Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 428: Public opinion war

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Zheng Quanli couldn't say anything after hearing these words, but he still warned in a deep voice: "Then you have to pay attention to safety. Okay, plane 02 is coming soon. It is important that we do business first."

After hearing this, Bo Limin no longer insisted. After all, this aviation disaster relief mission was extremely important. Otherwise, Zheng Quanli, a front-line commander, would not be at the forefront, and he, an authoritative media reporter, would be unlikely to follow.

Therefore, as soon as Zheng Quanli's words were spoken, Bai Limin immediately returned his focus to the theme of aviation disaster relief.

Soon the distribution of two tons of relief supplies for the 01 aircraft was completed, and then the critically ill patient in the disaster area was carried on the plane, the door was closed, and it was started under the guidance of the simple ground command system built by two paratroopers, and then it rolled and soared into the sky. .

However, just before the 01 aircraft loaded six seriously ill patients and four escorts back to the hinterland of the northern Tibetan area, another Yun-6 loaded with disaster relief materials landed again on the temporary airstrip.

The two parties who had been making trouble in Lugel Town saw this scene, and they were not calm at once.

We must know that the garrison of Ruger Town does not only use violence to quell the turmoil of the victims, but also means of reassurance are essential. Therefore, the commander of the Ruger Town garrison commanded his soldiers to suppress the suppression while proclaiming that there was only one plane on the Chinese side. That's it, there can never be a second one.

Because poor and backward China cannot have too many similar planes. After all, the towering Himalayas are not capable of flying anything. Even the developed New Delhi does not have many such planes. China, which is so much worse than India, can have many. ?

The original angry victims really made this sense. In addition, most of the high-ranking officials were wiped out by them on weekdays, and a dozen of them died on their side. It’s almost time to vent. , So the mood gradually calmed down.

Just at this moment, the 01th Yun-6 whizzed into the air, and the local garrison officer immediately pointed to the far away Yun-6 and shouted confidently: "Is it all? It's just such a plane. There is not one transported yet. There are too many trucks, what problem can they solve? The victims are still not full enough to eat, but where is China to show, everyone should go home first, and the promise made by New Delhi will be fulfilled..."

As a result, the officer's endless words were not finished. The Chinese Air Force's 02 Yun-6 landed again with the roar of the engine, opened the rear door near the rear of the aircraft, and was full of disaster relief supplies.

No matter how good the psychological quality is, the victims of Lugel Town will come to this scene, and an unknown fire will involuntarily spread out. They have been hungry for a long time, and it will be fine if both sides are hungry.

The problem is that there are two consecutive planes full of supplies on the Chinese side, and there is actually no Mao on the Rugel Town side.

You know that New Delhi is calling every day to send disaster relief planes here. How much money has been allocated, the disaster relief supplies prepared, and how much manpower and material resources have been used. Newspapers, magazines, radio, and television can be described as overwhelming, but even a grain of food I didn't see it.

But people in China didn't say anything. Two planes full of relief supplies crossed the Himalayas and landed in the disaster area to implement disaster relief.

This comparison is difficult for the victims of Lugel Town to be crazy.

So they picked up the stones and smashed down the officers standing on the heights. The officers who just called out were also very depressed. Why can't the second plane arrive so fast, can't you wait for the victims of Lugel Town to come home?

But depressed and depressed. I couldn’t let the victims get so messed up, so I stood up with the pain, and was about to let the soldiers continue to suppress it. At this time, he saw Marcelo and Merklein. Shrinking his head and head, preparing to go around the side of the confronting crowd.

The officer rolled a pair of bull's eyes and pointed at Marcelo and Merklein: "The two foreigners have money and food. Grab them and let them take out all the food and money."

The victims are not stupid, and it is naturally not worthwhile to smash with the gun. Now two soft persimmons suddenly popped out. It may be too much to let them go. They immediately turned their spears and surrounded Marcelo and Merklein. Water can't leak.

Marcelo and Merklein were scared to pee right away. Mendingale’s souls were still wandering in the town of Rugel. They didn’t want to run to be company, so they quickly took out all the valuable things on their bodies. Finally, even the keys to the safe of the residence were handed out.

The victims were satisfied and dispersed, and happily went to their residence and ransacked.

The two of them thought they had escaped, and they were just about to leave, but they were stopped by the local garrison with live ammunition. The officer who had caused the trouble just now stroked his beautiful beard and looked at Marcelo and Merklein. With an evil smile, he tilted his neck: "Take it away!"


The news of the sudden disappearance of Marcelo, Merklein and Mendinger in Ruger Town quickly made the headlines of the world’s major media.

The media in New Delhi didn't want to splash dirty water on the head of a big country in the east, saying that three reporters were detained by a big country in the east because they suffered revenge in order to report on the disaster of a big country in the east.

For their own purposes, the media of the three countries of Britain, France and Germany began to play side drums beside them without even thinking about it, with the intention of putting pressure on a major eastern country to purchase their small fixed-wing transport aircraft.

However, just as they stirred up public opinion, a certain authoritative Chinese media suddenly titled a report on "Chinese Army Successfully Opened Air Transport Lines in Southern Tibet, and Disaster Relief Supplies Smoothly Delivered to the Disaster Area."

In the most orthodox news language, it simply reported that the Chinese Air Force used a certain type of fixed-wing transport aircraft to cross the Himalayas with an average altitude of 7,000 meters from the hinterland of Tibet, and then successfully landed on the airstrip in the disaster area.

So far, for three consecutive days, five aircraft have carried out a total of 60 flights, transporting a total of 65 tons of disaster relief materials such as food, medicine, and edible salt, and transporting 247 seriously ill and injured victims in the disaster area.

The short text is accompanied by three pictures, namely the Yun-6 landing chart, the relief material distribution chart, and the boarding chart of the seriously injured victims.

As soon as this news came out ~www.ltnovel.com~, it was a slap in the face, slapped New Delhi and the media of Britain, France and Germany.

It’s not that a certain big country in the East is not doing its best in disaster relief. Just open your eyes and see. People have done so many things in just three days. Not only are the disaster-stricken areas stable, but seeds are being distributed and livestock are ready to resume production.

In the face of this result, the British, French, and German media were still scheming and did not express their views. Instead, the media in New Delhi seemed to be stimulated by mental illness. It was a lie to slander a certain major country in the East. It is clear that the people in the disaster-stricken area are no longer living. Preface, lie and not draft.

As for a few pictures, it doesn't even explain the problem. Who doesn't pose for photos, who doesn't know how to retouch them? In short, there are all kinds of random sprays.

As a result, a certain authoritative Chinese media did not talk to the New Delhi media, and did not fight any pen wars. Instead, a week later, it published another report titled "Rugal Town Riot, Suspected Foreign Journalist Trapped". And with Mendingle being thrown around naked by the victims of Ruger Town, the sad backs of Marcelo and Merklein walking towards Ruger Town, and three photos of the victims of Ruger Town rioting with fire. .

As soon as this news was sent out, public opinion in the whole world was immediately bewildered!

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