stopped, and solemnly reported: "Reporting chief, the sixth batch of amphibious buoys have been airlifted in place!"

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