Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1360: Vertical take-off and landing

No way, let’s not talk about Ning Xiaodong’s industry on Hong Kong Island and the domestic Qiongzhou Airlines; nor about Ning Xiaoxue’s home appliance stores and supermarket chains all over the country. Just say that these two brothers and sisters have joined Tengfei Investment in recent years. A few investments made a lot of money.

  According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, the two brothers and sisters of the Ning family have to give Zhuang Jianye a share, but who is Zhuang Jianye? It's definitely a talented person. If the money is collected, it will easily go wrong in the future.

  , the Ning brothers and sisters were in trouble. Zhuang Jianye had no choice but to come up with an idea to let Ning Xiaodong use his identity on Hong Kong Island to open a family trust fund overseas, where to put all the money, and then share it with the family members.

   In this way, Zhuang Jianye not only has nothing to do with him, but his wife and children are also more secure. After all, the dead wage is sometimes really not enough. With the help of the family trust fund, he can have a lot of life.

More importantly, this can save Zhuang Jianye from a lot of future troubles. After all, the central government cadres, how many pairs of eyes are staring up and down, a little problem will inevitably be magnified by someone who is interested, and then the trouble will be second, if the ship is overturned in the gutter. The gain is not worth the loss.

In this regard, the superiors still understand, but they can’t say anything. Both Ning Xiaodong and Ning Xiaoxue were already rich before the founding of China Take-off, and apart from Qiongzhou Airlines, the two brothers and sisters are in the industry and take-off department. The degree of overlap is very low. Even if there is benefit transfer, the degree will not be very high. At least it will not be like the leaders of some companies want to get all the seven aunts and eight aunts around the company to attract the company like a leech. flesh.

Even Qiongzhou Airlines, which is deeply related to Ascendas, has not received much light. Instead, it has adopted a large number of models produced by China Ascendas TRJ-500, TRJ-700, TNB-18 and other models that cannot obtain European and American airworthiness certificates. , Resulting in the inability to expand overseas routes, and can only be struggling to support domestically.

  So many people in the industry have argued that Zhuang Jianye did not treat his elder brother as a relative at all, and was simply taking advantage of him.

   In this case, plus what Ning Xiaodong established the family trust fund is also reasonable and legal, so what else to say?

   is naturally the nephew playing the lantern-as usual!

Even the superiors didn’t take it seriously. Naturally, other people couldn’t take it to heart. What’s more, the leaders and leaders of the military were present today. They had no wealth or money in their eyes. They were in the face of cruel wars. How big a wave can it make?

   So in the eyes of these professional soldiers, something that can give them an advantage, or even an absolute victory, is a good thing in their ideals.

Of course Zhuang Jianye knows the thoughts of these leaders and leaders, but the problem is that the concept of the bottom of the box is too broad. There are really many aerospace manufacturing centers, but from which one can we give these leaders and leaders first. With a good impression, Zhuang Jianye couldn't make up his mind.

   Make it too esoteric, for fear that the chiefs and leaders will not understand it; make it too superficial, and for fear of being misunderstood as such, this degree is really hard to grasp.

   Just as Zhuang Jianye was thinking hard about how to arrange it, a leader from the Air Force suddenly pointed to a tarmac on the edge of the airport and shouted: "Where do you look? Is it J-8E?"

"Why not? The nose, the air intakes on both sides, the larger wings, and... and..." a leader from the naval aviation team hurriedly replied, but when talking about the two engines, the leader of the naval aviation team I got stuck in my throat, squeezed hard for a long time but didn't squeeze it out.

   There is no way, the aircraft in the distance that is quite similar to the J-8E is not a twin-engine aircraft, but a single-engine aircraft.

   Even if someone asks: "Single-engine J-8E? Have we issued such a model development plan?"

The leaders of the Air Force and Naval Aviation, who spoke first, shook their heads together, let alone no, even if they had their Air Force and Naval Aviation, they would not agree. With the aerodynamic layout of the J-8E, the dual-engine structure can barely support multi-purpose use. If the performance of the fighter is single-engined, the performance will be degraded too much, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

  The air force and naval aviation unit do such a stupid self-castration only when their heads are broken.

   is not a development plan issued by the army, so why is there such a nondescript J-8E here?

   "Is this your newly developed aircraft?"

This was what the military leader asked Zhuang Jianye next to him. The dialogue with several leaders on the side of the military leader naturally noticed. At the same time, he also saw the aircraft parked near the hangar not far away, which was quite similar to the J-8E. aircraft.

To be honest, if it were not for the good eyes of a few leaders from aviation, they could see that the aircraft in the distance was not the J-8E, the military leaders and the head of the headquarters and others would really treat the aircraft as a J-8E and swept it away. Omit, it is now recognized that it is not. The military leader sitting on the shuttle bus was free anyway and asked Xia Zhuang Jianye what the situation was like.

In fact, Zhuang Jianye also noticed the remarks made by several aviation leaders. In line with the principle of hanging up high, Zhuang Jianye didn’t hear everything. He walked deep into the base as planned, but he didn’t expect the military team next to him. When the leader asked, Zhuang Jianye couldn't pretend to be dead, so he could only answer truthfully: "That is a newly developed test verification machine."

   "The experimental verification machine...what is it responsible for?" the military leader continued to ask.

   "Vertical take-off and landing!" Zhuang Jianye replied unhurriedly.

   "Oh... It's a vertical take-off and landing... Then... what? That is a vertical take-off and landing verification machine? Stop!"

   The military leader nodded with interest, but the next moment he felt that something was wrong, his voice suddenly rose several degrees, and immediately stopped the moving shuttle: "Go to the hangar over there."

The driver of the shuttle bus immediately slammed the steering wheel and drove towards the hangar not far away. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Zhuang Jianye saw that this was not okay, he finally had the idea of ​​reception, what if the military leaders were Isn't everything messed up if you change it?

   Then quickly explained: "The idea of ​​the verification machine is a bit bolder, so the whole is not mature enough. Compared with our previous copy of the Yak-141, the performance is a lot worse, so..."

"That's why I have to take a good look. It doesn't matter if the performance of the Yak-141 is worse. As long as you can go down this road, let alone your imitation Yak-141. According to the aviation test, the technical and tactical level is not ideal, so the follow-up Improvement is imperative, so I don’t expect much results from you this time. As long as you can steadily follow this path, you will make a great contribution to China’s take-off."

The military leaders did not give Zhuang Jianye a chance to continue, and then asked calmly, "By the way, you just said that the technology is immature? I remember that the structure of Jacques-141 is already very mature. What about you? Made it immature?"

   Seeing that it can’t be changed, Zhuang Jianye could only break the can, oh~~ let it be, so he replied with a wry smile: "We replaced two lift turbojet engines with one lift fan..."

   Before Zhuang Jianye finished speaking, the military leader's old eyes were straightened, and it took a long time before he murmured: "Good guys, you want to surpass Britain and catch up with the United States when China takes off!"



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