Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 414: The chief asked us to change the plane

Wu Changcheng didn't deliberately lower his voice, it passed through the hollow porthole of the plane, and Professor Ding outside heard it really.

   quickly glanced at each other, and both saw a touch of surprise on each other's faces.

They may not be aware of aluminum-lithium alloys or aramid paper, but the French Mirage 2000 fighter jets are like reigns. As one of the few third-generation fighter jets in the United States and the Soviet Union, the Mirage 2000 fighter jets have aroused the attention of the aviation industry of various countries. Pay attention.

   Including China.

   so that within a certain period of time, the domestic almost brought this fighter back as a new generation of main fighter, but it was a pity that the French asked for too high a price.

Wu Changcheng was one of the members of the domestic technical expert group who went to France to inspect the Mirage 2000 fighter. Because of this, when it comes to understanding of French fighters, Wu Changcheng is an authority, so it is not surprising that Ding Laixiang and others were surprised. .

"Old Wu, are you sure that the material of the improved Yun-5 is the same as that of the French Phantom 2000 fighter?" Researcher Qian, standing behind Ding Laixiang, was impatient. After a brief surprise, he immediately asked Wu Great Wall in the cabin loudly. .

Wu Changcheng poked his head out of a porthole: “Listening to Kobayashi’s description, it is somewhat similar to what I saw in France last year. Of course, I don’t know much about it. After all, this technology is also at the forefront of the field in France. Just used some on the ailerons of the Mirage 2000, and plans to achieve large-scale applications before the mid-1990s.

As soon as this remark came out, the researcher Qian who asked the question frowned deeply. Even France, whose aviation technology far surpassed China, did not put this technology into large-scale use, but only used it on a small scale on a small bearing structure such as ailerons. .

   Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, which has never had experience in the production of manned aircraft, has enlarged it to the entire airframe and cancelled the annular load-bearing structure. The more I think about it, the more I feel that Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation takes this for granted.

So he wanted to open his mouth to say a few words of criticism, but didn't want him to speak yet. Lin Guanghua poked his head out of another porthole and said, "The French are still too conservative. American F-15 and F- 18 Similar materials have been applied to almost all control rudder surfaces.

   And our Ascendas Aviation Corporation has conducted research and found that under high overload, the honeycomb structure may not be suitable, but in small general-purpose airplanes that pay attention to flight stability, the honeycomb structure is sufficient. "

As he patted the outer skin with his hand, he made a bang and continued: "The aluminum-lithium alloy plates on the inner and outer sides are all refined by chemical milling and the thickness is controlled within the range of 0.025mm, and All are formed at one time; then they are divided into two large-scale finished parts, the upper and lower parts, and the two fixed assembly modules are made by adhesive bonding and thermal curing furnace, and then merged together to become the core main compartment of the improved Yun-5."

After a pause, Lin Guanghua walked out of the cabin quickly, and his voice became louder and louder: "I dare not say that these series of technologies are groundbreaking, but they are definitely very forward-looking in China, let alone anything else. Just to do a comprehensive test for the honeycomb structure, I think it is also a breakthrough in the domestic aviation field. We must know that similar materials have been used in Europe and America, why can't we?

Even if the final test of our improved Yun 5 proved to be a failed attempt, at least we have worked hard and worked hard. After all, aviation technology is a very practical subject. Although our take-off aviation manufacturing company is not large, it can be used for the development of aviation technology. The necessary material sacrifices are still dare to bear. "

   Lin Guanghua speaks extremely fast, from the manufacturing technology applied by Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, to the explanation of the entire honeycomb structure, and finally expressing sincerely the heartfelt words of daring to sacrifice for scientific research.

   It was called a righteous and awe-inspiring, with that slightly flashing gaze, it was like a warrior about to enter the battlefield, impassioned and messed up.

   It seems that Lin Guanghua and Tengfei Aviation Manufacturing Corporation are going to suffer so much, knowing that they can’t do it, they are almost immediately dedicated to scientific research.

However, in fact, Lin Guanghua was annoyed by Wu Changcheng and a group of old professors. You said to explain to them the advanced materials, they were skeptical; explain the current advanced manufacturing technology of the head office, the voice of doubt is even greater, since In this way, Lin Guanghua didn't want to waste saliva at all, so he simply hoisted the plane to the static test bench and just spoke with the facts.

How did Ding Laixiang, Wu Changcheng and others know that Lin Guanghua learned from Zhuang Jianye’s ghostly eyes, looked at each other, and then lowered their heads to discuss it. They felt that Lin Guanghua’s words were quite reasonable, regardless of the model, the new materials The practice of craftsmanship has always been the core element of the continuous development of aviation technology.

   So I'm not talking nonsense, and directly let the lifting equipment transfer the improved Yun 5 to the static test bench, and then the officers and soldiers of the test bench start to add lead weights on the aircraft fuselage according to the technical samples obtained in advance.


At the Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, Zhuang Jianye accompanied two old men, one tall and one short, from the headquarters office building in Huancheng. He walked quickly until the two old men stopped, and one of them was a short, fat old man in military uniform turning around. Looking to Zhuang Jianye: "I just saw that your new product is really good. It is of great help to the army's logistics. I will report to my superiors when I return."

   said while looking at the tall thin old man next to him and asked with a smile: "How about? Professor Hong, do you want to be together?"

The tall and thin old man is the leader of the health department. Professor Hong Xiaosong Hong, who once wrote the inscription "Keep improving" to the medical department of the Ascendas plant, listened to the words of the head of the short and fat army, Hong Xiaosong smiled and shook his head: "Good things are good~www. ltnovel.com~ But we don’t have much demand for this kind of stuff. If we have the money to purchase this stuff, it’s better to improve the county-level medical institutions.”

After listening to Hong Xiaosong's words, the squat army leader couldn't help but smile, and nodded in agreement: "It's true. Seriously, if it weren't for the army's medical support equipment for so many years, I wouldn't want to be so big. Money."

   The voice fell and he looked up at Zhuang Jianye: "Xiao Zhuang, do you want to tell me the truth, do the things you show us really apply the latest aerospace technology?"

"It's true." Zhuang Jianye quickly patted his chest and promised: "You two have also seen just now. All the plates and materials are imported aviation materials from Germany and France. Not only are they warm, dry, and soundproof, they are also supercharged. Part of the function of the cabin can only be achieved by aerospace technology."

   The squat leader nodded after listening, and then chatted with Zhuang Jianye a few more times, and then got into the car with Hong Xiaosong and left.

Zhuang Jianye, who was about to close a big business, was in a good mood. Until the car disappeared for a long time, he put down his hand and looked at his watch. It was almost six in the afternoon. He stretched his waist and was ready to go home from get off work. Before he turned upstairs to pack his things, the assistant Xiao Zheng hurried down and said, "Mr. Zhuang, Call Lin."

Just a word, Zhuang Jianye went home from get off work and immediately left behind him, turned up and rushed upstairs, pushed the door to his office and picked up the phone on the desk, but before he could speak, he listened to Lin Guanghua over there. Be the first to shout: "Lao Zhuang, the head of the army, let us change the plane..."

  :. :

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