Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1361: The navy's ambitions

   What the military leaders said is right. The UK and the US are the ones that develop and produce vertical take-off and landing fighter jets in the world today.

Of course, there was a Soviet Union before. The problem is that after the disintegration, Russia, which inherited most of the Soviet heritage, could not afford the expensive research and development costs of this type of aircraft. The Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter bearing a curved vector tail nozzle was also acquired by the predecessor of China Ascendas Ascendas Group, and now it has become China Ascendas' technical reserve.

Yes, today’s Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter jets are only technical reserves and cannot become active products. The reason for this is very simple. Russia has been following the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter jets over the years. China's take-off is entangled.

The main reason for this is that the Russians have been thinking about money and crazy over the years, let alone the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter, even the AK-47 assault rifle, the MiG-21 fighter jet and other products that were shipped in large quantities during the Soviet period. , The Russians all wanted to use one to make up for the huge amount of intellectual property fees.

In addition to the Yakovlev Design Bureau, Zhukovsky’s Central Aerodynamics Research Institute participated in the design of the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter jet. In addition, some other former Soviet Union design units participated, leading to the participation of Yakovlev. The intellectual property rights of the 141 vertical take-off and landing fighter are simply confused.

The Russians just got this confused and prepared to knock China off with guns and sticks. For this reason, they set up a series of restrictive measures, such as the key materials, main parts and components of the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter engine. Core data, etc., in order to force China to take off and submit.

  Especially the two large-diameter bearing components in the three-bearing bend at the core of the tail nozzle, not only have to withstand the high temperature of the heat flow of the tail nozzle, but also the action accuracy and response speed must be particularly stable.

This technology was unique to the Soviet Union and Russia before 1995. It can be said to be a master of metallurgy, machinery manufacturing, system integration and industrial design in the Soviet era. Even the United States, which is known as the world's number one in science and technology, cannot reach it. After the Cold War, the technology was obtained by accidentally plundering the corpses of the Soviet Union, and then the F-35B was achieved.

Before taking off in China, relying on the full set of technology provided by Yakovlev, it used to imitate the engine of the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter. Other parts are fine, except for the two large-size titanium alloy bearings on the tail nozzle. After coming out, I had no choice but to order it from Russia, and the price was of course not to be mentioned, it was a big blow by the Russians.

   The quotation for a single bearing is only 5 million U.S. dollars, and the entire engine is less than 25 million U.S. dollars, which shows how mad the Russians are.

   If the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter is really skilled, it will be fine. Whether it is spending money or playing gangsters, China's take-off guarantees that it will be as beautiful as the foreign Su-27 fighter sister Ji, intact.

   The problem is that after actual testing, the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter is not as good as the Russians say, at best it is an engineering verification machine that has completed the initial design.

Many technologies are immature. For example, the two Victory turbofan engines at the rear of the cockpit are not only overweight, but also because of the high temperature heat flow during startup, the structural strength of the surrounding body materials is rapidly attenuated, and cracks often appear. , Cracking and other problems, resulting in the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter's service life is only a poor 2500 hours.

As for ammunition capacity, range, and maneuverability, let alone the performance of plastics on paper, they can’t stand the verification at all. Even Malenovsky, the head office of the Yakovlev Design Bureau Everyone has to admit that the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter is not so much a fighter, it is more of an avant-garde concept.

   If this is another enterprise or unit that spreads such cheesy and money-burning things, it is estimated that it will be swept directly into the garbage dump, and it will be completely turned into a technical reserve.

   The problem is that China Ascendas is not an ordinary enterprise, especially when it comes to carrier-based aircraft. China Ascendas inherits the tradition from the Yonghong factory, and it has a foundation of almost 30 years.

It would be fine if it had not acquired the Yakovlev Design Bureau. Now that it has been obtained, all the technical data of the Yak-141 vertical take-off and landing fighter has been obtained. For such a medium-sized model with a displacement of 20,000 to 40,000 tons The warship has the same level of combat capability as today's large aircraft carriers. As a traditional carrier-based aircraft development, China will not give up lightly.

What's more, today is very different from the 1980s. At that time, the Navy wanted an aircraft carrier, but the national and financial resources at that time simply could not afford to build an aircraft carrier. In addition, the focus of domestic defense at that time was the bear in the north. There is little overseas interest, and there is no urgent requirement to develop aircraft carriers.

However, it is not the same now. In the next few years, we will enter the 21st century. The domestic economic development can be described as leaps and bounds. With the expansion of overseas trade, the safety of business routes and the smooth flow of energy channels are very important to the country. In addition, the frontier of military struggle has shifted from the north to the southeast coast, which has prompted the Navy to develop increasingly mature conditions for large surface ships such as aircraft carriers.

The main reason for the lack of immediate investment is the same as the Army’s failure to implement mechanization immediately. That is, the comprehensive protection capability at sea is too short. One is the formation of regional air defense, and the other is ocean-going anti-submarine warfare. If these two problems cannot be solved. The problem of ~www.readwn.com~ even if there is an aircraft carrier, it is still a living target. Either the enemy's airstrike firepower will be half-crippled, or the submarine will steal the home.

Because of this, until these two problems are resolved, the Navy can only maintain the current mode of small steps and fast running, and strive to maintain a fairly complete structure while ensuring certain technical aspects. , The dumpling is a matter of minutes.

Of course, immature conditions do not mean that the Navy has not made preparations for aircraft carriers. The Melbourne aircraft carrier purchased from Australia in the late 1980s, and the two scrapped aircraft carriers Kyiv and Minsk purchased after the collapse of the Soviet Union are all domestic The design and construction of large ships provide valuable references.

   Even in order to demonstrate the feasibility of the 40,000-ton aircraft carrier, even Zhuang Jianye, Lin Guanghua, and many other Chinese ascending technicians were invited by the Navy to board the Minsk for on-site surveys. It can be seen that the navy's ambitions are already restless.

   Another proof of this ambition is that Ning Xiaodong is approaching the acquisition of the Ukrainian "Varyag" aircraft carrier. There is no shadow of the navy in the whole process. The question is who is Ning Xiaodong? That was Zhuang Jianye’s eldest brother, and the relationship between Zhuang Jianye, a large state-owned enterprise that insists on developing carrier-based aircraft, and the navy is naturally not bad, so the large aircraft carrier that is still far away in Ukraine and is undergoing handover procedures is wrapped in business. Inside the coat of behavior is actually a surging ambition of the navy!


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