Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 430: Not a crash, but a hard landing

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However, it is one thing to determine the use, and whether it can be used is another matter.

Although the DORNIER-228 small transport aircraft has excellent paper specifications, it has a payload of about two tons or a passenger capacity of 19 people. It has a take-off distance of 792 meters and a landing and roll distance of 451 meters. It is a typical short take-off and landing. aircraft.

It can be said to crush all small transport aircraft of the same level.

But the problem is that the beautiful data on the paper does not mean that the actual application is so good. The load of the DORNIER-228 is good, but its flying distance is only 1,100 kilometers, while the Dornier-228 station in Bangalore is located at a distance from the northern border. Geer Town is 1,800 kilometers long.

In other words, Dornier-228 took off from the air base in Bangalore, and had to land at least twice to refuel in the middle before flying to Rugel Town to pick up Marcelo and others.

Why is it twice? It's very simple. As the hardest-hit area in Lugel Town, the victims did not even have food to eat, and they expected them to have extra aviation fuel and complete ground maintenance?

Therefore, the aircraft must be adjusted to the best condition before entering Ruger Town, so that Dornier-228 can take off and return without supplies after entering Ruger Town.

On this line, the military does have several airports that can be used.

So New Delhi sent Dornier-228 to Ruger Town to evacuate three Western reporters. The plan was finally made. The plane went through the replenishment and maintenance of two alternate airports and finally arrived at Ruger. Over the town.

The pilot drove the Dornier-228 around the town of Rugel for several laps. Finally, he shook his wings and swaggered back home.

This caused double abuse by the local garrison and the victims in Rugel Town, and Marcelo and Merklein, who were hoping for the moon and wanted to go home, almost didn’t cry. Regardless of their Western V status, they pointed to Fei. Dornier, who is leaving—what is 228?

It's just that the pilot who flew the plane couldn't hear it at all, and it was destined that the two would scold them for nothing, but even if they heard the pilot, they would not land.

The reason is simple. Although the DORNIER-228 has short-range takeoff and landing capabilities, the landing gear is too short to the ground and the retractable landing gear is not deliberately strengthened. As a result, the DORNIER-228 does not have complex ground. The takeoff and landing capability.

In other words, in addition to the regular airport, the Dornier-228 can take off and land on a flat road at most.

This is not a problem in Europe. After all, there are not only many airports in Europe, but also a well-developed road network. Dornier-228 can do whatever it takes.

But in the South Asian subcontinent irrigated by the Ganges water, Dornier-228 can't be played anymore. The road is returned. As long as people can walk on the muddy ground, that is an excellent road.

This is like a noble lady with a good family, married to a rough guy with nothing, wanting a refined life? It's so beautiful, let the uncle go on it a few times and finish happily.

Dornier-228 encountered this situation. It wasn't that he didn't want to sleep with a rough man. The problem was that once the smelly general grid was pressed down, the delicate and small body would have to die.

So when the ambitious plan just started, it was over, because New Delhi can't expect the victims of Ruger Town, who can't fill their stomachs, to build a 1,000-meter-long asphalt road, right?

Even if the victims are willing to repair, what about construction machinery? What about engineering materials? We must know that the road leading to the disaster area has not been opened yet. If we can transport all the construction equipment and materials in, what else can we do by plane? Several reporters returned along the landing road channel.

There is no way, New Delhi officials can only use helicopters to complete this task. After all, the flexibility of helicopters in take-off and landing is higher than that of fixed aircraft, not to mention that New Delhi is still very confident in this regard.

If it weren't for a rivalry with a major eastern country on a small fixed-wing transport aircraft, New Delhi would have sent helicopters over.

Yes, New Delhi has once again full of confidence in helicopters. Even if a legal Lark III helicopter undertaking a disaster relief mission crashed recently, New Delhi still feels confident, because in addition to the Lark III helicopter, they also have a SA- Type 3158 "Rhea" helicopter.

You have to know that this model is purely domestically manufactured, so New Delhi believes that it is not only cheaper and more reliable than the French Lark III.

After confirming the new plan, New Delhi immediately launched operations. After three transitions, the two Rhea helicopters finally arrived at Rugel Town.

As a result, Marcelo and Merklein, who were waiting hard, were crying and crying. Only one of the two helicopters came, but even the one that arrived could not take them back.

Because when the "Rhea" helicopter landed, the engine suddenly turned off, and then the two men's incredible eyes shot the ground.

That’s all, and what made the two of them even more confounded was that the pilot who escaped by accident radioed him to inform him that he had successfully arrived in the disaster area. It was just a small mistake and it became a hard landing, requiring some spare parts from the rear. It's nothing to evacuate the confluent foreign journalists.

Hearing this, Marcelo and Merklein were crazy, is this NM still called success? Still NM called a hard landing? The helicopters are all scrapped by the NM, okay, you still have the face to say that repairs can fly back?

By the way, what about the other one?

Marcelo and Merklein were trapped in the disaster area, even if they wanted to find it, they couldn’t find it, but the New Delhi official was very helpful. It was determined within a day that another Rhea helicopter had crashed. The reason given by the New Delhi official It was a pilot error.

In other words, New Delhi does not admit that there are any problems with its own helicopters, only poor pilots, and no bad domestic aircraft.

As a result, when the New Delhi official evasive and talked about the achievements of the domestic aviation industry, the Dornier-228 that was in charge of the rescue a few days ago, after being modified, suddenly crashed on the way to Rugel Town, including a German engineer in All eight people inside were killed.

One day later ~www.ltnovel.com~ another modified Dornier-228 slipped out of the runway during takeoff. Two crew members were killed and four others were injured.

Coupled with the crash of a MiG-23 three days ago, a total of five planes were lost in just four days.

Almost more than one a day, the probability is higher than that of a typhoon blowing in the Indian Ocean. No matter how typhoon is, it will not happen one day.

At this time, New Delhi officials could not say that their own airplanes were okay. Instead, they changed their minds and began to criticize the original design of these airplanes for problems, which had nothing to do with domestic production.

As a result, as soon as the words came out, it was like a map cannon. The original design of the "Rhea" helicopter was given by France; the Dornier-228 was from Germany, and the MiG-23 was from the Soviet Union. Good guy, co-author of three countries. There are problems with the design of the aircraft, but you are the best in New Delhi.

Therefore, the media of the three countries and the media of New Delhi were all kinds of pen wars about the crash of the plane. The result was that New Delhi was sprayed all over.

In addition, the three countries are not much better, and the reputation of the three models plummeted.

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