Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 401: : This face hit...

The local government has this attitude. The hungry wolves around the Federal Republic of Germany will naturally not miss this opportunity. Among them, the most fierce jump is British Aerospace. The closely related BBC is black, green, and yellow. Yes, how disgusting, the article that irritated Evans at this moment was a fresh report from the BBC yesterday.

What I’m talking about is that Actor Aviation Systems is now insolvent, and there is a legal document short of bankruptcy. The reason is simple. Actor Aviation Systems’ production plant has not built a drone for nearly a month. The vast majority of workers are given indefinite leave.

At the end of the report, the report also analyzed that the reason why Actor Aerosystems still did not enter the bankruptcy process was only because of the neurotic brain circuit of the president, Evans, because he was essentially a loser who escaped from the United States. Because of this, Egypt It is difficult for Vince to accept his failure again, for which he also cited a large number of psychological views as evidence of his analysis.

Until a conclusion is reached, that is, only if the actor aviation system has expelled the entire company including Evans, can it be reborn, because many European aviation production companies, including British Aerospace, are willing to extend Help save those workers who are facing unemployment because of the stupidity of the top executives of Actor Aviation Systems.

   Where is this report? It is clearly an incitement to rebel against the bottom workers of the actor Aviation System Company.

   Peeling through a gap in the blinds, Evans calmed down a little while looking at the procession of a dozen workers from the Actor Aviation System Company holding signs and shouting slogans outside the office building.

Fortunately, the Ascendas factory successfully injected capital into him through an offshore account, so that the employees’ wages and benefits were paid on time. Otherwise, based on this BBC report, today’s parade will inevitably be difficult to clean up, but looking out the window A few guys, Evans still reacted to his heart, vowing that after the storm, one of the dozen or so jumpers below will not want to stay in the company.

Just as Evans gritted his teeth thinking about revenge, the phone on the desk suddenly rang. Evans put down his thoughts and picked up the phone. After only hearing a few words, his gloomy face immediately became eager to try and nodded: "Don't worry, I'll get in touch now."


   England, Heathrow Airport.

A twin-engine "Jetstream" 31 executive aircraft produced by British Aerospace Corporation, guided by the tower, whizzed up from the runway. When the aircraft climbed to an altitude of 3,000 meters, it made a circle over London. Flew in the direction of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Borisson sat beside the porthole, took a glass of champagne from the beautiful stewardess, looked at the beautiful white clouds outside, then turned his head and looked at Charles who was sitting across from him. The gentleman raised the champagne in his hand. After a touch with Charles, he took a sip, and then said in his standard London accent: "Sir, I believe this time, your trip to Germany will be very rewarding."

   Charles did not tie his tie, and his suit was also open. Compared with the decent gentleman Faner of Paulson, Charles, who is over half a hundred years old, is like the bad old man begging in the alleys of London, which makes people unable to find the nobility of England.

   However, it is this raunchy old man who is now the executive vice president of British Aerospace Corporation, a big-time figure who was knighted by the Queen of England just last year.

It is precisely because of this that even as a BBC senior political journalist, Bourison has a very bright future, but he is still respectful in front of Charles, because his future is bright. As long as Charles has a word, Bourison’s bright future will be It became dark.


After listening to Paulison’s words, Charles smiled heartily, then drank the champagne in his hand like a long whale soaking up water, and immediately put the glass on the tray handed by the insightful stewardess, and by the way the stewardess Inadvertently touched his hand, then the flight attendant smiled and turned his head to look at Bao Lisen with a bold eyebrow: "God bless, the German actor company finally can't hold it. They have no products for more than a month. It’s offline, and it’s so consuming, let alone a newly established airline, even our British Aerospace company will be over, of course, it will be better than the actor company."

As he said, Charles picked up the knife and fork, took the steak that the stewardess had just brought up, and then slid a piece into his mouth, continuing to say, "The problem is that we are not an actor company after all, so They are finished, so whether you can get Zeus-3 in your hands this time depends on this trip to Germany.

After all, we are not the only aerospace company that sees actors. Dassault in France, Saab in Sweden, Agusta in Italy, Spanish aviation manufacturing group and even German Krupp and other industrial giants all want to take action. This high-quality company is in the pocket, so..."

Charles's steak chewed very happily. You could see the shredded meat squirming through the teeth, which seemed very disgusting. At this moment, the words stopped abruptly, and Bao Lisen, who didn't dare to look directly at Charles, looked in surprise. When he managed it, he found Charles's face that was not smiling.

   quickly apologized: "Sorry, sir, I just listened to you and I was thinking about how to cooperate with your acquisition. I already have some ideas..."

"Hahahaha~~ As long as you have an idea, you did a good job some time ago." Before Bao Lisen could finish explaining, Charles interrupted with a smile, and then wiped his mouth with a napkin: "If it goes well this time After completing the acquisition, the position of the House of Commons in the East of London is yours."

After speaking, he threw the napkin on the table, dragged his fat belly and stood up, and then walked back to the cabin. Bao Lisen soon heard Charles's bison-like Oh, baby; and the beautiful stewardess's charming Breath~www.ltnovel.com~ But Bao Lisen didn’t care about it. His mind was all about the future of Fang Qiu after he entered the political arena. Then he picked up the satellite phone next to him, dialed the headquarters and only said one sentence. Words: "The manuscript from yesterday was sent out immediately, yes, fast."


   The report "German Actor Aerospace Inc. infringes on American intellectual property rights and is facing huge compensation from General Motors in the United States" has spread across Europe before Charles arrived at Actor Aerosystems in Stuttgart.

When Charles waited for Charles to appear in front of the heads of several major European aviation companies with a refreshing atmosphere, after a few unnutritious greetings, he watched the entangled people and said with pride: "Everyone, The actor company must have been sued by General Motors in the United States. Even if you fight back the actor company, it is a troublesome matter. It is better to let us British Aerospace intervene. After all, our relationship with General Motors in the United States is clear to you."

   It's okay if Charles didn't say this. After speaking, the expressions of everyone present became even more weird. Charles immediately felt wrong. Just as he was about to ask, a group of people in the house let out a passage.

Then a TV set appeared directly opposite Charles. I don’t know who kindly turned up the voice. Soon Charles heard the voice inside: "According to the news that our station just got, just half an hour ago, General Motors of the United States issued a statement that reports on the prosecution of the actor company are purely fabricated. GM has always regarded the actor company as an important partner and has never filed a claim against it."

   After hearing this, Charles's eyes widened and his face was unbelievable. This face was beaten... almost...


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