Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 403: Production speed: 1 frame in 4 hours

Several German officials tried to stop them, but they were blocked by the high-priced security personnel hired by the actors. They tried to rush over several times without success. The last tall, middle-aged official complained angrily at the heads of European aviation companies. Said: "My poor God, do you know how much we worked hard to get Mr. Evans to agree to your request, and the saliva was almost dry, and finally made Mr. Evans change his mind, but he was originally from England? Mr. Charles..."

   Before I finished speaking, the German official was full of grief and indignation and could not go on. In fact, the official was really angry. He felt that Germany was a bully and the actor had a weak company foundation. It was these European aviation companies that came to step on.

   Now that the unknown side of the actor company is discovered, it may become the US aviation industry to crush the world and completely defeat the advance assistance of the European aviation industry. It is them who are anxious to ask for forgiveness.

   Such a situation originally made the German government very disgusted, but because the European family reluctantly agreed to the requirements of these European aviation companies, the result was naturally a good meal and ridicule by Evans.

That being the case, these German officials also endured it. It was a bit inauthent to let them ignore the actor's company before, so he bit his teeth and installed the grandson to the end, finally telling Evans to change. After all, I am going to take them to see the black technology of the actor company.

   As a result, he ran into Charles of the British Aerospace Corporation as soon as he went out.

   During these days, the actor company was tossed by the British Aerospace Corporation, especially the BBC, which acted as its tongue, almost killed the actor company.

   Just today, the BBC’s are still going down there.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that the two are dead enemies. Evans sees Charles at this time, how can the fire in his heart not rush out?

Under such circumstances, the German government officials who were originally not humans inside and outside, finally broke out completely. The tall and middle-aged official in the lead shook his head in disappointment and pushed away from the crowd, leaving a sentence: "Look at yourself. Do it."

   After speaking, he strode away from the headquarters of the actor company.

   Charles thought that Evans took himself too seriously and dared to be so arrogant. Who did he think Evans was? The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany or the President of France?

So seeing Evans leave, Charles still sneered in his heart, ready to watch a good show. You must know that there are people in charge of aviation companies in various European countries. You just left with such shamelessness. It is not only British Aerospace who offends. The company, but the entire European aviation industry, can afford Evans' small size?

  Is there also their British Aerospace company in it?

   I just said this, something that can be crushed to death with just a finger is really overwhelming.

When I go back later, I'll let Paulison concoct something cruel and kill the actor company directly. Anyway, Lindemann has passed away. He lacked a support in the United States. It is estimated that GM changed it because of this. Idea, after all, where Lindemann’s influence lies. Now that people are gone, GM doesn’t need to care about Lindemann’s opinions. In this case, British Aerospace Corporation estimates that it will be difficult to get the actor company. If you don't just destroy it, no one can get it.

When Charles was still thinking about how to make the role of the shit-chucking stick to the extreme, he listened to the words of the German official snorting, and he felt like something was wrong, but before he could react, he found him. His European colleagues were all waiting for him with a kind of unkind look, Charles felt a little bit in his heart, and secretly said a bad cry!

As soon as I was about to say something, I saw Edron of Dassault in France suddenly coughing at the people: "I don’t need to say more about the importance of the actor company. In that case, we have to give Our dear partner will explain that almost all European aviation companies are here today. Then I propose to hold an Airbus extraordinary shareholder meeting here to discuss the next stage of the production and manufacturing share of the A300 and A310 passenger aircraft. My The suggestion is to reduce the original 15% share of British Aerospace Corporation to 2%. I wonder what you think?"

As soon as the words came out, and the others were not doing well, Charles jumped up like a cat with a tail on his tail: "I disagree. The European Airbus is the European Airbus, not your French Airbus. To reduce the proportion of our British Aerospace Corporation’s passenger aircraft production, you Edron is not yet eligible."

   "Oh~~ Really?" Edron replied nonchalantly, then looked at the colleagues around him and smiled and asked, "What do you think?"

"I think giving the British colleagues a 2% share is already an extremely humane move for us, and our Italian company Agustacon agrees." Edron just finished speaking, standing in the middle of a bearded man not far away. The young man responded immediately.

   "Our Spanish Aerospace Manufacturing Group is the same." Spain, who almost fought with Charles just now, also met.

   "At this time, we are always on the side of the local German companies." The head of the German Aerospace Industry Corporation rightly stated.

   "We Holland..."

   "We Belgium..."



   Looking at the heads of European aviation companies who agreed to one after another, Charles's fat face finally couldn't be stretched, and he finally became frightened.

After all, although the person in charge here is not the one with the most power in each company, it is enough to speak on behalf of their respective companies. Therefore, their actions have received the attention of their respective senior executives and are likely to become the real resolutions of Airbus. No, the resulting discord is enough for BAE to drink a pot.

   You must know that with the continued decline of British national power, the British aviation manufacturing industry is Wang Xiaoer's New Year, and the year is worse than the year.

In the 1950s and 1960s~www.ltnovel.com~ the UK could also produce large passenger planes and 3V series bombers. By the end of the 1970s, only small aircraft could be developed. Except for Harrier vertical take-off and landing fighters, there was almost nothing to get. The aerial vehicle shot.

   I originally wanted to build a fighter jet with all my strength, but because of limited national power and insufficient funds, I could only partner with European countries to build a "Gust" fighter.

   France is booming in this regard, gradually surpassing Britain to become the leader of the European aviation industry. Not to mention that other Airbus headquarters, assembly plants, and a considerable number of core parts factories are all located in France as the best example.

  Because of this, the United Kingdom is very unwilling to think about the existence of a father in the British Empire. Naturally, it must be like a father. Therefore, British Aerospace always wants to restore the glory of the British aviation industry.

   As a result, the brilliance hasn't been seen yet, but the whole European counterparts have made a big splash. The production share has dropped from 15% to 2%. This is killing the British Aerospace Corporation.

   We must know that more than half of BAE’s revenue today comes from the production of components for the A300 and A310 passenger aircraft. If this is cut to 2%, it is tantamount to cutting BAE.

Charles finally realized that he seemed to have made a mistake, and it was a very serious mistake, so he was frightened and quickly pulled the head of the Swedish Saab company beside him, and asked with a trembling: "Why do you have to please the actor company? ?"

  The person in charge of Saab looked at Charles with a surprised look: "The aircraft production line program given by the actor company can produce one aircraft every four hours. Don't you know such a big thing?"



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