Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 429: Nothing but beep

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what's the situation?

Hasn't the New Delhi official always said that their rescue in the disaster area is very effective? How did the riots occur in Rugel Town, the hardest hit area?

How could a British Reuters reporter be thrown up naked by the victims? Why are the backs of Agence France-Presse reporter Marcelo and Deutsche News Agency reporter Merklein so declining?

With the photos of the three reporters, one question after another began to ferment in the world's major media.

In the face of this situation, the New Delhi media was hard-headed at the beginning, saying that these reports were a long-planned conspiracy by a major eastern country, in order to disrupt audiovisual and slander New Delhi’s remarkable achievements in disaster relief.

However, the New Delhi media hadn't waited for this argument to be heated up, and a long newsletter titled "The Truth about the Disaster in Northern New Delhi" by British Reuters was broadcast to the world.

One day later, the BBC news documentary at 9 o'clock in the evening was followed closely, and a film called "Lies and Chaos, the Real New Delhi Disaster Relief" was broadcast in the form of a 45-minute news disciplinary film.

Reuters and the BBC, the two mainstream Western media, attacked one after another to expose the so-called disaster relief in New Delhi, which is tantamount to slapped two slaps in the face of New Delhi.

Now the media in New Delhi are finally confused, and for the first time the self-righteous official panic.

Why is the situation in the disaster-stricken area in this country known to others in the UK? There are some things that they don’t even know about themselves. The reports from officials in the disaster area and the garrison are all positive. Why is the report in the UK a different story?

Quite simply, the British Empire has colonized this land for more than 100 years. It is so familiar. Otherwise, how could even foreign reporters like Mendingell be equipped with generators and transmitters? The fundamental reason is that the British are very aware of the environment, customs and even the basic social patterns of these places.

Because of this, the British media have long grasped the true situation of the disaster area, but for various reasons, they deliberately pretended to be blind.

However, this time is different. The Reuters reporter Mendinger was thrown into the air naked by the victims of Ruger Town. The photo of his clothes and other items being gathered in the hands of the victims to cheer is too powerful. The British Even if you want to pretend to be blind, you won't be able to do it, because this has caused a backlash from the domestic people.

Several British companies that want to profit from it and sell small transport aircraft, no matter how powerful they are, they are still not enough to look at the huge public opinion and conservative politicians.

As a result, the direction of the British wind immediately took a 180-degree turn and began to lash out at the New Delhi authorities. At the same time, the British government began to put pressure on the New Delhi authorities to ensure the safety of Reuters reporter Mendinger.

With the British as a role model, the French followed closely. The major French media not only reprinted British media reports, but also compared more deeply with China’s disaster relief measures, and finally concluded that compared with China’s silent efforts Instead of dedicating to the people regardless of cost, New Delhi is more carnival of politicians and touted by the media.

Translated into adult words, New Delhi is nothing but beeping.

The Germans reacted slowly. After all, the largest overseas user of the Dornier-228 small transport aircraft is New Delhi. The Germans also count on New Delhi to use this disaster relief to make the Dornier-228 small transport aircraft shine, so as to make a lot of money. One stroke.

Therefore, the caliber of the report is slightly biased towards New Delhi, but it is proposed to protect the freedom of the press of foreign journalists as much as possible.

As for the media in other countries, they watched the busyness and busyness one by one, and caught the hot spots in New Delhi where the disaster relief was not effective.

At the beginning, the media in New Delhi were able to parry, but as time went by, when the truth from the disaster area became more and more detrimental to New Delhi, they also had to die. It was nothing to do with me. I didn’t participate, so don’t ask me. The attitude of denying Sanlian.

Of course, the most uncomfortable thing is not the New Delhi media. They are at best headless dogs, barking for a while and shutting up when the situation is not right. The New Delhi government is not that easy to fool around.

It doesn't matter whether the victims of this country live or die. In such a big country, there were thousands of deaths that day. The three countries of Britain, France and Germany demanded the withdrawal of their own reporters from Ruger Town.

This makes New Delhi a very headache, even though they announced a long time ago that they are planning to build ten airstrips with a length of one kilometer in the disaster area. The funds have also been allocated, but they can be peeled off. The cost of a stone is not enough.

As for the disaster relief funds promised by New Delhi, the funds were allocated until they were allocated, and the amount was the same as what they announced without any discount. However, when they were issued, they were intercepted by the military because the troops stationed on the border had not been rotated for half a year. As an example, to ensure the stability of the army and maintain morale, it is necessary to increase the subsidy of military pay.

The New Delhi officials who heard this almost didn't lift the table on the spot. Several officials in charge of finance at Dayang were pounding with anger, almost not breaking their blood vessels.

However, when they saw the briefing handed over by the military intelligence department, the bloated blood vessels immediately retracted with the deflated ball.

The border garrison of a large eastern country has completed its rotation through this opening of the air transportation line on the Himalayas; in other words, the garrisons on the Chinese side of the border between the two countries are all new and cutting-edge troops.

Regardless of the status, morale and equipment are all at an excellent level.

On my own side, the garrison has already exceeded the rotation period. Natural disasters have cut off roads, making it impossible to keep up with the rear supplies, and the troops on the front line can’t withdraw. Weary, sickness, hunger, and poor stationing environment and victims. We rioted from time to time.

The spirit of the soldiers in the garrison has long been wiped out~www.ltnovel.com~ But at this time, they watched the continuous rotation of China's air transportation lines and strengthened the garrison on the border, and the sluggish morale was even worse.

It is necessary to know whether the army has strong logistical support that will really affect the combat effectiveness of an army. Therefore, the New Delhi military will continue to maintain the basic border on the border without a change. The only way is to increase the military salary, hoping to use money. Maintain the only trace of morale in the border garrison.

What can New Delhi officials do in this situation? There is no way to let the border garrison change into a mutiny, so a lot of relief money can only be invested in the army.

But in this way, let alone disaster relief, New Delhi thanked the Ganges God for his care without being hit, so they really couldn't do anything about the requirements of Britain, France and Germany.

But you can't just sit idly by. After all, the French have already claimed that they are ready to send troops and equipment to rescue the trapped journalists. If you really want the French to do this, where is New Delhi's face?

So I hurriedly contacted the military and added a special fund to mobilize the military to cooperate, so the Dornier-228 small transport aircraft that was touted to the sky by New Delhi was finally half-pushed and half-off by the military, and it was called out by many calls. .

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