
Chapter 123 Phoenix Wings

Sure enough, it's the two of them! Jiang Yuanchen was convinced when he saw the two Taixu Dao Sect disciples who followed Mrs. Jin.

From time to time, Thorny Mountain hosts many monks to discuss the Tao, and the top of the mountain has long been decorated. There was a cloud of smoke and mist below the entire venue, and a faintly fragrant aroma could be smelled.

Yang Ling originally wanted to wait quietly above, but suddenly thought of something.

There are only a few core disciples in the sect, and I haven't heard of any of the eighth generation uncles going out. Could it be Uncle Chen Hao?

wrong! Senior Brother Lin took several junior brothers to Yizhou to take charge. Junior Brother Zhu and I came to many immortal sects to collect offerings. So what is Junior Brother Jiang doing? Is it possible that the master didn't assign him a task?

The true identity of the Shanhe Inspector is kept secret, and even Yang Ling doesn't really know what Jiang Yuanchen's mission is. But Yang Ling made some calculations in his mind and knew that these must be some of his fellow junior brothers and sisters. So he hurriedly brought Zhu Chunzheng over. Regardless of whether they are fellow sect members or elders, since the Shanhe Inspector came here on official duty, it would be a good idea for them to come to meet each other.

Yang Ling raised his eyebrows when he saw the two gods, one black and one white, coming down from the golden chariot. The circle of moon behind the head of the white-clothed god has a more lonely and cold mood that cannot eat the fireworks of the world. This goddess wore a veil and had an indifferent expression, but Yang Ling knew those eyes.

It turned out to be Junior Sister Mu Qingyi. She was the only female cultivator in this generation who followed the Taiyin path. But since she was with her, even if the person next to her was the first, the two of them also came side by side, indicating that they were peers, so there was no need to guess the identity of this soap-clad god.

Apart from Junior Brother Jiang, no one can be as tall as Junior Sister Mu and give him such a powerful feeling.

Yang Ling quietly observed with his spiritual sense, he could feel that a majestic abyss of magic power was dispelling his temptation.

Beiming Zangyuan, this junior brother is a bit more mysterious than before. If I fight with him now, maybe I won't be as good as him. Yang Ling measured his eight air lotuses, and then looked at this junior brother Today's magic power cultivation level is unparalleled.

Although Yang Ling knew the identities of the two of them, he didn't tell Zhu Chunzheng at a glance. Junior Brother Zhu is by no means the kind of person who takes the overall situation into consideration, and he can't say that he directly set off the two of them, especially this one who obviously has a bad relationship with Junior Brother Jiang.

Of course, the relationship between Yang Ling and Jiang Yuanchen cannot be said to be good. After all, when Lin Zixuan became the chief, Jiang Yuanchen took the greatest credit, and Yang Ling was the stepping stone that completed the brotherhood between the two. But Yang Ling can be valued by Head Ning, who thinks that he has the qualities of a chief, so he naturally knows what should be done and what should not be done. Everyone is the face of the Taixu Taoist Sect when they go out, and they hold each other back. Is this because they think the Taixu Taoist Sect will not fall quickly enough?

As soon as Jiang Yuanchen's feet landed on the ground, he frowned, but no one noticed it because of the divine light.

The two of them were invited to the first place by Mrs. Jin, and Mrs. Jin ordered the surrounding flower demons and dancers to start singing and dancing.

Not long after, two flower demons came to Jiang Yuanchen and Jiang Yuanchen with glasses of wine.

I live in a remote location, so I don't have a family like Daozong. Please don't mind these Jiaolihuozao.

Jiang Yuanchen looked at the Jiaolihuozao in front of him. There were faint traces of dew on the spiritual fruit. It was obvious that it had just been picked from the orchard. This spiritual fruit is not only full of spiritual energy, but also very angry. No wonder Yang Ling and Zhu Chunzheng are also very satisfied with this spiritual fruit.

Mu Qingyi tasted a fire date and whispered a few comments in Jiang Yuanchen's ear.

Does this junior sister think it’s good too? Jiang Yuanchen played with a pear, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhu Chunzheng looked a little unhappy when he saw Jiang Yuanchen's attitude, but because there were too many people present, it was difficult to speak.

When Mrs. Jin looked at Jiang Yuanchen, her face looked a bit wrong. As a guest, even if you are an envoy from the Shangzong, you should taste it and say a few words. Why is this attitude? Is it really necessary to account for the whereabouts of those missing people?

Madam, you've seen this song and dance, is it time for the next show? the maid beside Mrs. Jin reminded carefully. Mrs. Jin came back to her senses, asked the maid to bring up a disk, and played a video in front of the cultivators.

This kind of photo-taking jade plate is a small means used by immortals to have fun. Mortals often write novels to pass the time, but monks can create corresponding illusion images based on these novels. According to Jiang Yuanchen's Mengdie World, it is the so-called movie and TV series.

Photo plate? This is much more interesting than the shadow puppets of ordinary people. Yang Ling smiled and said: I don't know, madam, which story is stored in this jade plate?

It's a story about phoenixes flying in the air.

Mu Qingyi's expression changed: Is it the legend about King Yi and his wife meeting as phoenixes?

The King of Yi is an ancient great deity to monks, and a mythical existence to mortals. In this regard, mortals have also made up many myths and legends about King Yi. For example, King Yi bends his bow and shoots a purple phoenix, or the phoenixes of King Yi and his wife sing in harmony, or the legend of King Yi slaying the demon king in southern Xinjiang.

Mu Qingyi looked depressed. He had read too many stories about King Yi and was really not interested.

Your Majesty, this story about me is different. It was written by a novelist in the mortal world, and I created it myself using illusion magic.

Oh? Jiang Yuanchen said: Madam is actually proficient in illusion? But is it a wood illusion that is the same as the real body?

Mrs. Jin's expression froze, and she forced a smile and said, That's exactly it.

Mrs. Jin is a mountain demon who has attained the Tao, and her true body is a thorn. Although he is a god, it is a bit too much to talk about his true form. Yang Ling put down the wine glass, his thoughts changing.

This junior brother of mine is definitely not the kind of person who is rude. A person who is praised by his elders every day will never go so far in front of himself and others, and lose the etiquette of Taixu Dao Sect.

Could it be that Mrs. Jin had offended him? I still think that the disappearance of the people here is related to Mrs. Jin.

Before Yang Ling could figure it out, Zhu Chunzheng quietly sent a message to Jiang Yuanchen: Your Majesty! Don't go too far. Even if you are ordered by Daozong to reward good and punish evil, Mrs. Jin is respectful and kind. The disappearance of the people here has nothing to do with her. ? If you don’t seek out the devil to be the first culprit, why don’t you blame her for not caring enough and neglecting your duty?”

Jiang Yuanchen smiled and did not respond to Zhu Chunzheng's words but looked at the illusion scene.

This god's illusion skills are good. Jiang Yuanchen saw the mirror projection of King Yi and Empress Su Yue so vividly that he nodded secretly.

Illusion is divided into many branches, and each of the Five Elements Taoism has its own illusion method. Jiang Yuanchen's most commonly used illusions are the illusion of light and water, the refraction and reflection of light, and the reflection and psychedelia of water mist. Mrs. Jin's illusion is the Flower Fantasy with the wood attribute.

Mu Qingyi had watched many dramas in the palace when she was young, so she naturally knew about the so-called Phoenix Wings.

The plot of the story is roughly as follows: Empress Su Yue is a female cultivator from the Immortal Palace. She fell in love with King Yi at first sight when she went out, and the two of them fell in love and spent a good time together. However, the master did not allow Sifan to fall in love, so Su Yue Niang's master personally separated the two. In the end, King Yi succeeded in his cultivation and came to the Immortal Palace alone to save people.

At this time, a pair of phoenix eggs obtained by the two in the past broke out of their shells. The fire phoenix and ice phoenix left the fairy palace together with Yi Wang Su Yue to become a pair of happy immortals.

Mortals need to create some beautiful relationships, so they created this story. No one knows what the facts are now. But as an immortal monk, I know the outcome very well. Didn't this couple, known as the Phoenix couple, turn against each other in the end? Isn’t that how Yiwang Palace and Hanyue Palace came to be?

But Mrs. Jin's story is obviously more cruel, and later she even tells the story of why the couple turned against each other.

According to the exact history, the couple had a falling out because of the Lunar Star incident. But Mrs. Jin emphasized a third party here.

In the past, King Yi was very successful in his practice. It seems that he learned the art from a god-sister? Later, the god-sister took the initiative to marry King Yi and Su Yue.

Ten Queens of Mending Heaven, King Yi and others fought against the five demon kings. Empress Su Yue sat in the human race to take care of the overall situation for King Yi, and then King Yi's sister went to kill the demons with King Yi. In the end, the two fell in love and broke through the last line in southern Xinjiang.

Afterwards, Su Yue was hit by Empress Su Yue, and Su Yue went to the Northern Territory to practice hard.

Jiang Yuanchen was completely speechless. Although these people had already died, there was indeed some inside story about the Broken Moon incident. But isn't it a bit too much for you to make up random things like this?

In particular, a few casual cultivators were still arguing with each other over which one King Yi liked. Is it the senior sister who teaches him martial arts or his wife Su Yue.

As a human being, how can you abandon a wife who is like chaff? This behavior is even worse than that of a mortal!

Come on! When it comes to the nugget's wife, King Yi's senior sister has been taking care of King Yi since the beginning. Speaking of which, Empress Su Yue is the one who stepped in.

It's a joke. If King Yi really liked his senior sister, how could he fall in love with Empress Su Yue at first sight? Empress Su Yue protected the human race for him and governed it in an orderly manner, but King Yi ran away to do those things! Did he ever let his wife go? In your eyes? A female cultivator snorted coldly and immediately refuted the person who just spoke.

That's right. An old man who looked like an old scholar also agreed: Taoist couples should be cautious when marrying each other. Now that King Yi has Empress Su Yue, he actually flirts with others. If he hadn't married Empress Su Yue, it would be fine. Now that he has, The real wife is out flirting with women again. Although King Yi is a great honor, this is too much.

Okay, it's just a drama image. Just wait and see. Do you really think King Yi is such a good character? Yang Ling was unhappy and scolded the casual cultivators below: Just watch these things to kill time. Yes, the most taboo thing is to fight like you and others.

Jiang Yuanchen waved his hand, and the illusion image disappeared: Although the story of King Yi in the past is fascinating, King Yi is after all an ancient sage of the human race, and Madam can live like this.

Mrs. Jin is an elf, so naturally she doesn't care much about this, but seeing Jiang Yuanchen's attitude, she agreed.

Jiang Yuanchen added: The two of us came here to inspect Madam's daily routine, but it happened that she met with all of my colleagues and had a drink. Fellow Taoists, please don't blame her.

Don't dare, don't dare! the casual cultivators below said quickly.

By the way, when I came here, I heard that people often disappeared near Thorn Mountain. I wonder if Madam knows the details?

Mrs. Jin shook her head and looked apologetic: The little god didn't take good care of this matter and didn't realize who did it.

Zhu Chunzheng coughed softly: Fellow Taoist, I think the demon cultivators are here to practice kung fu and catch people. The two of us will monitor the area later.

Yang Ling was not happy. This junior brother really thought that he was the strongest in his family and could even be his own master? No wonder this appearance is not pleasing to the eye.

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