Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1431: Those who build a business in a letter house get longevity

The main note-maker never expected that Zhuang Jianye would counterattack in this way!

Not only have TV programs been produced, but they are also broadcast on all David TVs at the same time. At the same time, the newly emerging video websites also have important video clips.

It can be said to be an all-round, three-dimensional bombing, which is far more efficient than the traditional paper media of the main note maker!

That's all, the point is that Zhuang Jianye's method of tearing up the main notes in person is really puzzling.

After all, where is Zhuang Jianye’s position, such as a fake central management cadre, even if they can’t get along with the main note maker, they don’t have to end up personally. Now that there is definite evidence that the main note maker is using foreign NGO money to hit himself. You can just find someone to shake it out, do you need Zhuang Jianye to get off the court himself?

In fact, it was true. If Zhuang Jianye had to deal with such a little crisis himself, then Zhuang Jianye wouldn't have to do anything, he would just be exhausted.

Because of this, those who are concerned about the Ascendas system naturally noticed this anomaly, and even realized that Zhuang Jianye is probably holding back a big move.

Sure enough, Zhuang Jianye knocked twice on the cardboard he made to make sure that the main note-maker ate his own meal. After smashing his own pot, the style of painting suddenly changed: "Flies do not bite seamless eggs. Obviously, we are flying This egg was spotted by a deliberate fly, and the main note-taker is the most obvious example..."

The main note-taker in front of the TV almost didn't let his breath go, so he just hammered him out, and even made him a fly. Uncle can bear it, but my aunt can't bear it either!

The question is, what can I do if I can't bear it? Did you smash the TV? Doesn't solve the problem either!

However, compared with the frustration and frustration of the main note-taker, the other viewers in front of the TV are full of anticipation, and want to know how cracks appeared in the iron egg of Tengfei.

"In fact, this seam is nothing else, it's the issue of our consumer-grade drones being sold. I'm also talking about those vain-headed here. The consumer-grade drone business sales agreement has been signed on May 6th. The Wall Street consortium with Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley at the core bought 38.4% of the shares for 23 billion U.S. dollars, and Hong Kong Island Capital, led by HSBC and Hutchison Whampoa, bought 10.7% of the shares for 6.4 billion U.S. dollars, and the remaining 50.9%. The shares of Ascendas are jointly held by Ascendas Investment and 64 major domestic suppliers..."

As Zhuang Jianye was talking here, the staff on the side unfolded the equity structure diagram prepared in advance. Zhuang Jianye knocked on the paperboard to the camera: "The point is here. First of all, we did not sell assets at a low price. 49% of them received a total of $29.4 billion Remember that the U.S. dollar is not the renminbi, so those who say we caused the loss of state-owned assets can shut up!"

"Secondly, from the perspective of the equity structure, we still maintain a controlling stake, and through additional terms, Ascendas has a veto right, and has not lost control of the business due to the entry of foreign capital!"

"Finally, and most importantly, is the introduction of the supply chain enterprise shareholding clause. This is an innovative and bold attempt by our Ascendas department in the management and equity system. After all, we have promised to the cooperative enterprises in the supply chain. As long as Tengfei is here, we will not let our brothers and sisters in the supply chain suffer losses. Therefore, we have made a bold attempt to introduce supply chain companies’ shareholding to let the big guys know that China’s takeoff will do our best and we will do our best to the domestic market. The supply chain will never abandon, never give up!"

As soon as this passage came out, the supporting manufacturers and suppliers on the domestic consumer drone chain sitting in front of the TV immediately became excited.

The crisis facing the Ascendas system is basically a supply chain problem. Thousands of companies, millions of employed people, and economic pillars in several places. If this is down, no one can stand it. That’s why this matter has caused trouble. .

Otherwise, it is estimated that even Zhuang Jianye's fur would not be damaged by the curse of the main note-taker who could not steal much from the gossip tabloids.

But once it is integrated with the stakeholders in the supply chain, it is different. It is completely Mars hitting the earth, and how does it burst?

At this time, it is difficult for the Ascendas department to do too much. Because there is no supply chain, the confidence in the Ascendas department has fallen to the bottom. Simple statements and briefings will not help at all, because no one believes such empty words.

That's why those Tianzhuang Jianye didn't move. They did too many mistakes. It's better not to do it, but once they have enough chips in their hands, then Zhuang Jianye is not welcome. It should be beaten, and it should be destroyed!

Because of this, Zhuang Jianye in the TV seems very calm, but those bosses and leaders in the supply chain are busy, because they have to confirm and verify, and it is not difficult to verify and confirm, just give the 64 Just inquire about the core suppliers of the stocks.

So... the calls and faxes of the 64 core suppliers were directly blown up.

The leaders of these core suppliers are going crazy, so much so that many of the leaders are trembling when they hear the ringtones of the year after a few years.

But in any case, the news that the supply chain was included in consumer drone equity was confirmed, and this move is much more useful than any statement or briefing, and the confidence in the take-off department came back all at once.

It seems that this situation has long been expected, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Zhuang Jianye changed the conversation after introducing some equity, and said seriously: "Some time ago, due to the malicious incitement by a mainstream media using fake news, some companies in the supply chain were biased towards their beliefs and fell into trouble, for the sake of the supply chain in the future. To prevent such incidents from happening again, Ascendas decided to set up a supply chain evaluation committee to conduct annual product and governance reviews of companies in the supply chain to evaluate whether the company has the conditions to join the supply chain..."

After a pause, Zhuang Jianye took out a long list, cleared his throat and continued: "Now I will announce the results of the supply chain assessment committee's audit. Because of product quality control issues, the supply chain qualification has been cancelled by Haihong. Electronics, factory door company, human group..."

Zhuang Jianye announced 37 companies that were kicked out of the supply chain in one go. Many of them were large national flags and even pillar companies in a certain place, but they were all kicked out by Zhuang Jianye without exception.

The parties who heard the news almost cried out in the toilet. There are naturally many people who are unwilling. Of course, there will be people who sue Zhuang Jianye for private revenge, because these kicked out companies are, without exception, the ones that jumped the most in the previous period. Therefore, this time Zhuang Jianye kicked people out, it is obviously to kill the chickens, and to give a clear signal to those upstream and downstream companies that have not had a clear concept of the supply chain, that is, those who believe in Zhuang Jianye will live forever, and if they don't believe it, they will die without a place to die!

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