
Chapter 125: Beheading by a temptress

Ah, what a rich vitality! As long as you use your life essence, our Thorny Mountain can be transformed into a blessed place, right? Mrs. Jin's eyes were fervent, looking at the cultivators as if they were fertilized.

Although most of the surrounding fruit trees are dead, there are still a few mature fruit trees that continue to survive under the protection of Mrs. Jin. Mrs. Jin picked a scarlet red fruit from one of the red fruit trees, and the juice flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Such a sweet spiritual fruit, it really needs some specific fertilizer to cultivate! Mrs. Jin covered her mouth, and her bright red palace shirt added a touch of enchantment.

Hmph! Mu Qingyi held up the golden book of mountains and rivers and took a look at Mrs. Jin. A golden light flew out and tried to take away Mrs. Jin's divine seal. But Jin Guang walked around Mrs. Jin, but did not take back the divine seal.

Haha——! Mrs. Jin laughed so hard that her branches trembled: Your Majesty, try again, I will stay where I am. Let's see how your golden book of mountains and rivers cuts off my status?

Mu Qingyi frowned and raised the golden book of mountains and rivers again, and three more golden lights fell on Mrs. Jin. But still, there was no reaction at all when the mud cow entered the sea.

Yang Ling and Zhu Chunzheng looked at Mu Qingyi questioningly: Is it possible? This is the only method the sect's inspector can use?

Don't try, she is the real Tianfenye. Jiang Yuanchen, who was watching coldly, stopped Mu Qingyi's mana-consuming behavior.

This monster nourishes a mountain with the flesh and blood of living beings. Although she has all kinds of murderous evil in her body, to the world, it is just an act of returning spiritual energy. She has already obtained the original divine seal of this mountain. Unless the mountain and river seal comes in person, Otherwise, the golden book alone will not be able to collect her divine seal.

This envoy really has good eyesight! This time I was defeated by the envoy. Mrs. Jin's eyes flashed and she smiled at Jiang Yuanchen.

Madam is so confident. She must have left a way out for herself. She is planning to take the entire Thorny Mountain away after the Blessed Land is promoted? If I am not wrong, you should be planning to use the treasures left by those senior colleagues, right? Bring the Thorny Mountain away. The mountain has turned into a magic weapon, which can be used as a source of support for one's divine way, and can also protect one's own spiritual body. Jiang Yuanchen asked the other three people to rescue those comrades, while he faced Mrs. Jin, the God of the Heavenly Mountain, alone.

Seeing that Yang Ling and Mu Qingyi were hesitant, Jiang Yuanchen smiled and said, Don't worry, I still have the golden chariot in hand.

Madam will definitely not be able to hide it from the colleagues in Lingzhou after today. She can only escape from the outside world, so Leizhou? Jiang Yuanchen walked up to Madam Jin. Although the thorns around him wanted to beat them, black auras blocked them. Then a bright moon appeared behind Jiang Yuanchen's head, fixing the thorns and whip vines around him. It's a pity that Leizhou is not a place where you can stay.

Let's talk about the three Yang Lings who went to rescue the casual cultivators. Seeing that the casual cultivators were doing their own thing and only caring about their own safety, Yang Ling quickly raised a formation diagram and said, Why don't you come in!

Zhu Xiu looked hesitant, hiding in Yang Ling's formation, but life or death was not up to him. But looking at the thorns and vines flying back and forth in the sky, these casual cultivators had no choice but to flee to the Yang Ling Evolution Formation to temporarily avoid the sharp edges. Only a few Yuye Stage cultivators maintained their advanced cultivation and stayed quietly where they were.

Things made of wood should be attacked with fire. Senior Brother Yang can help me protect the law and let me burn this thing completely! Zhu Chunzheng said quickly.

Hearing this, Mu Qingyi quickly stopped him: No, there are many comrades trapped in the flowers by this monster. If you burn them with real fire, these comrades will inevitably be injured! It's better to deal with these evil flower monsters first!

Yang Ling barely kept the formation running and said to Mu Qingyi: I will do as you wish. Junior Brother Zhu will help fight against these flower demons. As for Madam Jin, the thorn demon, leave it to that person.

On the other side, Mrs. Jin's expression suddenly changed after hearing Jiang Yuanchen's words: What do you know! Just a lackey of the Immortal Sect. I think that when all the gods in Leizhou gather together, it will be the paradise for gods like us!

Seeing Mrs. Jin's behavior, Jiang Yuanchen shook his head: I also know a god from Leizhou, and that god and Taoist friend has never been as extreme as you. Do you think that your behavior is not tolerated in Lingzhou? Could it be that the creatures in Leizhou just let you go? Killing at will?

Bi'an! Jiang Yuanchen called out, and Bi'an showed his true form in the air. A pure white field of righteousness suppressed the demonic vines. An evil mirror also appeared in front of Mrs. Jin, and then countless resentful spirits flew out from the ground.

My Bifan is also a god, but he is a humane god. There are many gods in Leizhou, which is not like the division of gods in Lingzhou. Moreover, Leizhou does not have a real ruler. The gods work on their own. Isn't it better than Lingzhou? Is it better for the gods to be harmonious under the rule of Taixu Dao Sect?

Mrs. Jin ignored Jiang Yuanchen's words and panicked when she looked at the resentful spirits around her that were attacking and biting her body. But then she returned to her usual state again: It turns out to be an illusion! Mrs. Jin's body was covered with red mist. Emerging, the surrounding resentful spirits melted away.

Jiang Yuanchen stood quietly aside, not worried when the illusion he and Biuan had been broken, but said softly: Madam, do you know that among the many demon spirits, the spirits of vegetation are the most cautious before they can cultivate the golden elixir. Because no matter how high your cultivation level is, this body is your biggest weakness after all! How do you cultivate these fruit trees, can't I still not see it? Using your own root system to connect with the entire orchard, exposing the root system for nothing, is to despise yourself. Will you live long?

A cold moon suddenly appeared in the sky covered by thorns. Later, a cold light flashed in front of Yang Ling and others, directly penetrating the surface and falling to the core root system of the thorn.

Jiang Yuanchen and Mrs. Jin spent a long time secretly calculating the underground situation of the entire Thorny Mountain, and figured out the core of Mrs. Jin's root system.

Mrs. Jin panicked and quickly used her divine power to control the earth's energy defense. Jiang Yuanchen shook his head and drew a blood talisman on the ground. A layer of resentment enveloped the entire earth out of thin air, interrupting Mrs. Jin's control of her divine power.

The power of resentment among living beings, even if you use secret methods to eliminate the souls of grievances, but the resentment sinks into every inch of soil, this is your way to death.

You deserve it. Even if you kill the person and then absorb the essence, it is better than directly burying the person underground to extract the essence. At least this way, these resentments will not be hidden underground, nor can Jiang Yuanchen easily draw them out by using the blood talisman.

To deal with Mrs. Jin, Jiang Yuanchen only used one sword and one talisman. As the sword went deep into the ground with all his strength, the thorns flying in the sky could no longer move. Then a chill emerged from the ground, and the thorns near the surface were the first to be frozen by the ice. The cold air slowly spread up and froze the giant net in the sky. Finally, this cold air spread throughout the Thorn Mountain.

Jiang Yuanchen panted slightly. He had just unleashed the most powerful Taiyin Phantom Sword Intent with all his strength, and consumed half of the mana in his body in one breath, freezing all the plants in Thorn Mountain, including Mrs. Jin's body. The quality and quantity of half of the mana in Jiang Yuanchen's body is almost the same as that of ordinary casual cultivators in the elixir-forming stage.

As the body was frozen, the incarnation of Mrs. Jin in front of Jiang Yuanchen suddenly turned into an ice sculpture.

Then Jiang Yuanchen flicked the Zichen Light Sword, and with a clear clang of the sword, the ice sculpture flowers in the sky broke one by one, releasing all the monks inside.

Looking at the ice crystals flying in the sky, Yang Ling calculated Jiang Yuanchen's combat power.

Even if this junior brother relies on the divine robe on his body, his methods should not be inferior to those of ordinary monks in the pill formation stage, right? Yang Ling smiled bitterly, forget it, no matter what he did, just one phantom sword intention suppressed many of his peers, only Senior Brother Lin could compare. Everyone said that this guy was very poor at swordsmanship, but he was the first to understand the second level of swordsmanship and slapped all of our fellow disciples in the face.

Jiang Yuanchen was not satisfied with freezing the thorns with one sword and locking away all the vitality of Mrs. Jin. He also ordered the guardian gods on the left and right to completely uproot this thorn from the mountain.

As the thorns were uprooted, numerous bones were dug out along with the soil. Even after this thorn was pulled out, the entire mountain shook.

The Jade Liquid Stage monks on the scene were originally rescuing their comrades. When they saw these bones, they immediately thought of the spiritual fruits that they and others had just eaten. In particular, many people often discuss Taoism with Mrs. Jin, and often take this spiritual fruit to practice.

When these monks saw these bones, they seemed to understand what the things in their stomachs were.

Several female cultivators, their faces turned black and blue, apologized to everyone, and then hid and vomited. Mu Qingyi frowned, but she could barely support herself because she was concerned about her status as a divine envoy.

Jiang Yuanchen glanced at the people present. Yang Ling, Zhu Chunzheng and many monks looked uncomfortable, and then advised: All things in the world come from the Tao. The world reincarnates. The end of all things is just to be transformed into the earth as nourishment. Didn't you eat in the past? Over those birds and beasts? And this is just a spiritual fruit. Although the fertilizer is special, it is not harmful. I think there are still mortals who use dung to water crops, don't they eat it as usual?

Well said! But you didn’t eat it from beginning to end! Yang Ling cursed secretly in his heart, and the other monks also looked bad, but they all nodded and used Jiang Yuanchen's words to give him hints.

That's right, everyone ate it anyway, right? I only ate it once, which is nothing compared to those regular customers.

And you are very lucky. Do you imagine how these monks who buried their bones were caught alive by Mrs. Jin and sucked out their essence? Jiang Yuanchen added: If it were a fight with real swords and guns, wouldn't it be possible? One person escaped? The spirits of grass and trees are not good at fighting. Even if Mrs. Jin controls a mountain, is it possible that no one uses fire magic or ice magic?

It’s scary to think about it! Zhuxiu suddenly took a breath of cold air and lamented that he was destined to be lucky. Yes, these people must have come here as guests just like me and others, and then they were secretly plotted by Mrs. Jin to plunge into the root system of the deity and extract the essence.

Looking at the huge ice sculpture of thorns that was completely frozen by Jiang Yuanchen, all the monks suddenly felt a chill on their backs.

If they hadn't been lucky enough to escape, and if Jiang Yuanchen hadn't happened to come here and uncovered Mrs. Jin's evil deeds, would they still have the same luck when they come back next time?

Jiang Yuanchen didn't know whether it was a blow or a comforting word that really distracted these people's minds. No one thought about whether the spiritual fruits in their stomachs were clean.

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