Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 413: Speak with facts

   The brilliance, flat, and slightly cool metal touch, like a girl dusting off, makes Wu Great Wall feel a little unreal.

   No rivets!

   If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes or touched it with his own hands, Wu Changcheng couldn't believe that all of this was true. One must know that he can serve as the deputy director of the Food Aircraft Test Center, and his knowledge in aviation is no worse than the few old professors in front of him.

   But because of this, the impact of the improved Yun-5 in front of him was like an atomic bomb explosion.

You must know that as long as it is an airplane, it is basically inseparable from the process of riveting. Because of this, the ordinary airplane looks like a woman’s face, looking like a flower from a distance, and I think it’s okay. Acne, freckles, etc. are clearly seen, which is somewhat disappointing.

   The same is true for airplanes. I walked in and saw that rows of rivets were densely scattered all over the airplane. They are the most used parts in the field of airplane manufacturing.

   However, in front of the improved Yun 5, the whole body is integrated without the slightest trace of riveting. This surprised Wu Changcheng how exactly it did it.

Seeing Wu Changcheng’s suspicious eyes, Ding Laixiang’s expression became even more weird. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a person turning out on the other side of the fuselage. Ding Laixiang quickly waved: "Xiaolin, come over and tell Director Wu about yours. aircraft."

Lin Guanghua came with the plane, and did not come with the expert group composed of Ding Laixiang and others. After all, as the general person in charge of the improved Yun 5 project, Lin Guanghua cares more about the condition of the plane, so although the road is slower and more tiring I still follow the car in person.

   When he arrived at the aircraft test center, he did not go to Ding Laixiang. Instead, he checked the basic condition of the aircraft with a few technicians from the Ascendas Manufacturing Headquarters. It was not too late to go to Ding Laixiang after finishing the work here.

However, he didn't expect that Ding Laixiang and the others would come over just halfway through his side. So seeing Ding Laixiang beckoning, Lin Guanghua confessed a few words to his assistant and walked over quickly and introduced Wu Changcheng and several old professors to each other. After exchanging a few words with each other, then they reflected to Wu Changcheng: "The people in the center just now may not understand the performance of our aircraft. They found that there is no ring-shaped load-bearing beam structure inside our fuselage, for fear that the crane would damage the aircraft and dare not operate it, so... …"

   Before Lin Guanghua finished speaking, Wu Changcheng, who was surprised, his eyes were as big as copper bells, and his voice changed to interrupt Lin Guanghua's words: "What are you talking about? The main structure of your aircraft does not have circular load-bearing beams?"

After speaking, Wu Changcheng turned his head and looked at Ding Laixiang and the others, and found that the faces of these old professors were dull and gloomy, and they couldn't tell why, so they didn't speak to each other. Instead, they boarded along the open cockpit door. board the plane.

Since it is a verification machine used for static testing, this improved Yun 5 has no decorations, it is an empty shelf like a white board, so that it can better test the durability of the fuselage, the degree of fatigue of various parts, and whether the materials are appropriate. As well as the basic conditions such as the force status of the aircraft under large overload, the performance of the aircraft will be more stable and safer after improvement on this basis.

  Of course, in addition to the verification machine for static testing, there are also the verification machine for hydraulic test and avionics test and the whole system verification machine for flight test.

  Three verification agencies have become the most basic structure for test verification.

   The other two test demonstration aircrafts were assembled at Xiping Aircraft Manufacturing Plant under the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, but they were not delivered.

The reason is very simple. The technical expert group composed of Ding Laixiang and others feel that the improved transport 5 of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation has serious safety problems. It is recommended that Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation control the new technology to less than 30% of the total. Thereby avoiding uncertain risks caused by performance out of control.

To translate into adult words, Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation has taken too far, beyond the thinking and cognition of these old experts, so you should come back obediently and take your time according to the old luck 5, don’t make a slog as soon as you come up. What's wrong, the older ones are not very good.

Yes, Ding Laixiang and others accepted the invitation of the Aviation Manufacturing Corporation and reported to the ministries and commissions to form an expert group to see the latest and improved Yun-5 prototype at Xiping Factory. The shocking appearance is more than that of Wu Changcheng. and.

   Not to mention anything else, just the ring-shaped load-bearing beam of the main structure was canceled completely, and the hearts of the older ones almost came to a stop.

  What is a circular load-bearing beam?

   If you compare an airplane to a house, it is the beam and load-bearing wall; if you compare the airplane to the human body, it is the skeleton of the airplane.

   No matter what the house is built, whether it is ugly or beautiful, has anyone ever heard of a house without beams and no load-bearing walls; the human body has no bones?

   That house must not be crossed, and people must not be paralyzed.

   It turned out to be such an unbelievable thing. It happened in front of my eyes. The attitude of several old experts can be imagined. After such a plane is in the sky, a gust of wind cannot blow away.

   So it was very serious to suggest to Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation to reduce the application of new technologies and follow the old model architecture.

   However, where this opinion is sent to Zhuang Jianye, his Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation is not doing anything yet, but Lin Guanghua, the project chief, has stopped.

That was his painstaking effort. How could it be said to overthrow the old and overthrow, so he found his own mentor, various theories, and various technologies for three or four days. In the end, the wealthy Zhuang Jianye took out 300,000 No. 1 verification machines. It took too much time to get to the Food Flight Test Center, which brought the new and old generations of aviation technology controversy to an end.

   Speak with facts!

   This is the unanimous voice of Lin Guanghua and several old professors, both new and old technical people. Because of this, the faces of several old professors in Wu Changcheng asked several times to be weird, there is no way, and the old ones are very nervous.

   So Lin Guanghua has to follow the car in person and check it carefully, because he is more nervous.

The only thing that is not nervous in the whole scene is Wu Changcheng~www.ltnovel.com~ Because he has been shocked all over his body, I saw that the length from the cockpit to the rear of the final cargo warehouse was more than seven meters, and it was totally unbelievable. One body, not to mention the circular load-bearing beam, but the common rivets are very few.

   That is, Wu Changcheng took a close look, otherwise the deeply hidden rivet structures would be really easy to be overlooked.

Looking at it so carefully, Wu Changcheng finally understood why the officer didn’t dare to hoist, even if he changed his mind, he had to beat a drum. There was no way. There had been accidents in the test center where the plane was lifted by a crane before. Afterwards, it was found out that the reason was a serious lack of strength.

   Nowadays, Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation’s improved transport 5 has no ring-shaped load-bearing beams and no riveting technology. It is not only lack of structural strength, but it is simply fat with no bones. It really has to be hung up and broke in the middle. Who bears this responsibility?

Realizing this, Wu Changcheng was going to push the test back, but he couldn't speak directly. After all, he wanted to pretend to make an excuse after paying the money, so he patted the bulkhead and looked up. The metal structure of the integrated internal bulkhead asked Lin Guanghua next to him: "What material do you use for such a whole complex part?"

   "Al-lithium alloy is used inside and outside."

   "Inside and out? Aluminum-lithium alloy?" Upon hearing this, Wu Tiancheng narrowed his eyes unnaturally: "What about the middle?"

   "Aramid paper!"

  Wu Changcheng, who originally wanted to drag the material to test, listened to this, and involuntarily took a breath of air-conditioning: "Al-lithium alloy, aramid paper...composite honeycomb structure material on the French Mirage 2000 fighter?"



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