
Chapter 124: The Way of Heaven and Man

Jiang Yuanchen was noncommittal, tapping on the table and continuing to ask: Madam, do you think the law of heaven or humanity is greater?

Yang Ling was originally planning to leave him alone and let Zhu Chunzheng work alone, thus humiliating him, but when he heard the sound of Jiang Yuanchen tapping on the table, his mind suddenly calmed down. Is this the demon-suppressing voiceless sound? One of the most commonly used tunes by Elder Fu Ming.

This kind of music is not some illusion that deceives people, it is just a way for people to relax and realize the truth.

Under the influence of Zhenmo Qingyin, Mrs. Jin said without hesitation: We are gods, so we are the most respected in heaven. All things are born to nourish people, and humans have no virtue to repay heaven. Humanity is just a link of heaven, how can we escape from it? outside?

Yang Ling thought for a while. Although what Mrs. Jin said was a bit extreme, it was not a fault. But why did the junior brother ask these questions deliberately?

Jiang Yuanchen put the spiritual fruit back into the fruit plate and said, I am very curious about Madam's orchard. Can Madam take me to the orchard to have a look? I want to learn from it and see how Madam cultivates these spiritual fruits.

Yes, I am also very curious about what kind of methods Madam has! Although Yang Ling didn't know what Jiang Yuanchen had discovered, he could only agree with Jiang Yuanchen's words at this moment. Finally, he also mentioned the following casual cultivators: I guess all of you colleagues are also curious, right?

Then everyone started making noises, and Mrs. Jin had no choice but to take everyone to the orchard of Thorn Mountain.

What a spiritual garden! Yang Ling looked around with his eyes and saw more than a dozen kinds of spiritual fruit trees in the garden, lush and green, with blooming flowers or abundant fruits. The aura of this place was actually higher than that of the summit venue on the top of the mountain.

Many monks absorbed spiritual energy in public, and the spiritual energy was swallowed and vomited by them like smoke.

Jiang Yuanchen unconsciously covered his nostrils with his sleeves and asked: Madam is born from the spirit of vegetation, so before swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, she must have absorbed the nutrients from the carrion of animals? I have heard that this is commonly used by farmers in the world. Plant rotten things as fertilizer.”

Mrs. Jin seemed to understand the meaning of Jiang Yuanchen's words, and said cautiously: I have never left Thorn Mountain, and I have never understood the practices of mortals. However, all things return to the earth, and we, the spirits of flowers, plants and trees, have indeed received some nutrients from this.

Later, Mrs. Jin added: Everything in the world is born and nourished by the earth. After death, it is stored in the earth and turned into fertilizer for flowers.

Is the harmony between heaven, earth and all living beings? Jiang Yuanchen said with a smile: Heaven and earth are like wheels. All living beings are in this huge wheel, and life and death are constantly alternating? Madam, is this what you mean?

Yes, everyone has their own role in heaven and earth. Mrs. Jin stroked the leaves of a fruit tree: The earth nourishes all living beings, and all living beings eventually return to the earth. This natural coordination is my way.

Then Madam, do you think there is any difference between the corpses of humans and the corpses of birds and animals?

They all come from heaven and earth, so naturally there is no difference.

Yang Ling's eyes narrowed and he immediately understood what Jiang Yuanchen was asking. Could it be that he was suspicious——

Jiang Yuanchen shook his head slightly, seeming to sigh. He didn't know whether he was talking to Mrs. Jin, Yang Ling, or the group of monks behind him: The philosophy of our Taoist sect is that heaven and man are one. Humanity is a link of heaven, and it should balance the heaven and the earth. You shouldn’t use the way of humanity to overwhelm the way of heaven, and call yourself arrogant. But all things have animism, and everything that is intelligent and spiritual has its own original intention and ego to control what it does. This is the way of humanity, which is different from the natural way of heaven and earth.”

Zhuxiu listened to the chatter of the inspector of Taixu Dao Sect and was gradually attracted by his words.

In the past, the dispute between immortals and gods was, in my view, a battle between the two ideals. The Shinto gods wanted to establish the orthodoxy of heaven and earth and rule all living beings with the laws of heaven and earth, but ignored the freedom and detachment of all living beings. Therefore, there is This fight. Afterwards, Shinto declined, and Humanity flourished for hundreds of years before declining on its own. What’s the explanation?”

In one sentence, I will ask all the monks.

Yang Ling said: Humanity has flourished, the six desires have emerged, the seven emotions have become chaotic, and everyone has their own selfish motives, so the order has collapsed. The ancestors of our Taoist sect have observed the way of heaven and the heart of witness, and used the concept of the unity of heaven and man to bring order to the chaos. If you want to fulfill your selfish desires, Those who harm the common people are demons. Those who want to talk about the way of heaven for their own selfish purposes and shout words that go against heaven are demons. Those who destroy the heaven and earth for their own selfish desires are demons. After that, the Taoist gates were opened according to the pure solar calendar and we have what we are today. In the prosperous age, we will end the disasters of the Dharma-ending Age.”

That's right! Jiang Yuanchen said, stroking his palms: What my fellow Taoist said is true. Heaven is the most merciful and kind to all things. We don't want to repay heaven and earth. How can we harm heaven and earth and protect ourselves?

The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is more damage; the way of man is to make up for the deficiency when it is not enough. This is the previous explanation of the two ways of heaven and man, but there is a balance between heaven and man. How to grasp this balance measure, This is the unity of nature and man that we want to pursue.”

Mu Qingyi understood clearly: blindly plundering the essence of heaven and earth will not only cut off the path of successors, but also make herself doomed. And if they just follow nature, how many people are willing to sacrifice their own path and fruit to fulfill the merits of others? The monks and heaven and earth are both interdependent and antagonistic. Comply with the general trend of heaven, and seek benefits for yourself in the countercurrent.

Heaven and earth are like the deep sea, and Taoists are like boats. If you go against the current or go with the current, it will be difficult to realize the Tao in the end. Jiang Yuanchen came to a conclusion and turned to Mrs. Jin and said: Madam believes that the way of humanity should be respected under the way of heaven. It is nothing more than treating human beings and other spiritual beings as the same as wood, stone, grass and mustard. In this way, how can all things have spirits and how can there be the value of life? The heaven and earth are like a wheel, and it is this big wheel that we Taoists are transcended. .”

Mrs. Jin looked sternly and stared at Jiang Yuanchen.

Zhu Chunzheng coughed lightly: Fellow Taoist, you——

Junior Brother Zhu! Yang Ling interrupted him and asked Jiang Yuanchen to continue.

Madam, how do you feel about using innocent human beings as fertilizer to nourish this land of thorny mountains?

As soon as he said this, Zhu Chunzheng and Mu Qingyi changed their expressions at the same time, and the casual cultivators below were also suddenly shocked to realize what Jiang Yuanchen said.

Mrs. Jin suddenly smiled: Your Majesty really has good eyesight. I once ordered people to collect the bones in the human cemeteries to use them as fertilizer to nourish the Thorn Mountain. I knew that this move would not be tolerated by the human race, so I deliberately concealed it and didn't want to The envoy was still aware of it. After saying that, he looked guilty.

Mrs. Jin is a Taoist who has attained the Tao of grass and trees, and is not from the human race. Naturally, she cannot be restrained by human morality. Mu Qingyi's expression remained unchanged, but she didn't know how to refute.

Jiang Yuanchen smiled: Madam, you are such a candid person! Humans eat fruits and vegetables, and the flesh and blood of animals. Madam just uses the corpses of human beings after their death, which is nothing. To the whole world, the same thing happens after the death of human beings. It is returned to the earth and turned into nutrients. It is just that the corpses of the ancestors are expressed in mourning, so this is not an immoral behavior of the human race. If the lady is from the human race, she can naturally be punished for it and is immoral. But the lady is a plant spirit. Dao, I can’t punish you for this.”

After Jiang Yuanchen finished speaking, he suddenly changed his tone: But if someone buries a living person under the soil, it will not only involve the moral laws of the human race, but also the rules of my entire Lingzhou!

Immortals value life! Whether they are humans or demons, they are all spiritual beings. Lingzhou will never allow anyone to torture and kill living beings and blaspheme the humanity of all beings! Jiang Yuanchen said sternly: Mrs. Jin, do you think you are using secret methods to cover it up? The aura of Thorny Mountain makes it impossible for me to see the bones buried under this place and their grievances!

A tiger-like dragon-like monster appeared next to Jiang Yuanchen: There are 1,362 bones buried here, 300 human bones, and 1,062 beasts. Most of them are ordinary beasts, but still There are one hundred and three goblin skeletons. In addition, among the three hundred human skeletons, there are 212 mortals and 88 monks. They were all drained of their life essence and buried alive here.

Bi Fan was sent out to check the situation as early as when Jiang Yuanchen noticed something was wrong.

Jiang Yuanchen has the talent of spiritual dreams, and his spiritual consciousness is very sensitive to strong thoughts. Just one person's thoughts of Tengmu Lian and others can be interpreted by Jiang Yuanchen, and even affect his emotional sense, let alone the resentful thoughts of thousands of resentful spirits. Although he was buried under the mountain and his soul was scattered, the strong hatred he felt when he died was also integrated into the Thorny Mountain.

When others came to this orchard, they just felt that the spiritual energy was abundant, but in Jiang Yuanchen's eyes, the resentment that came out along with the spiritual energy almost made him suffocate.

No matter how beautiful Mrs. Jin made this place, the smell of rotten flesh could not be concealed in Jiang Yuanchen's eyes.

Mrs. Jin looked calm: This is what the superior envoy and his family said. I asked myself that I have not offended the superior envoy, so why did the superior envoy frame me like this? If it is said that I steal human corpses to make flower fertilizer, I will tolerate it, but if it is said that I kill innocent people indiscriminately, , I am a tree and a tree, I know the goodness of God, how can I do such a thing? After saying that, Mrs. Jin commented to the surrounding Mu Qingyi, Yang Ling and the casual cultivators below: I would like to ask everyone to testify about this matter. Give me justice.

Yang Ling looked cold. He no longer wanted to see these spiritual fruits and flowers in the orchard. Are these all cultivated with the essence of flesh and blood of living creatures? Thinking of what was in his stomach, Yang Ling suddenly felt bad.

Don't use this kind of magic that confuses the gods. Yang Ling took out a fan and waved it casually, and a breeze broke through Mrs. Jin's magic.

Mrs. Jin is also a seasoned person. She can win over many monks quietly, and no one notices that there is anything wrong with Thorny Mountain. The methods of this Mrs. Thorny can be imagined.

Seeing that Jiang Yuanchen, Mu Qingyi, and Yang Ling were gradually uniting, Mrs. Jin immediately stepped aside.

In that case, don't blame me for being rude! The ground suddenly shook, and countless blue-black thorns grew out of the ground, instantly covering the sky, as if they wanted to keep all the monks behind.

The orchard that Mrs. Jin had worked hard to cultivate for many years was destroyed, and all the fruit trees turned into thorns and their nutrients formed a giant net that covered the sky. Many flower demons came back from all directions, holding swords or knives to fight with the group of wandering cultivators.

Sister Jin, what are you doing! A female cultivator looked horrified: You still want to arrest all of us.

The petals were flying, and Mrs. Jin covered her sleeves: The heaven and the earth are like a net, and all living beings have their own roles in the net, but in the end, don't they all return to the earth to repeat themselves? My sister's move is just to go with the sky and help you complete it in advance. It's just your last role performance. The goddess looked crazy, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was even more magical.

This witch really likes opera! Mu Qingyi took the first action. The surrounding flower demons and tree spirits were injured by the silver-white sword energy. The lunar light continued to shine, and the accomplices were frozen into ice sculptures.

Many monks breathed a sigh of relief and did not dare to stay long. They sacrificed their magic weapons and prepared to escape, but suddenly they smelled a fragrant fragrance and became drowsy. Milky white flowers suddenly bloomed on the thorns, emitting a strange fragrance. Then the monks were swallowed up by huge spiritual flowers, and Mrs. Jin seemed to want to use her own power to eat them all.

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