Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 446: No problem

The voice fell off, and a hoarse voice from the head of the headquarters came from the earpiece: "When will the next batch of Yun-5 firefighting aircraft be completed?"

Wu Changcheng hesitated, then looked at the dozens of Yun-5s waiting to be refitted by the reservoir, gritted his teeth: "It will take four more days!"

"Four days is too slow, two days, I only give you two days."

Listening to the unquestionable words of the head of the headquarters, Wu Changcheng's brows turned into a big bump, and finally he nodded vigorously: "Yes, the head of the headquarters."

After finishing talking and waiting for the head of the headquarters to hang up, Wu Changcheng quickly turned around and asked the guard next to him: "Have you seen Secretary Huang?"

"Director Wu, I am here."

Before the guard could reply, Huang Feng was full of stubborn stubbornness, staring at dark circles as he walked quickly and said hello. Just last month, Shen Jianwei, a senior party official at Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, was 60 years old. At the age of retiring to the second line, he was transferred to the newly-established General Aviation Council with the approval of the ministries and commissions to be the vice chairman of the newly established General Aviation Council, enjoying the vice ministerial level.

If there are no major problems, Shen Jianwei will be able to retire gloriously after a few years in this idle position.

This is much better than when I didn’t know when I was at the Yonghong factory. Let alone how the vice president of the General Aviation Council is, but the deputy ministerial level is not comparable to the leading cadres of the Yonghong factory, so the old man is very happy. Before leaving the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, he deliberately found Zhuang Jianye, holding hands and kept thinking that the most correct decision in this life was to come from the Yonghong factory to the original 23 branch factory.

After leaving Shen Jianwei, the old secretary, the position of high-ranking party officials of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation cannot be vacant, so it was decided by the ministries and commissions that the current Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation and executive deputy general manager Huang Feng was promoted to this position.

This operation is very unusual to outsiders. According to normal circumstances, a company with certain strength like Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, the senior party official’s position is either the general manager himself or a capable officer in the air, but the ministries and commissions do not. To do so, it was promoted from within the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation. If this is not handled properly, it is easy to conflict between the general manager and the senior party officials.

However, those who understand the situation know that the reason why the ministries and commissions are arranged in this way is not to deliberately create contradictions, but to pave the way for Huang Feng to take charge of the successful factory.

This can be regarded as a long-term layout of the Chengteng Department for deeper cooperation in the future. Huang Feng, who was born in Chenggong Factory and later held an important position in Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, returned to Chenggong Factory to take power and is bound to take the helm in the future. When the factory succeeds, it will deepen the relationship with the Ascendas factory, and even break through the last barrier between the two parties and realize the true integration of the industrial chain.

Once formed, both the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation and the Success Factory will reach a new level.

Therefore, supporting Huang Feng to become a high-ranking party official of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation was not only supported by the old leaders of the successful factory with great influence in ministries and commissions, but also greatly helped by Zhuang Jianye. Therefore, with the joint efforts of these people, Huang Feng, Secretary Huang was born so shiny.

Originally, according to the plan of Zhuang Jianye and others, Huang Feng was officially transferred to Chenggong Factory after another six months and served as acting general manager. After a year, he became regular, and then the two sides began to formally cooperate in depth.

As a result, it is still operating here, and a fire in Daxinganling has disrupted all plans.

Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation stopped all orders and switched to the production of relief supplies for the disaster area. The leaders of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation naturally had their own division of labor.

Zhuang Jianye sits in the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, coordinating the material allocation and production of the entire head office; Wang Heping was assigned to the Timber Railway Station, responsible for the construction and post-maintenance of the shelter hospital; Lin Guanghua was assigned to a military airport in Songjiang Province, responsible for Technical support for the delivered Yun-6 transport aircraft; Peng Chuan was nailed to an aircraft maintenance station in the s military region with a powerful technical backbone, responsible for ensuring the operation of the equipment.

Under such circumstances, Huang Feng naturally could not stay out of the matter, so he took the initiative to invite Ying and led the team to the Heihe Reservoir to become the person in charge of the five aircraft landing gear modification amphibious pontoon.

A few days later, using the modular components of the amphibious pontoon produced by Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation and with the cooperation of the local garrison, a total of twelve Yun-5s were refitted, and the test flight was successfully carried out the day before yesterday, and then received from the command center. The order was that each plane loaded 1.3 tons of water this morning and went to the scene of the fire in three waves to conduct concentrated rescue operations in several dangerous areas.

Huang Feng hurried over to see the practical effects ahead. After all, the modular components of the amphibious pontoon produced by Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation were applied to the Yun 5 for the first time. The test flight is no problem, but there will be no surprises in actual combat. I can't guarantee that, after all, the modification time for Yun 5 is too short, and there is no time for further adaptation analysis, so you have to put into actual combat.

Although the modular components of the amphibious pontoon produced by Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation are mainly to adapt to the multi-tasking attributes of the Yun-6, the developed supporting products are made of the same composite honeycomb material as the fuselage of the Yun-6, which has light weight and strength. Large, good buoyancy, more bearing capacity and strong adaptability.

It can be easily assembled on many small airplanes including Yun-6, and of course Yun-5 is included here.

However, this is just the original expectation of the product design of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation. As for whether Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation can really adapt to transport 5, the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation did not have time to do relevant adaptation tests. As a result, a sudden fire was directly affected. Let this set of low-key components turn positive.

Therefore, at this time, Huang Feng is sitting in the college entrance examination room with the students, not to mention the tension.

What he didn't expect was that Wu Changcheng was also anxiously looking for him.

"You are here just right, Secretary Huang. Just now the head of the headquarters has just issued an order to let us refit the remaining twelve aircraft in two days. If you have any difficulties, just say it, and I will solve it for you immediately. ."

When saying this ~www.ltnovel.com~ Wu Changcheng's face was full of guilt, and he has been following Huang Feng and others all the way through the past few days. Everyone's hard work and dedication are all in sight. Inside, if he can, he can't wait to put down with Huang Feng and the others in the next second, let them rest well.

The problem is that the current disaster situation cannot be delayed at all. Even the head of the headquarters has given a death order, which shows how serious the disaster situation is.

Therefore, Wu Changcheng put the hole very open, just to make up for Huang Feng and others in other ways.

As a result, Huang Feng was stunned after listening, and immediately patted his forehead: "Hey, I just thought about performing the task of Yun 5, and I forgot about such important things."

Wu Changcheng's face was full of surprise when he heard this, what is important, what is important? However, before he could ask any questions, I heard Huang Feng continue to say: "Our second echelon has already departed from Jinguancheng Airport this morning by three Yun-6, and is expected to arrive here this evening. In addition to people, there are many special The tools arrived together, the two days required by the head of the headquarters...should not be a problem."

As soon as Wu Great Wall's words came out, his eyes stared like bull's eyes, and he exclaimed, "You actually produced three Yun-6s again?"

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