Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 444: Seaplane

  The most shocking is the country. After all, in addition to those heroes who go retrograde in times of crisis, there are also no shortage of people who talk about it.

  蔫 advocates all kinds of things to go with the flow, anyway, the forest can grow out if it is burned out, the earth was born 4.6 billion years ago, has it experienced fewer collapses? It is absolutely right to let nature control everything.

   Radical is the same as professional sprayers. When you see those that are not pleasing to your eyes, you will spray them. They are also called critics. In short, apart from himself, there is no one who does not criticize.

But just when these people were extremely arrogant, Ren Yuechuan’s communication was like a loud slap in the face, and these types of faces were almost swollen. In five hours, a square cabin hospital no less than a county hospital can be built. The treatment of severely ill patients in the disaster area began that night. With this as the core, the two field hospitals in cooperation with the military can provide 420 beds and treat almost all diseases including gynecology and pediatrics.

  Who would dare not act quickly in China? The wounded don’t even have basic medical insurance?

As a result, the newsletter was sent out, and these raucous voices were immediately suppressed. Seeing that the effect was good, several authoritative media asked Ren Yuechuan for articles. At the same time, the articles of various commentators were also ready to be published, and they were ready to take this opportunity to have a unified understanding. Strengthen the confidence of the people across the country in disaster relief.

  As a result, the counterattack from the authoritative media was not ready yet. Those big Vs who had been silenced by Ren Yuechuan’s communications suddenly broke out collectively.

The spearhead was directed at the authenticity of Ren Yuechuan’s communications, and even more directly shouted that Ren Yuechuan had concocted fake news. A certain technical publicist even cited from the professional field that the domestic production conditions of square cabin hospitals are simply not available. The reason is that the United States The army has only recently been equipped, and it is a world-class medical equipment, involving quite cutting-edge engineering and manufacturing technologies.

  How can a country that can't even build a car in China have the world's cutting-edge equipment that only the United States can develop? Impossible, absolutely impossible, definitely impossible, don't ask me why, Duang, American dad is like that.

  Yes, what caused this big V, the well-known people bounce back like crazy dogs, is a commentary article in the United States against Ren Yuechuan Communications, "Fake News Cannot Cover the Erosion in the Disaster Area", with the subtitle "What I saw in Daxinganling."

The article has gorgeous rhetoric but acrimonious. Through a series of quotations of expert opinions and so-called exclusive data, Ren Yuechuan’s communications have been hacked from the inside out. Finally, it is concluded that Ren Yuechuan’s communications are completely fake news. It's a fairly qualified science fiction.

At the end of the article, it is not without irony: "Of course, Mr. Ren Yuechuan still has the opportunity to witness the appearance of the square cabin hospital he imagined in his country in his lifetime. After all, it is impossible for the Western world to watch a large country with a population of one billion forever. To maintain poverty and backwardness, as long as our values ​​are interlinked, the Western world will embrace him with love and peace, embrace him, praise him and help him. By then, Mr. Ren Yuechuan will naturally see what a real shelter hospital looks like. "

The implication is that I hope that China, like Japan and South Korea, wears a loli dress called Sanchou brand, coquettishly, rushes into the arms of this barbaric man in the West, let it be ravaged, dress up, and finally play Enough to drop two slices of brown bread, you have to kneel down and thank him for letting you live.

  The author of this article is no one else, but the Associated Press reporter, Conrad Clark, who was in the fire-hit area of ​​Daxinganling.

At this moment, he had just learned the repercussions of his article by satellite phone in the hotel. After the call, he rushed to the restaurant downstairs with excitement, and then announced loudly to the foreign reporters who were having lunch. Author: "Gentlemen, just now my article was praised by the editor-in-chief and the board of directors. I am going to give me an extra subsidy, so I announced that I will pay for this lunch."

   "Congratulations to Clark, you became famous this time!" Breno of the Quebec Daily in Canada was the first to echo in a loud voice. Some other media reporters slowed down, but also quickly congratulated.

No matter how you can get a free lunch, you have to thank you. What's more, Clark’s lessons learned also set an example for them. Since they can reap both fame and fortune by relying on Ren Yuechuan's communication, then take this hapless guy as a target. That kind of unscrupulous spray.

  Finding the path to success, and having a free meal, journalists from various countries are naturally in a good mood. Flattery to Kraken is just like flooding, which is called a torrent.

  Especially Breno, who was about to shake off his face, knelt on his knees, and hugged Clark’s thigh to call Dad.

The reason is very simple. In addition to wearing a pair of pants with Clark, Breno also has a manuscript. He was going to give it to his proprietor Quebec Daily. Now that Clark is famous, he is ready to vote for the Associated Press. With both fame and fortune, it is natural to hug Krakow's thigh firmly.

  Of course, those who have flattery do not catch colds. For example, reporters from the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries are very indifferent to Clark. Clark has long been surprised about this, but what is the matter with Marcelo and Merklein? The proper Western camp wants to split?

This made Clark with a clear stand very upset, so he deliberately sat across from Marcelo and Merklein with the dinner plate, looked at Marcelo, then looked at Merklein, and then showed white teeth, showing one With a bright smile, he asked the two people on the opposite side: "Listening to your article is suppressed, do you want me to help communicate and let your article be sent out?"

"Thank you for your kindness~www.ltnovel.com~Mr. Clark, we don't need it!" It was not the young and vigorous Merklein, but the mature and respectful Marcelo. After that, he put down his knife and fork and wiped his napkin. He lowered his mouth and smiled brilliantly at the opposite Clarke: "Of course, as a former aeronautical engineer, I still stick to my point of view. After all, once certain technologies are implemented, various applications are really simple. Just like Chinese Kung Fu, you can get a pass with a bit of noodles... I'm sorry... I'm full, please use it slowly!"

After getting up, Merklein followed him and walked out of the restaurant step by step in the horrified gaze of Kraken. Clark was stunned for a long time, until the two disappeared for a long time before reacting, screaming angrily: "Chinese Kungfu, I see that both of them have lost their brains and have lost the most basic thinking ability. Does the Fangcang shelter hospital have any other countries besides the United States? No, none of them, a country that can only put out fires by hand using brooms and branches. How could there be such a thing?

We must know that in the United States, facing such a serious natural disaster, the country does not need to mobilize, the huge private organization of the United States will nip the fire in the bud, because the United States has a large number of private jets, and a little modification is a good fire fighting aircraft. , But what about China? I don’t even have the most basic equipment like this~~hum~~~~"

Clark was on the spot with angrily, and there was a roar above the sky. He immediately overwhelmed Clark’s angry accusation. It was a certain Eastern European journalist from the Soviet side with quick eyesight and quick hands. He rushed outside, and after a while I heard the reporter's uncontrollable exclamation: "The plane is a seaplane. There are so many seaplanes!"

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