Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1433: Manned Space Engineering

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Can you not be dumbfounded, nearly 12 billion U.S. dollars are handed in a year, this is bullying them, it is simply a proper crushing, a dozen companies can not even make the 3.8 billion U.S. dollars turned in profits, and one family only takes one year. It has reached nearly 12 billion U.S. dollars, and this year it has reached a sky-high price of 22.5 billion U.S. dollars. More importantly, the year 2001 has not ended. With this momentum going on, China will not be able to turn over 30 billion U.S. dollars in profits for the whole year when it takes off?

The current domestic foreign exchange reserves are only about 200 billion U.S. dollars, 30 billion U.S. dollars, which accounts for 15% of foreign exchange reserves!

It’s no wonder that for so many years, the leading leaders have regarded China Ascendas as a treasure and Zhuang Jianye as his son. Despite the wind and rain outside, China Ascendas can get the best policies, the highest quality supporting facilities and the most generous subsidies; and Zhuang Jianye is the same. Like a tumbler in the treacherous changes, it is not possible to guard the position of the top leader in China's take-off. Not only that, but even the entire leadership team is horribly stable.

Except for one Liu Chun who is too old to retire for so many years, China's soaring leadership team has been operating stably for more than ten years.

Many people did not understand it before. When it comes to aero engines, the achievements of friends and merchants in these years are not small; to say that high-end aviation materials friends and merchants have also made breakthroughs; to say that the technological innovation is not struggling to make progress. Flop, how can China take off as stable as Mount Tai, but their friends and businessmen can only be pierced by their superiors. Whatever they do is wrong?

It turns out that all the root knots are just one sentence, China's take-off can make money!

"How is it? What do you want to say?" Seeing that the dozens of friendly business leaders in front of him were all surprised and speechless, a big leader asked, and immediately turned his eyes to the one sitting on the edge. A person in charge of a friend business: "Little Ma, the money you needed to develop the imported monitoring equipment for the new turboshaft engine last year was allocated from the profit turned over by China Ascendas; and Lao Chen..."

The big leader said and looked at another person in charge with white temples: "The Italian-made reactor you purchased in the key technology of titanium alloy that you made a breakthrough is also the money from China's take-off; and Xiao Qin, your compound The money for the material testing equipment is also from here..."

The big leader clicked down one by one, and heard that the old faces of those friends in charge were red, white and occasionally green. In short, it was wonderful.

Of course, there are some who are unconvinced and want to justify. After all, they only apply for funding, and then spend money on equipment, materials, and technology, regardless of where the money comes from.

But when it comes to my lips, I can’t say it. No matter where the money comes from, it is always given by the state. Since it is given by the state, will the state give you an annual profit of US$270 million? The country allows you to merge into China and take off, you are not!

But if you don’t say these things, it’s tacit understanding that their friends and businessmen spent the money that China took off, and they also stabbed the knife for China’s take-off. They lost a lot on both the moral and political levels, and at least their personal future. It's the end.

It is wrong to say or not, and you have to be forced into a dead end. These friends and businessmen can be regarded as learning the art of what can be described as big leaders.

However, just as these friends and businessmen have not recovered from the panic of being named one by one, another slightly amiable leader has already spoken: "You don't need to be so nervous. The units and factories you lead are modernizing the country. Those who have made outstanding contributions, but also because of this, you outstanding cadres should have an overall view and courage that surpasses ordinary people. In fact, there is no need to hide this from you anymore, that is, the country’s decision to carry out transportation. Human Aerospace Engineering.

It is to send our own people into space and start space exploration. The reason for carrying out this project is mainly based on various factors such as future technological development and energy demand, just like the great nautical era 500 years ago. The outer space of the future is the new ocean that we should explore.

We missed the era of great navigation five centuries ago, and then lost our dominant position. Now we can no longer repeat the responsibility of history, so we have to carry out the manned space project, not only to carry out this project, but also to build satellites. Navigation system, build your own space station, explore the moon and Mars, and complete their landing and energy exploration..."

The amiable leader said that there was a pause, and he lifted the tea beside him and took a sip to moisturize his throat. Then he continued without hesitation: "But each of these projects for the benefit of future generations are very expensive. Yes, of course we hope that some of these technologies can be civilianized and marketed, so as to obtain a positive capital cycle, but you also know that most of aerospace is a cutting-edge frontier field, and civilianization requires time and cost. The apportionment, and before that, only continuous investment.

Because of this, we suggest that you split the core business and merge it into China Ascendas. One can solve the overall planning problem and strengthen the technical capabilities of the core business. Second, you can also use China Ascendas’ excellent market transformation mechanism to make these core businesses. Can continue to develop.

Of course, this is only a suggestion, and you have to listen to the opinions of those responsible for the specifics. After all, you understand the actual situation! "

This amiable leader had a more kind tone than his looks, but when he said what he said, everyone in the room was in a cold sweat, and he felt more oppressive than the leader named just now.

There is no way, it is the great leader who used the Mianli Tibetan needles to an extraordinary level, because setting aside some humble modifiers, the great leader meant just one sentence, that is, the country wants to engage in manned space projects. If you don’t have that much money to raise your waste, you must either split it up and find a good home, or fend for it.

As for the fact that they understand the actual situation~www.readwn.com~ to listen to their opinions, it is indeed not polite; they do understand the actual situation, and they understand the situation of their core business; they also do talk about their opinions; Opinions on the division of personnel after the division and the reorganization of the remaining industries.

If you don’t agree, you can of course. The big leaders don’t say anything. You can talk freely. There is no taboo. If you don’t agree, it’s okay. It’s just that the original full R&D funding and state subsidies will be completely zero from next month. Because the big leader said that in order to carry out manned space projects, one must not miss the new era of large-scale navigation. Naturally, a large amount of funds will be squeezed out, and it is just too normal to cut other subsidies and expenses.

The problem is that the funding and subsidies are zero, which has little effect on China's take-off, but it is really hurting these friends and businessmen, and even a few of them were directly broken in their spine, and they simply couldn't afford it.

More importantly, their core business can support a lot of people. If this is because of lack of funds, who can afford it?

In this way, keeping the secondary business and being a head of the Taiping enterprise seems to be a good destination. Thinking about it this way, it seems that splitting the core business to take off in China is also a good choice!

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