"Let's get this out of the way, farewell."


Yugiya crossed Yakumozi and flew to Heianjing in the distance.


Yakumo Zi did not stop Yu Gong, and silently watched him go away.

She swayed the lace fan gently, and her face was calm.

"Interesting people, maybe..."


Ping An Jing.

The first thing Yu Gong did when he returned was to find a place to live.

The story of Bamboo Tori is not two days, it can be finished in three days, and a place to live is necessary.

After comparison, Yu Gong chose a spacious courtyard near Suzaku Road.

Spend money to buy the courtyard, find someone to take care of it, decorate it...

By the time Yu Palace officially moved in, the sky had completely turned dark.

"Penglai Mountain Hui Ye."

Outside the house, Yugiya set up tables and chairs in the open space, and then took out the tea set and tea leaves.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

He skillfully brewed tea, occasionally looking up at the bright moon hanging in the sky.

The encounter with Yakumo Zi in the evening was an unexpected surprise.

Not to mention the characters she liked, she let Yu Gong know that the world of Touhou Project she traveled through was not an outrageously strong version.

Yakumo Zi doesn't have absolute certainty to deal with him, otherwise, it wouldn't be that attitude.

Knowing this is a big gain.

Yu Gong can let go of his hands and feet to do things, and he doesn't have to look ahead.

As for why they had a few conversations and separated from Yakumo Zi in a hurry, the reason was that they had priorities.

The most important thing right now is the Penglai Mountain Hui Ye who is about to be exiled.


Before Penglaishan Huiye came to the ground, he wanted to determine his own policy.

Gollum, Gollum.

One minute? two minutes? five minutes?

After a long time, Yu Gong didn't pay attention. His floating thoughts were recalled by the sound of boiling water.

"Well, I can't see anything anyway."

Yu Gong poured himself a cup of tea and enjoyed it leisurely.

At this stage, his eyesight has not reached the point where he can see the surface of the moon clearly from the earth.

But Yu Gong knew very well that there is a city on the moon that is far more prosperous than the current era, and the city is so huge that it is the capital of the moon.

Yu Gong remembered that in the original world, he had seen a saying.

As early as the Age of Gods, there were wise men who saw through the trend of the times.

With the development of civilization, the ignorance of human beings will drop rapidly.

One day, humans will no longer believe in gods and will no longer fear monsters.

At that time, the gods who rely on human beliefs and the monsters who rely on the "fear" of human beings to survive will give up their status as the protagonists of the world and retire sadly.

If you want to not be submerged by the waves of the times, you must open up a new path.

The wise man's remarks caused quite a bit of repercussions.

Some gods and monsters scoffed, feeling that the wise man was alarmist.

They believe that weak human beings can never escape the shadow of gods and monsters.

PS: Sorry for the late death.

Chapter 495

The friend of the wise man and another part of the gods, attach great importance to the words of the wise man.

They believe that wise men are very far-sighted and have seen through the future development trend.

So, this group of gods ignored the opinions of the mockers and neutralists, and resolutely left the earth and went to the moon.

This is the origin of the Moon Capital.

The leader **** who organized the establishment of the Moon Capital is one of the three highest gods of the sky in neon mythology - Moonlight Seeing Zun.

Yue Ye Jian Zun's friend, the wise man who has insight into the trend of the times, has eight intentions.

Its name, Eight Meanings Yonglin.

Bayi Yonglin is one of the gods who went to the moon together with the Moonlight Night, and one of the founders of the moon capital, and was later honored as the brain of the moon.

"I, hehe."

While thinking about Yuedu, Yu Gong paused slightly as he drank the four-seven-seven tea.

In the evening, I felt a strange sense of voyeurism, and it appeared again.

This time, it was even more subtle, as if the peepers were worried about being noticed by Hagiya and deliberately hid themselves.

"Since you're here, let's have a cup of tea."

"Little brother, sometimes pretending to be confused is more sentimental."

Yu Gong's voice fell, and he immediately got a response.

The chair next to him was empty originally, but now there is a beautiful girl.

She seems to have just arrived, and she seems to have been sitting on a chair.

This girl, Yu Gong has only seen her for a few hours.

Eight cloud purple.

"I would be very uncomfortable if someone peeped."

Yugiya placed a clean teacup in front of Yakumo Zi and filled it with tea.

"If you think I don't understand sentiment, there's nothing I can do."

"Peeping? Don't say it so badly, I was really curious about you, little brother, so I observed you secretly."

Yakumo Zi picked up the teacup and took a small sip.

Good tea.

Tea is the best tea, and the craftsmanship of the tea maker is also the master level.

Yakumo Zi's gaze turned to Yu Palace, there was some difference.

The strength has reached her level, and it takes a long time to accumulate.

Enjoyment has inevitably become a part of life.

With Yakumo Zi's ability, there is no tea in the world that she can't get her hands on.

Therefore, Yakumo purple is also considered a long-standing tea ceremony.

As she has rich experience, she has to admit that Yu Gong's tea is good.

"I didn't expect that, little brother, you still have such a superb tea-making skill. It's really surprising."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Yu Gong's response was neither salty nor light.

He understands Yakumo Zi's character, and he knows that Yakumo Zi's city is very deep and scheming. How could he be deceived by her seemingly friendly attitude?

"Now, don't you want to say why you are looking for me?"

"When I came before, I saw you staring at the moon, can you tell me why?"

Yakumo Zi deftly avoided Yumiya's question and consciously guided the topic.

"That's right."

Yu Gong smiled inwardly.

He probably guessed Yakumo Zi's purpose.

Right or wrong, to be verified.

"If you're interested, I can take you to the moon to have a look."

A gorgeous purple fan covered half of Yakumo Zi's face.

This is her habitual action.

Sometimes, people's inner thoughts will be unconsciously expressed on the face.

When you meet someone with keen observation, you will be found clues, and you will be at a disadvantage in conversation.

"I don't want monsters and sages to be clever."

Yu Gong raised his head to look at the moon, and there was an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I know your identity, don't I know what's on the moon?"


Yakumo Zi's body stiffened imperceptibly.

Miscalculation, Yu Gong actually knew about the existence of Yuedu.

"Trust is the precondition for becoming a partner."

"Why are you sure that I don't want to help you, but choose the stupidest way to cheat?"

Sure enough, Yakumo Zi decided to fight Yuedu again.

In the Touhou Project world, Miku Yakumo led a monster to attack the Moon City. This event is called "War on the Moon".

During the period of Bamboo Tori Monogatari, no, she might have thought about Yuedu earlier, which made Yu Gong a little surprised...

"You are really difficult, little brother."

From the back of the fan, there was a voice full of bitter emotion.

I don't blame Yu Gong, but because he thought things too simple and made mistakes that he shouldn't have made.

Yakumo Zi closed her fan and sat upright.

At this moment, Yakumo Zi's expression was extraordinarily serious.

This seriousness is different from the fake mask she had put on before, but it shows the truth.

"Recently, I'm going to go to Yuedu."

"Yuedu is too dangerous, you are afraid that you will never return, and you want to pull a companion with sufficient strength?"

Yumiya took up Yakumo Zi's words.

"It's really easy to communicate with smart people."

Yakumo Zi sideways admitted Yumiya's guess.

Yu Gong gave her a chance. If she cheated again, she would be too ignorant.

"it is good."

After learning that Yakumo Zi intends to go to Yuedu, a bold idea popped up in Yu Gong's heart.

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