Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 404: Rushing

After hearing these words, Charles's fat head was just like being blown up by a bomb. With a bang and buzzing, he can swear to God that he has absolutely no idea about these things. If you know, don't say to give up a British royal family. His lover just asked him to pose for Evans without even frowning.

   One plane in four hours.

  If someone tells him this in normal times, Charles will get the person to be beaten out without even thinking about it. There is no way, this kind of argument is simply a fantasy.

Putting aside the complex parts of the aircraft, just for the final assembly of the aircraft, the aircraft is placed in a fixed station, and the holes that need to be punched are punched. When the riveting is required, the riveting workers are allowed to go and wait until the installation is required. The avionics-related technicians go up again...

   When each process is in operation, other processes must be stopped. After this process is completed, another process is performed. The efficiency of such a queue like production is imaginable.

  Because of this, in the final assembly of each aircraft, dozens of teams are required to form a very large production team, and work on the aircraft in turn, so as to assemble an aircraft.

   Usually such an assembly takes one week to complete a small aircraft; for a larger one, one or two months can be considered as efficient.

  Because of this, besides its own technical factors, the output of aircraft factories is the number and proficiency of the workforce.

   Therefore, aircraft manufacturing is not only a technology-intensive and capital-intensive industry, but also a typical human-intensive industry.

Of course, it’s not that no one has thought about introducing the assembly line operation of producing automobiles into the field of aircraft production. The problem is that aircraft manufacturing is different from other industries. The whole process belongs to high-end precision processing. Even the error of a screw is very demanding. In addition, some parts processing and assembling cannot use machinery and can only be completed manually, which makes it difficult for aircraft production to achieve full-process automated production like cars.

  Because of this, if someone else tells Charles, who made a cup of aviation, that he can build a plane in four hours, Charles will definitely drown the beeping people in one mouthful.

   But now, even if he doesn't believe it in his heart, Charles has to let himself accept this incomprehensible fact.

You must know that in this hall are the heads of aviation companies from various European countries, and they are all elites of the upper class in Europe. To put it bluntly, the hair is better than monkeys. If the actor company does not have real things, these people will How could you so much flattery?

   even at the expense of reducing British Aerospace’s 15% Airbus passenger aircraft production share to 2%. Obviously it is true that the actor company produces an aircraft in four hours.

   To figure this out, Charles thought about it in a flash, the statement of General Motors in the United States, the fawning of various European aviation companies, the anger of German officials, and even the death of Lindemann.

   I thought I was the chess player when I set off from London. Now it seems that I am a chess player, not even a chess piece.

   Evans is the real chess player, and the actor company is the real king in this big chess game.

The productivity of an aircraft in four hours is fatal to the temptation of aerospace manufacturing companies that assemble an aircraft in a week, because it means an increase in production efficiency, and an increase in production efficiency is equivalent to a sharp drop in costs. There will be great flexibility if the end-of-product sales are reduced.

   Whether it is to reduce prices or maintain excess profits, it is all up to the aviation manufacturing companies to decide on the situation. In this way, the superior competitiveness of aviation manufacturing companies is suddenly highlighted.

   Aviation manufacturing companies that still use traditional production processes will inevitably be dragged down and eliminated by companies using new production methods.

   Just like the missile ship replacing the cannon giant ship, it can't be stopped at all.

  In this case, various aviation manufacturing companies will naturally rush to the technology of the actor companies, especially the United States, which leads the world in the aviation industry, and it will inevitably be embraced.

   At exactly this time, Europe squeezed and suppressed the actor companies, so the actor companies simply fell into the arms of General Motors.

Knowing the situation, the European aviation industry can no longer sit still. The actor companies are really heading toward the United States. The productivity-enhancing American aviation industry is bound to dump their products in large quantities. By then, the European aviation industry, which will lose its cost advantage, will be left alone. There is no other way to kill people.

   So in any case, the actor company should not be allowed to vote in this way, even if it sacrifices one or two innocent birds.

   Obviously, British Aerospace is the early bird that the European aerospace company plans to sacrifice.

   Charles is not stupid, since he hasn't received even the slightest message for so many days, it is clear that the charge was ahead and they were sold by European counterparts.

   For a while, Charles was in a daze, and then he was out of anger. Although their British Aerospace Corporation's motives for attacking the actors were not pure, how could the European colleagues who hid behind and encouraged them to do so?

   When they stepped on the actor company, they shouted happily, but now they find that the actor company is more valuable, they kneel down and call father.

   Shameless, mean, disgusting!


   Just as Charles cursed those European colleagues in his heart, the assistant's voice brought him back to reality. Looking around, his European colleagues were no longer in sight.

Charles froze for a moment. Before he asked his assistant, he explained: "A few minutes ago, Mr. Evans, the chairman of the actor company, sent an invitation. The heads of other companies have already taken the elevator to the general meeting room of the actor company. But our name is not on the invited list."

Charles just nodded slightly, a fat face without joy or sorrow~www.ltnovel.com~ The assistant didn’t know what his boss meant, and continued: “Bulisen just called and asked if today’s report is effective. He has written the relevant comments and is ready to send it out tonight."

   "I heard that Bao Lisen is very interested in boys?" After hearing the assistant's words, Charles suddenly asked.

However, the content and the current situation were somewhat misaligned. The assistant was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted, grinning wretchedly, and nodding: "Yes, in certain circles in London, this is no secret. ."

"En!" Charles nodded: "Then immediately report to the prosecutor in London. A scum like Paulison is simply a scum in the UK. I actually took the same plane with him...I told the airport immediately. Disinfection must be all-round."

This time the assistant was completely dumbfounded, but he quickly lowered his head after looking at Charles’ stern gaze, but before he could answer, he heard something staggering: “Also, tell Diana to let her tomorrow morning I came to Stuttgart before, and if I didn’t agree, I would tell her that her little bit of trouble would be made into a documentary and spread all over the world. I heard that Evans’s son loves drama and music. In the name of the club, Ryan’s repertory troupe and band will be funded..."

   Lin Lin Chief Charles said a lot, and the pound was thrown out by him like waste paper. Until he got into the car, Charles nodded in satisfaction: "That's it, hurry up!"

   Then I looked back at the Actor's company headquarters and snorted coldly in my heart, you kneel down and call Dad, then I will kneel down and call Grandpa, and I will be more cruel than Charles, huh~~You are not qualified!



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