Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 412: Plane without rivets

   "Haha, Professor Ding, Professor Sun, Researcher Qian, it's been a long time since I saw you, fast, fast, fast, the stove in the lounge is already on fire, hurry in and get warm."

Outside the aircraft static test platform of the Flight Test Center in the outskirts of Grain City, Wu Changcheng, the deputy director of the Flight Test Center in military uniform, watched the gray-haired and bookish old men who got out of the van and quickly greeted them. Go up.

Ding Laixiang, headed by   , hurriedly smiled and shook hands with Wu Changcheng: "This time I'm causing you trouble."

"Hey, what kind of trouble is this." Wu Changcheng heard this and waved his hand quickly: "If this is trouble, I would rather have more troubles like this in a year, so that we don't have to guard a test base. I've been doing cold benches all day long."

   What Wu Changcheng said is true. Since the end of the 1970s, the flight test center in the outer suburbs of Grain City has been experiencing worsening days.

There is no way. The domestic aircraft models are cut and cut. The development status of the few remaining aircraft is not optimistic. The funding is also very touching. The situation in the upstream is like this. It is also used as a terminal static test and flight test. It is conceivable that after so many years, except for the fighter-bombers from the Northwest Aviation Manufacturing Plant that came to do a static test, there was really no plane skin.

   Under such conditions, the flight test center, which had been sad in the past, is even more uncomfortable. Coupled with the continuous reduction in military expenditures, this test flight research institution under the Air Force has become even more difficult.

If you change to another unit, you might think of a way to do some side jobs to improve your life. The problem is that when the flight experiment center was built that year, nothing was considered except for military scientific research purposes, so that the entire experiment center It is difficult to learn how to grow vegetables and raise pigs from other troops.

  Because the surrounding area is saline-alkali soil, it is impossible to grow anything at all. There is no such thing as raising pigs without crops.

   In addition, aircraft testing is a high-end thing that ordinary people do not know, and there is no possibility of outsourcing, so the high-end aircraft testing center can only rely on the poor upper-level funding to survive.

In summer, it’s okay. Even if it’s hot, you can carry it with a fan; but in winter, the north wind in Guanzhong area is so cold that it makes people feel sad when life is suspicious. The lack of funds leads to a shortage of fuel. Maintaining the minimum temperature for maintenance of key equipment, as far as personnel can be saved, this has led to the test center's military coats becoming a specialty.

   There is no way. In the case of fuel shortage, he can only rely on layers of military coats to cover his righteousness to resist the severe winter.

   This is how the aircraft test center has survived for so many years. I originally thought that 1987 was nothing special, so Wu Changcheng prepared the winter coat before the winter.

   At this time, Ding Laixiang from Xihang University came to find him and asked if he could help with an airplane test experiment to demonstrate whether several scientific research items meet the theoretical requirements.

For scientific research experiments, Wu Changcheng's head shook like a rattle when he heard it. It wasn't that he couldn't do it. He really didn't want to do it. There was no other way. It's just because these types of scientific research experiments are basically a waste of duty, no matter how good or bad. Not only does the test center get no benefits, but because of the loss of various equipment, the test center has to bear a large amount of maintenance costs.

   If it is not bad money, Wu Changcheng will also agree. After all, he and Ding Laixiang are old friends for so many years. The problem is that now they even have to plan the briquettes carefully and save them. There really is no extra energy spent on useless work.

However, before Wu Changcheng could say his refusal, Ding Laixiang's next words made Wu Changcheng petrochemical in an instant: "I won't let you work in vain. The Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, which is jointly researching with us, specially provided 300,000 experimental funds. , As long as you provide the venue here, we will be responsible for the loss of experimental equipment."

   Any provision for the venue and the loss of experimental equipment are all excuses. After all, it is something of the army. Naturally, I have to say it euphemistically, but this is not the point. The point is that the 300,000 figure almost didn't make Wu Changcheng pass out.

   With so much money, Wu Changcheng couldn't believe his ears. How much did the fighter-bomber of the Northwest Plant give me a few years ago?

   It seems that the superiors only allocated less than one hundred thousand special funds.

   But now Ding Laixiang has given 300,000 yuan for a scientific research project test. Oh my god, the sideline of the flight experiment center is too violent, don't you? It is a fool not to answer.

So Wu Changcheng patted his chest and promised to accept the matter, and even the follow-up approvals and approvals were all taken together. Then he ran back and forth between the military command and the air force command several times, and he insisted on the approval of Ding Laixiang’s scientific research experiment. Get it done.

   Then the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation paid the prepaid 100,000 to the grain flight test center's account.

Money will naturally improve living conditions. The most intuitive thing is the heating problem of the entire center. With trucks and trucks of high-quality anthracite transported over, the boilers and furnaces of the flight experiment center can finally be opened up this winter. .

   The army coat prepared by Wu Great Wall before the winter is useless, but the dark man in Guanzhong smiles very happily, and finally he can live a warm winter.

Because of this, he was really grateful to Professor Ding. He led them into the reception room and poured water on several old professors himself. Then he smiled and said, "Thanks to this scientific research project this year, our center can do this. Lively, oh, yes, I heard that this project is led by Professor Ding’s students? It’s really a famous teacher who can take on scientific research projects alone at a young age, but it’s much stronger than me."

"It's just making some changes on the basis of the current model. The main reason is theoretical argumentation. Young people are impatient, and we have to help the old comrades to check." Ding Laixiang shook his head modestly, and then talked. Turning around and asked: "Right, have you studied the relevant information here?"

   Wu Changcheng nodded: "We studied ~www.ltnovel.com~ and then frowned: "However, according to the Yun-5 parameters, the improved Yun-Five test requirements are not half a star. "

   Talking about Wu Changcheng, he looked at the old professors in front of him, thought for a while, and finally asked, "Really there will be no problems?"

As soon as these words came out, including Ding Laixiang, the expressions of the three old professors became very unnatural. Wu Changcheng almost didn't give himself a mouth when he saw this. He was used to serving as a soldier, and he was too straightforward. Is it high or not? Just in case, I did this deliberately for a few papers.

   Then he smiled and was about to turn the topic off, but before he could speak to ease the atmosphere, an officer ran in: "Report, the plane has arrived."

   "Then arrange for someone to hoist." Wu Changcheng ordered, and instead of leaving, the officer looked at Wu Changcheng with a weird expression: "Director, you...you...you should go and see for yourself."

   "You... are really..." Wu Changcheng felt very shameless. He had to go for a hoisting matter, that is, in front of outsiders, otherwise he would definitely spit the fragrance.

   Many of the old professors were reasonable people, so Wu Changcheng didn't care about it. He glared at the officer and walked toward the static test bench.

After entering the huge test bench, it was nothing, until Wu Changcheng approached the new aircraft that was obviously different from the Yun-5 transport aircraft, his expression suddenly changed, and then a pair of eyeballs stared at the paint surface enough to illuminate the figure. , Touched a hand and looked at Professor Ding in surprise: "No rivets?"



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