Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 411: uninvited guest

   "How about, Mr. Zhuang? If you think the cost is high, then I will go back and make a change." Seeing Zhuang Jianye hadn't spoken for a long time, Song Yanan was a little bit uncomfortable.

   It’s just that no matter what it is, it is always unpleasant to say it from her mouth.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye knew that Song Yanan was a person who only cared about scientific research. If he hadn't been sitting on a cold bench when he was at West Air in his early years, he didn't care. Instead, he picked up the sample of the honeycomb structure component from his desk again. After squeezing it with his hands, he said, "It seems that we are not very strong in metal materials."

"My manager Zhuang, we are not only weak in metal materials, there is no similar research, OK, don’t look at our factory’s chemical milling to be able to do one or two metal materials processing, but they are all from Yonghong The basic information obtained from the factory does not really belong to us at all."

Speaking of Song Yanan, he pointed to the honeycomb structure component in Zhuang Jianye's hands and continued: "Don't look at the two wall panels using aluminum-lithium alloy, but the related technology is given to us by the aerospace department, so that we come to do technical exchanges. The engineers of the aerospace department are incredible. They think that our company that can make carbon fiber composite materials is purely incomparable. It can't even understand the basic aluminum-based alloys. It really made people laugh for a while, and then gave us eight words. Comments."

   "The eight characters?" Zhuang Jianye asked curiously.

   "The strong are always strong, and the weak are weak."

   After listening, Zhuang Jianye was taken aback, and then he laughed. The evaluation of the aerospace department engineer did indeed point to the point. Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation is really the strong and the weak.

  It is really powerful in small gas turbine power plants, carbon fiber composite materials, long-range long-endurance drones, and special aerospace production equipment.

   But in the details of the classification of manned aircraft, such as the flight hydraulic system, pressurized cabin device, and air circulation system, the weakness of Ascendas Headquarters' weak foundation has emerged.

The same is true for materials research. Starting from the 23rd branch factory at the very beginning, after so many years, Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation has almost piled up all the resources on the materials on carbon fiber composite materials. Other material categories are said to involve , I didn't even touch it at all.

   This has caused a serious deviation in aviation materials of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation.

   Except for carbon fiber composite materials, there are almost no good things that can be obtained. This is why Song Yanan said that the strong are always strong and the weak are weak.

   is clearly telling him that the aluminum honeycomb takeoff aviation technology research and development center can do it, but it is very difficult. It is impossible to see results in one or two months. Waiting one or two years is almost the same.

   can let Song Yanan warn so tactfully that there is really no second one except Zhuang Jianye, even if it is her husband in the family, that's when he goes straight and never makes a corner.

  The reason for this is that there is no other but the word grateful.

  Whether it was obtained from the cold bench of the Western Air University, or the super-standard second child to help her bear the responsibility, it is no exaggeration to say that without Zhuang Jianye, there would be no Song Yanan as she is today.

  Because of this, Song Yanan is really a family at the Ascendas Aviation Technology R&D Center. Not only does he work with peace of mind, but also work hard.

   As for Zhuang Jianye, he respects Zhuang Jianye even more, even if he speaks hard most of the time, and even has an invisible fill-up effect, Song Yanan can still lower his body and give some side-strike reminders when it comes to big things.

  Zhuang Jianye is such a smart person, how can I not hear the meaning of Song Yanan's crappy words.

   What's more, his aerospace skills are not bad. Naturally, although the aluminum honeycomb sandwich layer is made of aluminum, it is a complex part that can be made into a very thin aluminum plate through complicated heat treatment, sheet metal processing and prefabrication.

Although the cost is much lower than the honeycomb structure of aramid paper based on composite materials, the problem is the conductivity of the metal, the problem of galvanic corrosion, the large local instability, and the filtering of toxic mist is almost zero. Aluminum honeycombs are not even worse than aramid paper honeycombs.

More importantly, Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation does not have the technology to process and produce aluminum honeycombs. There are such manufacturers in China. The problem is that all kinds of coordination, negotiation, and cooperation cannot be done in a moment, even if everything goes smoothly to get the finished product. The Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation will also explore the processing technology of such honeycomb components.

   Not to mention anything else, the metal bonding between the honeycomb sandwich and the two side wall panels is a big problem, and it takes a lot of time.

   So without Song Yanan reminding, Zhuang Jianye has a choice.

What's more, compared to aluminum honeycombs, aramid paper honeycombs are the mainstream direction of honeycomb components. Since this type of technology is at the forefront of the world, the application is not very extensive. After more than ten years, a series of types High-quality carbon fiber composite materials are mature, especially the emergence of stealth composite materials.

   Stealth composite material based on aramid paper honeycomb will become an important component on the stealth fighter.

  For the F-35, the upper flaps, ailerons, flat tail leading edge, vertical tail leading edge, and rudder all use this type of composite honeycomb structure.

   Therefore, the basic structure of aramid paper honeycomb cannot be given up, whether it is for reality or for the future. As for the cost of improved transport 5, Zhuang Jianye feels that the cost is important, but the cultivation of key technologies cannot be ignored.

   Since it cannot be reconciled in the development, try to expand the market. As long as the output of the improved Yun 5 goes up ~www.ltnovel.com~, the high cost will be diluted.

   So Zhuang Jianye put down the honeycomb component in his hand, then tapped with his finger, and then nodded: "We don't have enough time, so let's do what you want."

   Hearing Zhuang Jianye's words, Song Yanan breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately asked worriedly: "Where is the forest worker..."

   "Lin Gong, let me tell you, you can prepare to organize production with peace of mind. Oh, right, the processing technology of the components is mature, right?"

"Don't worry, since the first generation, the research center has not interrupted the research in this area. As long as the head office gives an order, our research center will be able to manufacture the required components immediately." Song Yanan said powerfully and confidently. It's like the Queen's rule over the world.

   Zhuang Jianye smiled and nodded: "That's good."

After   , the two chatted for a while on subsequent production issues. Song Yanan left, and Zhuang Jianye sent it to the door, turned back and called Lin Guanghua.

Lin Guanghua on the other end of the phone heard what Zhuang Jianye had said. Naturally, he felt that it was not a good deal. However, after listening to Zhuang Jianye’s reasons, he also had to admit the reality of Ascendas Aviation Manufacturing Corporation that the strong are always strong and the weak are weak. It was another call from Zhuang Jianye himself. Although Lin Guanghua felt that the cost could be lowered, he nodded and accepted it.


A few months later, with the ringing of the New Year’s bell, the gear of time officially shifted to 1987. On the days of family reunion, the grain city flight test center in the hinterland of Guanzhong, where the north wind was whistling, attracted an unexpected visitor. ——The newly developed and improved Yun-5 transport aircraft manufactured by Ascendas Plant.



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