Take Off My Aviation Era

Chapter 1359: Big head of budget

   After all, Yun-35 is the first domestic air command platform that organically integrates the integrated secret communication system of the Second Artillery Force’s long-range launch vehicle force and the Navy’s strategic nuclear submarine force.

The significance of this is too great. At least the command structure of the second nuclear counterattack has been greatly improved. Coupled with the liaison mechanism with several other key forces, when the emergency comes, the big leaders can be in operation. -35 to complete the issue of most of the strategic instructions.

What's more, Yun-35 relies on platform advantages and has a battery life of more than 8 hours. With air refueling, the battery life can be extended to 20 hours, although it is not comparable to the cold war of the United States E-4 or Russia’s IL-80. The monsters created during the period have a battery life of more than 72 hours at any time, but they also meet the domestic needs for general emergency situations.

   After all, operating within the domestic command system -35 is just an emergency transition, not a real command center, and there is no need to be as tall as the United States and Russia.

Of course, this is also due to the lack of a large platform. If the TRJ-900 branch line \\main line passenger aircraft develops mature in the future, the upgrade of the Y-35 will likely be on the agenda. After all, the TRJ-900 branch line \\main line passenger aircraft will have a larger platform and endurance. The longer the time, the more things can be done.

But this is all for the rest. At present, the big leaders only need to be satisfied with Yun-35. At the very least, it proves that China Ascendas has been endorsed by the big leaders in the development and production of special aircraft. Sousou only purchases two, which is even more perfect.

Fortunately, Zhuang Jianye was spitting in his heart. Otherwise, the head of the headquarters next to him would have heard that he would be able to put his neck and collar around and give the Hedong Lion's roar: "2 billion yuan for a plane, why don't you just grab it directly? Two of them are too few. According to me, I won't buy one!"

   Nothing is absolutely perfect anyway, is Zhuang Jianye the kind of person who wants money? I have already said that he is really not interested in money, and he has no sense of money. How can all of them treat him like a big capitalist in the eyes of money, 2 billion yuan, that is really on the ground. With the cost price, they will make a profit of 50 million yuan at the most when they take off in China, and they will only make a profit of 100 million yuan for two aircraft.

"Xiao Zhuang, I didn't expect that we will meet again. I heard that your last sentence is very popular. What is it called..." Just as Zhuang Jianye was thinking about it, the military leaders had already shaken hands with the head of the headquarters and the others. Zhuang Jianye immediately laughed and teased: "By the way, I am told that this person is not interested in money. In that case, when the next troops purchase, you who are not interested in money should stop being stingy. How about a half discount? ?"

   When these words came out, all the heads of troops and leaders, including the head of the headquarters, all burst into laughter. Only the old face of Zhuang Jianye blushed and looked a little embarrassing.

   "I am not interested in money" is indeed what he said, and he has said it more than once on different occasions, mainly in order to cooperate with China's Ascendas' corporate culture driven by technological innovation as an alternative propaganda.

   In the end, he was ridiculed by the military leaders. How did Zhuang Jianye pick him up?

   promise? It's really a discount, and China takes off without losing money and going to grandma's house?

   Do not agree? Do you dare to agree with the leaders of the army?

Silence is even worse. Whether it is ridicule or seriousness, it is not a good choice to pretend to be a dull gourd in front of such a big boss. They are the head of a large enterprise and a dignified central management cadre. When they encounter some trouble, they become dull gourd , At the very least, it will leave a bad impression that people are incapable.

So Zhuang Jianye, who was forced to the corner, rolled his eyes and immediately responded: "Chief, you really praised me. Personally, I am really not interested in money. I am a party member, and salary and benefits are enough to live. Why do I want so much money? But my being not interested in money does not mean that employees, companies and the country are not interested in money? Ascendas China has always been responsible for leading domestic technological innovation. The goal is to conquer the sea of ​​stars, and the future is to land on the moon. Those who land on Mars, want to accomplish these things, the more money this thing is, the better.

Because of this money, we have the confidence to develop high and new technology with the world's advanced level, which will drive the common progress of the upstream and downstream industrial chains, and then complete the upgrade of the industrial chain again, which means that the money will expand more than ten times or even in the future. Give back to the society dozens of times, hundreds of times..."

   talked about Zhuang Jianye and smiled shyly: "So, Chief, we don't lose money on the procurement costs of the troops, because it won't be long before these procurement costs will become a powerful boost to social progress in another form."

"Have you seen it? Have you seen it? Just this mouth, it's really that ordinary people can't argue..." As he reached out and clicked on Zhuang Jianye, he said with a gentle smile: "What is your kid, we still don't know? Don't give it to us. If you’re dragging the text, take out the stuff from the bottom of the box today. If our group is satisfied, your budget for next year will be indispensable to the big head of China’s take-off. If you are not satisfied... Don’t blame the old man, you Xiaozhuang. Turn your face ruthless~"

The tone after    seemed to be in the eyes, but the smile that was full of eyes didn't mean harshness in it, it was more of a kind of ridicule or care.

This can surprise the leaders and leaders of other troops around. I really didn’t expect the military leaders to have such a harmonious relationship with Zhuang Jianye. That’s all. The key is the big head of the budget for next year. The implication here is just that. There are too many, how big is the big one? Does it belong to the Air Force, the Navy, the Second Artillery Force, or the Army?

It should be understood that China's take-off spans two major business sectors: aviation and aerospace, plus Chafan's construction machinery, and its product line covers almost all military services. It can be said that those flying in the sky and running on the ground are not what they do not do~www. readwn.com~ Otherwise, it will not be called China's Lockheed Martin or Teng Lockheed by the outside world.

However, because of this, the fact that the leaders of the military are so vague makes these heads and leaders from different units think about it. After all, the annual budget is so large. Who doesn't want to get more, so they are in a normal state. All the leaders and chiefs of the army are full of energy at this time, and they all want to find the shining points of their own services and arms in the next visit, so as to expand the source of the budget.

   As for Zhuang Jianye's pretense of "I am not interested in money", just as the military leaders said, these chiefs and leaders are actually clear.

  Zhuang Jianye doesn't say that he is rich and expensive, but he does not lack money. You must know that his brother Ning Xiaodong and sister-in-law Ning Xiaoxue are both well-known figures in the domestic business community.

   Especially Ning Xiaodong has established a family trust fund since establishing a foothold on Hong Kong Island, covering the three brothers and sisters of Ning Xiaodong, Ning Xiaohui, Ning Xiaoxue and their relatives.

Because of this, Ning Xiaohui resigned from the post of deputy curator of Huancheng Archives in 1992. In response to the current trend of starting a business in the sea, he took over the role of chairman of the family trust fund. Ning Xiaohui’s husband is not someone else. It is Zhuang Jianye.

   Therefore, Zhuang Jianye said that he was not interested in money. It was indeed not pretending to be 13, but it was really quick to tell the truth!



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