Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1363: Flying wing layout

It’s no wonder everyone feels astonished. The main reason is that the angle of observation is different. When several leaders from aviation soldiers saw the aircraft in front of the hangar, they had a side face of less than 30 degrees along the nose. This angle It is indeed very similar to the J-8E.

But when I took a closer look, I discovered that apart from the similarity of the nose and air inlets to the J-8E, the middle and rear of the entire fuselage has nothing to do with the J-8E. More precisely, it has nothing to do with any other domestic and foreign models. The aircraft’s aerodynamic layouts are different, presenting an alternative, surreal, and subverting the traditional, but without losing the modern atmosphere of a new layout.

   is like the legendary vampire bat with its wings spread out, and like the reincarnation of the wind **** pterosaur in the Jurassic period, it gives people a wild and brutal atmosphere in their agility.

   Yes, the layout of this vertical take-off and landing fighter of China Ascendas did not adopt the traditional conventional layout of the United States and Russia, but used a full-lift configuration that is almost between flying wing and conventional.

Needless to say, the nose and air inlets are based on the J-8E, or they were directly moved from the J-8E or True Dragon II demonstrator, but after the air inlet, they were followed by the J-8E or True Dragon II demonstrator. It's nothing to do with half a dime.

Two thicker side strip wings lead to two very large and characteristic wings. Viewed from the front, the two pairs of wings swept back 40 degrees, like typical tailless delta wings, but the wings are found behind the wings. It is not a typical delta wing, because the tail of the wing is also swept forward by 30 degrees, so that the two wings cooperate with the perfect wing body fusion process, so that the whole presents a nearly diamond-shaped semi-flying wing layout.

   Coupled with the two 45-degree inclined vertical tails extending from the engine tail nozzle and the two small pelvic fins below, the entire vertical take-off and landing fighter looks very different.

   However, those who only have a little knowledge of aerodynamics know very well that this seemingly alternative vertical take-off and landing verification aircraft has quite strong endurance and maneuverability.

   The reason is very simple. This kind of aerodynamic aircraft is not without precedents. Not only has it appeared, but it also has excellent overall performance. It is the YF-23 fighter jointly developed by McDonnell Douglas and Northrop.

   Its target competitor is now the famous F-22.

Although the YF-23 fighter jet lost to the F-22 in the final competition, it was not lost in terms of technology, but lost to a concept that was too advanced, so that the slightly conservative U.S. Air Force felt that the YF-23 The fighter maturity is not as good as the F-22, so the more traditional F-22 was chosen.

In fact, the YF-23 fighter jet is superior to the F-22 in terms of range, supersonic cruise or stealth, and other key indicators, especially its unique diamond-shaped lift body aerodynamic layout, which almost compares the maneuverability that McDonnell Douglas is good at. The advantages of the flying wing layout that Ropp is proud of are all absorbed. Not only does it have a huge ammunition load, but it also completely crushes any combat aircraft at the time in terms of combat radius and air combat maneuverability.

   Because of this, the YF-23 fighter has become the true pinnacle of the US aviation industry.

Because the YF-23 fighter is too good, there has been a saying in the industry that the YF-23 fighter did not really fail, but was purchased by the US Air Force in the name of a high-speed reconnaissance aircraft and equipped for the Air Force’s Strategic Reconnaissance Wing. , To become a new generation of stealers ~~~~ the king of peeping.

Regardless of whether the rumors are true or false, one thing is certain, that is, the excellent performance of the YF-23 fighter jet is beyond doubt. Because of this, when a group of chiefs and leaders with strong aviation theoretical foundations see this vertical aircraft in front of them After landing the verification aircraft, the exclaiming: "This is the aircraft we designed?"

No way, it’s really that this kind of aerodynamic layout can’t be done by just looking at the cat, but it needs to be quite powerful in flying wing layout, traditional trapezoidal wing, tailless delta wing, full lift body, wing-body fusion, etc. Experience and foundation can be worthy of entry.

After that, you have to have deep knowledge of **** and ailerons, and have extraordinary accumulations in the fields of composite materials, metal materials, alloy materials, ceramic materials, and so on. In addition, the R&D team that has always implemented innovation can control such avant-garde The aerodynamic layout, otherwise you can only stare at nothing.

The reason is simple. There are many advantages of this aerodynamic layout, but there are also many disadvantages. The most important thing is how to ensure maneuverability. After all, it is a fighter plane. It does not have super maneuverability. It is a living target in the sky, but it is almost flying. The wing layout inherently suffers from maneuverability.

   Coupled with the lack of horizontal tail or canard assistance, under normal circumstances, the maneuverability of this type of aircraft can make the listener sad, and the listener shed tears.

   How did the YF-23 fighter solve this problem?

It is very simple to directly use the ailerons and **** to complete the super-maneuvering action. That is to say, the ailerons and **** of the YF-23 fighter are very different from the ailerons and **** on the traditional aircraft, and they are given more important The role of this foundation comes from Northrop’s another pinnacle, the combination of **** and ailerons on the B-2 stealth bomber.

   It’s just that Northrop sublimated this technology once again on the YF-23 fighter. With the rear vertical tail and lifting body fuselage, the YF-23 fighter has the maneuverability comparable to the F-22.

   The problem is that this flaperon combination maneuvering method seems simple, but not everyone can do it.

   Just like the B-2 strategic bomber, the Americans have long announced the basic principles and supporting plans. As a result, besides the Americans in the entire solar system, who else has built a flying-wing stealth bomber?

It’s not that I don’t want to do ~www.readwn.com~ but I can’t do it at all. If nothing else, how to control the timing and control position of the B-2 flaperon differential combination is a headache. After all, it is recognized that flying-wing-type aircraft is difficult to control. To make this kind of aircraft obediently can not be leveled by the flaperon differential, and the things involved are simply vast.

Northrop has been working **** the flying-wing aerodynamic layout since World War II. It has invested a lot of money back and forth, dropped several prototypes, and sacrificed the huge experience accumulated by more than a dozen pilots. B-2 and YF-23 were added.

  Because of this, the progress of the aviation industry is only considered by outsiders to be an explosive leap. In fact, before which leap, I don’t know how many people fell into the accumulation of technology for decades.

  The chiefs and leaders of the troops present are naturally not outsiders. They know that they don't have strong technical accumulation. They want to create an airplane with the same aerodynamic layout as the YF-23 fighter jet.

   But in these years, no one has heard that China Ascendas has been involved in flying-wing aerodynamic layout. How did the vertical take-off and landing verification machine come from?

   At this moment, the head of the headquarters who had been silent for a long time suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Zhuang Jianye: "Are your TY-22 drones still going on?"


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