Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 402: Arrogant

Yes, at this moment, in the eyes of the heads of European aviation companies in the house, Charles's fat face is really not like a pile of flesh, but swollen with a slap.


   Don’t these colleagues in Europe know the mess of the cooperation between British Aerospace and American aviation giants and mutual shareholding?


   The problem is that Americans think you are useful and treat you as an individual, and think that your use value is gone, really inferior to dogs.


   How is it now? The British BBC said overwhelmingly that American General Motors was preparing to sue the German actor company. As a result, the US General Motors came out to refute the rumors before seeing the complaint.


   Charles was still kept in the dark. He talked wildly about how he was with General Motors, as if the actor company was in his pocket. Now it’s good, and it has become a big joke for all European colleagues.


   "This... this... this... how is this possible?"


I don’t know how long Charles’s fat old face began to turn red, even if he got off the body of the beautiful stewardess, he was not so scary, his lips squirmed, and he kept whispering, as if everything in the world was turned upside down. Generally, it becomes very unreal.


   Yes, how is this possible?


What are the details of Evans and Owen, others don’t know, but as Lindeman’s old friends, Charles had already made a clear call. Both of them were bad guys kicked out by the H company, let alone found the airline. It’s hard to feed yourself.


   Two people like this can actually come up with a cross-age product such as the Zeus-3 UAV system. Obviously, it is the technical information obtained by the two during their service in H company.


This conclusion is not Charles’ conjecture, but was confirmed by Lindeman when he went to the United States not long ago, and he also saw some of the technical parameters of the Bullet A drone built by H company for the US military. The part is very similar to the Zeus-3 UAV system of Actor.


  Because of this, before Charles left the United States, Lindemann assured him that as long as British Aerospace was interested in acquiring the German Actor Aerosystems, he would instigate American General Motors to initiate a lawsuit against the German Actor, demanding huge claims.


   As for why Lindemann did this, the reason given is very simple. He just wanted to betray him.


Charles is somewhat noncommittal about Lindeman’s statement, but he believes that Lindeman’s heart for killing Evans and Owen is very strong. If this is the case, you don’t have to think too much, just stabbing the actors directly with the knife. Up.


   Anyway, the American General Company sued the trump card. As long as it is revealed, the European hungry wolves will not be as powerful as the American General Tiger.


Then, based on their relationship with the American aviation giant and his personal relationship with Lindemann, the British Aerospace Company took the actor company to obtain the Zeus-3 UAV system and then reorganized it through the UAV line. The aviation industry of the British Empire.


   The thinking is very clear, and the path is very clear. Even Charles, who is the lawyer of the American General Company's prosecution actor company, has already received it. Otherwise, how could Paulison's article be so timely and sharp.




   "Mr. Edron, what the **** is going on." After a long moment in the same place, Charles was unbelievable, and he knew that something happened here, and it was a big one.


So he hurriedly got to the side of Edron, the executive director of France Dassault Company. As a result, Edron looked at the closed door inside. He glanced at Charles, who was as fat as a pig, smiled and bowed down. Leaning to Charles' ears, he whispered, "I know, but I won't tell you!"


After speaking, he laughed, patted Charles' broad shoulders affectionately and walked away. Before leaving, he said, "There is only so much I can say. I hope you can get Mr. Evans' understanding. "


  As soon as I said this, the expressions of the heads of other European aviation companies around him immediately became unpredictable, all wondering what Charles was going to use to obtain Evans' forgiveness.


   You must know that before they came, Evans, the chairman of the actor company, refused to be outside the headquarters. If he released it, he was very decisive: actor company only cooperates with American aviation giants, and companies in other regions will not be considered.


In the end, the two top European aviation companies, the magical French Dassault Company and Italy’s Agusta, came forward and contacted the Federal Government of Germany, which allowed them to enter the headquarters of the actor company. Only, except for waiting in the reception hall on the first floor, everything is no different from turning away.


It is said that German government officials are communicating with the top executives of the actor's company, but the latest situation is that Evans's attitude is very tough, and even once said that their actor's company is ready to move to the United States, anyway, Europe does not wait to see them, then Just leave.


   Upon hearing this news, the European aviation companies in the reception hall were all anxious. What if the actor's company really leaves?


   Now I heard Edron's meaning that Charles has a way to make Evans understand. These people have nothing on their faces, but they all start to mutter in their hearts, maybe this old thing really has a good way.


So the people who inquired about the falsehood and reality of Charles were one after another. Charles was stunned for a while, and even a Spanish colleague asked him if he was going to cede the lover of the British royal family to Evans, making Charles almost Did not fight with this one.


Although he was pulled away in the end, Charles’s old face was completely defeated. If he was defeated, he could get some useful information. The problem was that there was nothing. The most hated one was Edron, who seemed to tell him. What a secret, it's actually not a fart.


And that spanking Spanish counterparts ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ who lover the British royal family, but his Charles darling child, can be salty and sweet, dressed noble, undressed debauchery, Charles was but feel bad to the bone How could it be given to Evans? An idiot and an idiot who can't get a foothold in the United States, let alone being qualified to share a lover with him, even kneeling down and licking his leather shoes are dirty.


So Charles glared at his colleagues in the hall, snorted and pushed the door out, then went to the telephone office not far away, asked for a call and called the United States on the other side of the ocean, and waited for the call to be connected. , He thought it was his old friend Lindemann. He was about to complain about this old friend’s injustice, but he heard a sad voice inside and replied: "I’m sorry, Mr. Lindemann died of illness three days ago. May I ask who is calling?"




Charles even froze when he heard the words. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything. Then he put down the phone and returned to the headquarters of the actor company, but when he was about to enter through the gate, he saw Evans, the chairman of the actor company, walked towards him, surrounded by several senior German government officials and a large number of heads of European aviation companies.


   When he came to Charles, Evans pointed to Charles very arrogantly and asked the people around him: "This is the British Aerospace Company?"


   "Yes, Mr. Charles, he..."


   "No introduction, they are there, we don't need to talk!" After speaking, Evans turned around and returned to his headquarters without saying a word.


  :. :

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