Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1362: This...is the plane we designed ourselves?

Of course, ambition is one aspect. The acquisition of Ukraine’s "Varyag" aircraft carrier is another matter. It has been more than two years since Ning Xiaodong was inadvertently involved in this matter a few years ago. The bidding fee is Not much, but a mere US$20 million, but the other costs incurred are scary.

  The parking fee and berth fee calculated since 1995; the cost of dismantling the equipment on the ship; the evaluation fee of the ship’s condition and the benefit fee for the key figures of the political and business circles in Ukraine...

  The total sum of all the trees is already several times the cost of buying a ship.

   Even so, this scrapped aircraft carrier that signed a purchase contract from Ning Xiaodong has not stopped its strong gold swallowing ability. The aircraft carrier has no power, and it takes at least three ocean-going tugs to set sail back home, which is not a small expense.

  Although the aircraft carrier has been scrapped, it also requires personnel to maneuver and navigate on it during towing, and personnel expenditures are also indispensable.

   The berthing fee and boat fee through various straits and important places also need money to open the way.

   As for the situation of deliberately making things difficult on the road, temporarily detaining or refusing to go with the company, in the end, a small amount of money is required to be mad.

   Such a calculation, without a total cost of 300 to 400 million US dollars, it is difficult for this aircraft carrier to be safe.

With Ning Xiaodong’s strength, where can we get $300 to $400 million in pure capital, unless the old foundation is sold out, most of it will be about the same, so Ning Xiaodong’s series of operations are the result of the strong support of Ascendas Investment .

And China’s soaring support for the "Varyag" aircraft carrier not only hopes that the navy will be strong, but also has selfishness. That is, the navy with an aircraft carrier must be equipped with carrier-based aircraft, as it has been groping for many years in carrier-based aircraft. Large-scale aerospace and aerospace production companies are tantamount to saying that a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is ushered in.

Zhuang Jianye was originally a person who was good at seizing opportunities, and naturally would not let go of the dividends of the navy’s great development. Therefore, he not only increased the technical reserves of carrier-based aircraft, but also derived a series of supporting models according to the needs of the navy. Among them, the vertical Takeoff and landing fighters are the focus of a series of supporting models, and it can even be said to some extent surpass the fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft.

The reason for this is simple. The navy’s development plan outline in recent years has clearly stated that the future naval development goals are 2 aircraft carriers and 4 amphibious assault ships, with these 6 large surface ships as the core to form an ocean-going formation to ensure Territorial integrity, safeguard energy channel security and overseas business interests.

   The paragraph in the outline is not long, but it clearly clarifies an important idea of ​​the navy, which is to equate amphibious assault ships with aircraft carriers, which is now the popular amphibious assault ship carrierization in the world's navies.

  The problem is that the aircraft carrier has fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft and supporting aviation guidance and reconnaissance equipment, which can control a large area of ​​sea and conduct anti-submarine, anti-ship and ground attack operations. Its comprehensive combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

   Due to deck and tonnage restrictions, the amphibious assault ship is only suitable for take-off and landing helicopters. It does not have the aviation advantage of fixed-wing aircraft. How to assume the role of an aircraft carrier?

  The solution in Britain, Italy, and Spain is to use the "Harrier" vertical take-off and landing fighter as the carrier-based aircraft of this type of surface ship to carry out the combat mission of fixed-wing aircraft.

   When the F-35B aircraft of the United States is successfully developed, the shotgun will be replaced directly, and the respective carrier-based aircraft fleet will be upgraded to a fourth-generation aircraft.

   Only a special model is needed to allow the Navy to spend less money with combat capabilities no less than that of an aircraft carrier. No matter how you look at it, the deal is cost-effective.

Coincidentally, this trend has not attracted the attention of domestic friends and merchants. They will try their best to keep on fixed-wing aircraft in the traditional sense. Zhuang Jianye looked at it and found that China could take off on combat aircraft and truly break the siege. coming.

   There is no way. Once the vertical take-off and landing fighter is approved by the Navy, China will get rid of the embarrassing situation of not supporting, or supporting, and then engaging in joint development over the years, and truly become a domestic military combat aircraft player.

   At that time, it cannot be said to be on an equal footing with the Berjaya Group and Northeast Airlines Group in terms of combat aircraft, at least the three-legged pattern will stand up.

   This is a miracle for an enterprise with less than 20 years of development history.

   Look at this point, Zhuang Jianye did not hesitate to exert his efforts, because so many years of experience tells Zhuang Jianye that only by being the only one can he be the only one!

   That being the case, of course we must move towards the only goal.

So after conducting a series of tests on the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter and found that it did not meet its own requirements, China Ascendas did not abandon this model that even Russia feels tasteless, but increased investment and began to conduct in-depth research in order to seek Improved technical route.

At this time, Lockheed Martin of the United States announced the original design of three F-35 fighter jets. Among them, the F-35B vertical take-off and landing fighter designed for the Marine Corps attracted the attention of Chinese take-off and landing technicians. Except for the three-bearing curved vector nozzle, the F-35B vertical take-off and landing fighter does not use the small lift turbofan engine of the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter, but uses a lift fan instead of the lift engine.

Although this design occupies a bit of space, the benefits are also obvious. The first is to simplify the internal complex pipelines. At the very least, the lift engine needs to be equipped with oil pipes, starting cables, and other mechanical mechanisms, which is not only unfavorable to the aircraft. The safety of the aircraft, and virtually increase the total structure of the aircraft.

  The lift fan is different. Just extend a bearing from the engine immediately. The principle is equivalent to placing the turbofan in the turbofan engine with a large bypass ratio at the front end.

   It is important to know that 70% of the thrust of the large bypass turbofan engine is provided by the fan~www.readwn.com~ Therefore, theoretically, the layout of the front fan can provide enough lift for the aircraft to take off vertically.

  Because of this, seeing the power layout of the F-35B, China's soaring technical team can be described as a treasure, and naturally it is straightforward to use it without being red and heartbeat.

   Anyway, for so many years, China's take-off has been doing things with Yingjiang, and it's not bad once.

   It’s just that China Ascendas crossed the river by touching the eagle sauce on the vertical power structure, but the overall layout of the aircraft did not follow the American thinking.

As the saying goes, choose the good ones, and change the bad ones. The F-35B's powertrain is indeed a genius design, but if it is so comfortable in the F-35 frame, the way is obviously to go. Narrow.

   China Tengfei is also an aerospace and aerospace company with ideas. Even if it is copying homework, it must be copied right. The mistakes that can be seen at a glance are naturally too lazy to even look at it.

Because of this, when the shuttle bus gradually approached the hangar, the heads and leaders of the troops, including the military leaders and the heads of the headquarters, had their eyes straightened. Some aviation-born leaders even subconsciously stood up from their seats. Looking at the plane in front of the hangar, which looked like the J-8E from a distance, it was actually more domineering and more modern than the J-8E. A word flashed in my mind: "Is this...Is it our own design?"



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