Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1432: Set the rules

Those who dissatisfied will certainly make trouble, but the problem is that this time is no better than the last time.

The reason why it was able to make it so big last time was due to many objective factors, especially the uncertainty in the sale of consumer-grade drones by Ascendas, which dampened the confidence of the market.

However, this time is different. The supply chain stays in the country clearly and unmistakably, which is tantamount to reassurance. As for the specific ones, it depends on the ability of each family. Anyway, the cake is just like that. Big, if you eat a little more, I will eat a little less. Because of this, many companies and localities are eager for Zhuang Jianye to kick out a few more so that they can top it out.

This situation is still troublesome? Whoever makes trouble is finished!

What's more, even if it is really making trouble, this time it will use a lot of the deity of China Ascendas. The following 64 core suppliers with equity participation can tear the troubles to pieces.

It is important to know that these 64 core suppliers were not selected by China Tengfei on a whim, nor because their products and technologies have really reached the industry’s leading position, nor because state-owned enterprises and private enterprises are treated differently, but based on a common characteristic of them. , That is, most of them have received financial support from Ascendas Investment, and have successfully participated in the company.

In other words, in addition to his own title of Chairman and CEO of Ascendas China, Zhuang Jianye is also an independent director of these 64 core suppliers, which means that these 64 core suppliers have long been his own. Since he is his own, of course It is unanimous to the outside world, and not one of the troublemakers has been wiped out!

Because of this, when those suppliers who were unwilling to be kicked out of the game connected in series, inspiring a bunch of people in front of the stage and behind the scenes to make things worse, the relevant departments acted immediately, not because the fire control inspection failed to suspend business for rectification or to produce three No products have been completely seized, or the transfer of benefits will directly put the boss into the bureau...

All in all, before I started to make trouble, I made myself so much that I couldn't even cry.

As for the main note taker who set off this wave, he was taken care of. Not only was he established as a negative example, his photos and deeds were spread across the country, and he was even compiled into a nursery rhyme, becoming a model for anti-espionage and anti-specialty education.

The main note-maker himself was fine, but he was expelled from public office and sentenced to half a year, but a series of negative examples have announced his social death, so that no matter where he goes, he will be pointed and pointed, and living is a waste!

This once again confirms an unbreakable truth, that is, people who have offended Zhuang Jianye want a good end~~~ It is difficult!

However, some viewers who watched the entire program did not think so. The main note maker and the troublemaker’s supplier were both small shrimps. The friends who really stirred the trouble behind Zhuang Jianye didn’t mention it in the program. Many people began to discuss whether that Zhuang Jianye, who used to be stunned, also learned how to protect himself, and his persimmons were stubborn.

As a result, not long after this question emerged, a state-owned enterprise merger and reorganization plan drafted by the top-level was officially released. The content clearly stated that it was appropriate adjustments in line with national conditions in order to adapt to the rules of the World Trade Organization.

But in the implementation rules, some careful people suddenly discovered that, except for the merger of the two power system companies, the rest of the companies that were split and reorganized were all those friends from China that took off.

And it is no one else who annexed them, it is the rise of China that these friendly businessmen want to acquire.

The target result of the acquisition in turn will merge the acquirer. This operation can no longer be described as ruthless, and it is simply a dead end.

The key point is that after this round of mergers and reorganizations, although China Ascendas has divested its core business of consumer drones, it has gained in material processing, metal smelting, special aviation material manufacturing, aerospace equipment research and development, and aircraft parts production. Greatly strengthened.

Especially in the aerospace field, it was merged into two aerospace research institutes and six aerospace production plants at once. As a result, China took off from an important aerospace supporting unit that could only produce low-Earth orbit satellites and some parts of long-range rockets. It is officially transformed into a comprehensive commercial aerospace entity capable of independent research, production and launch of long-range carrier rockets, monitoring and operating satellites in orbit, and providing users with real-time space services.

In other words, China Ascendas has not been weakened by the sale of its core business, but has been greatly strengthened through this round of mergers and acquisitions. Especially in the aerospace field, it can finally move from launch vehicles to control of satellites in orbit. Achieve autonomous control of the whole process without dead ends.

However, the crux of the problem is not how to increase the assets and how the products are excellent, but the above attitude, which is to build a large-scale aerospace and aerospace complex that truly belongs to the country based on the Loma of a large foreign country.

You must know that sometimes attitude is more effective than effect, even if there is no written expression, no opinions are conveyed, but it is more effective than ten thousand statements.

This is the case with China's take-off today. Through a series of mergers and reorganizations, China's take-off's business scope and asset scale have been expanded to demonstrate the above attitude. Who would dare to try the opposite? You are guaranteed to die if you try it!

This is indeed the case. Just when Zhuang Jianye used the troubled supply chain company on TV programs to slaughter chickens, several big leaders also set rules in their offices for those friends who were preparing to acquire China to take off.

The requirements are simple, either turn in a profit of 3.8 billion U.S. dollars per year; or split it happily and merge it into China to take off.

If this is Zhuang Jianye here, not to mention the 3.8 billion U.S. dollars in profits, he would dare to agree with the addition of a zero at the end. You must know that taking advantage of the turbulent Ottoman economic situation, Zhuang Jianye made more than 38 billion U.S. dollars, 3.8 billion U.S. dollars. It's not too simple for him.

But this number is not difficult for Zhuang Jianye, but it is a hell-level difficulty for the main leaders of the friends and merchants present.

Yes, it is not difficult for a few big leaders. With a few friends and two banks, a total of 14 entities bear a total of 3.8 billion U.S. dollars in annual profits. On average, one family is only 270 million U.S. dollars.

But this average profit margin of less than $3 has turned the old face of a friend and business leader into a bitter gourd.

Regardless of the benefits they have, they even have a good life. Otherwise, it is impossible for the lion to open up and want to swallow China to take off. The problem is that the life is good, it is in the country, and the quality of the product is decent, so naturally there is no worry about sales.

However, the same thing will be pulled when you get it abroad~www.readwn.com~ Let alone sell it, people don't even bother to take a look.

If the product cannot be sold, no money can be made, and if no money is made, no foreign exchange can be exchanged. If you can't exchange foreign exchange, you can talk about turning in profits. You must know that several leaders can say that they want US dollars, not RMB!

But sorrows return to sorrow, but there are also some friends and business leaders who asked: "Let us merge into China and take off? Can they turn in 3.8 billion US dollars every year?"

"$3.8 billion? You look down on China's take-off..." A big leader snorted coldly, and immediately called in his secretary: "You tell him how much China's take-off has turned in so far!"

The secretary quickly opened the notepad in his hand: "Last year, China Ascendas paid a total of US$11.847 billion in various businesses. As of the first quarter of March 30 this year, China Ascendas has paid a total of US$4.653 billion. It has completed the payment last year. 39.5% of the quota. If you take into account the 17.859 billion U.S. dollars handed in from the drone business just sold, China Ascendas has overfulfilled this year’s profit transfer task..."

As soon as this data came out, almost one of all the friend merchants were petrochemicals, and they were completely stunned!

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