This bold idea can only be realized with the help of Yakumo Zi's power.


Yu Gong didn't even think about it, he agreed directly, his behavior was simply unusual.

After a little thought, Yakumo Zi thought of the reason.

"You, also want to go to Yuedu?"

"Yes, let's just use each other."

Yu Gong smiled faintly.

"It's a promise of 5.5. I'll visit you again tomorrow."

When the voice sounded, Yakumo Zi's figure was no longer there.

Just like when she came, she left silently.

Originally, she just accidentally met a human with flying ability, Yakumo Zi was curious for a while, and used the gap to spy.

Unexpectedly, the follow-up triggered a series of unexpected things.

Fortunately, despite the twists and turns of the process, the result was good.

"Tomorrow? Well, it saves you a lot of sleepless nights."

Hagiya packed up the table, chairs and tea set, turned around and returned to the bedroom.

The Bamboo Story?

A small butterfly can still cause a hurricane.

With himself as a traveler, it would be too boring if the world line was still developing according to the original trajectory. .

Chapter 496

In most worlds, the moon is a barren, dead place.

However, the Touhou Project is different.

On the moon here, there is a vast sea.

Not far from the sea, there is a super-large city with an overall layout in a square shape.

Magnificent, magnificent pavilions, high and low pavilions, splendid palaces...

This city is the Moon Capital.

Yuedu perfectly fits the fairyland in the eyes of ordinary people, and the atmosphere is magnificent.

However, the residents living in this "Wonderland" are not as beautiful as they imagined.

Looking at the Moon City from the top-down perspective, it can be found that there are obvious layers within the Moon City.

At the very center of Yuedu is a palace that stands out from the crowd even in this fairyland.

With the palace as the center point, there are many buildings that are slightly inferior in various aspects.

Further outwards, the building is even worse.

And so on, until the edge of the moon capital.

This architectural layout undoubtedly clearly shows a truth.

Inside the people of the moon, there are strict hierarchies.


In the central area of ​​Yuedu, there is a courtyard with a very lovely location.

The other courtyard is not far from the palace, which proves its owner's identity and belongs to the absolute high-level among the people of the moon.

However, it is alone in a remote corner, with distance from other nearby buildings.

It seems that the occupants of this courtyard are aliens and are ruthlessly isolated.

Step, step, step.

In the courtyard, a woman walked slowly.

Her silver hair was long past the waist, tied in a braid.

He was wearing a blue nurse hat, a red and blue one-piece dress, and black leather boots.

The face is beautiful, both cold and intellectual.

Judging from her appearance, the age of the woman is about 20, which is extremely young.

Of course, her temperament is the exact opposite of her appearance.

That is the maturity that can only be precipitated after a long period of time.

The mind of the moon, the eight meanings Yonglin.

Her reputation has been known to everyone all month.

Bayi Yonglin walked through the corridor, the front hall, the garden, the courtyard, etc., and finally stopped outside the master bedroom.

"Your Highness, Princess, are you okay?"

It seems that she knew that someone was in the master bedroom, but Bayi Yonglin didn't knock on the door.

But after saying hello, he entered the master bedroom.

When you see the scene in the master bedroom, you will definitely be shocked.

The master bedroom has an area of ​​tens of square meters, and all kinds of decorations are readily available, and the luxury is not worse than that of the palace.

The windows beside the wall were tightly closed, and there were no lighting items such as lamps.

However, the room did not appear dim at all,

It seems that this room will never lose its light.

In front of the dressing table behind the screen, one person sat upright with his back to Bayi Yonglin.

This person is also a woman, and she turned her head gracefully when she sensed that Eagerina was approaching.

"You really came, Eirin."

Among the Yuedu, the only people who are qualified to be crowned as princesses are the three daughters of Tsukiyomi.

Mianyue Fengji, Mianyue Yiji, Penglai Mountain Huiye.

Although they are the princesses of the moon, Mianyue Fengji and the others do not actually fit the word "princess".

Not to mention the eight meanings of Yonglin, even the many gods who went to the moon with Zun Yueye Jian couldn't compare.

It stands to reason that Yayi Erin doesn't need to call the three of Mianyue Fengji her highness at all.

On the contrary, when they meet Bayi Yonglin, they should respectfully call Bayi Yonglin "sir".

In fact, it is indeed the case.

However, only Penglai Mountain Hui Ye is an exception.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Yayi Erin asked curiously.

"According to the verdict, the concubine will be exiled to the ground the day after."

"At that time, we won't know how many years later we will meet next time."

"So the concubine thought, you will come to see the concubine."

Penglaishan Huiye smiled and explained.

In an instant, the entire master bedroom seemed to be brighter.

The waterfall-like black hair with a color similar to the night sky, at first sight will remind people of oriental beauties.

The flawless facial features all reveal the unique softness of the East.

The posture is elegant and dignified, like the reincarnation of the figures in the portraits of ladies in the paintings of the masters of oriental painting.

The large kimono covers the whole body and smiles without showing any teeth, symbolizing the subtlety of oriental women.


And all the characteristics that conform to the oriental aesthetics in himself, Penglai Mountain Huiye has almost reached the extreme, and it is difficult to go further.

Living up to the name of "Kaguya", her beauty is indeed beyond the mundane.

The night will also become brighter because of her presence.


Bayi Yonglin didn't say a word, and her hands that were hanging by her side clenched quietly.

Even if she is beside Hui Ye of Penglai Mountain, she will not be eclipsed and become a green leaf as a foil.

In terms of appearance alone, the two are in the same league.

The combination of various factors makes Penglai Mountain Hui Ye a veritable "Hui Ye".

Even if there is another person whose beauty, temperament and other aspects are at the same level as hers, it will not achieve the same effect.

"Don't worry about it, Eirin."

"This 'clean' Moon City, the concubine has long been enough, and being exiled to the lower realm is not necessarily a bad thing."

How can Bayi Yonglin's little actions hide from Penglaishan Huiye's eyes?

"I really want to talk about sin, it's me who is more guilty."

Now, Penglaishan Kaguya is no longer the princess of the moon.

A sinner forever and for a moment, this is her current identity.

Penglaishan Huiye manipulates the power of eternity and moment, and can turn a moment into eternity and vice versa.

Out of curiosity, Bayi Yonglin used her ability to create Penglai Immortality Medicine.

Penglai's Immortal Medicine is the work of Bayi Yonglin's painstaking efforts, her highest masterpiece.

After eating the Penglai Immortality Medicine, the soul will be sublimated, and will no longer be bound by the body.

At that time, eternal life will be achieved.

This immortality is not immortality, but youth is eternal, and it will be killed by external forces.

But on the basis of immortality, plus the characteristics of instant resurrection after death, true immortality.

PS: Sorry, the next chapter will be as soon as possible.

Chapter 497

Because of this forbidden drug, Penglaishan Kaguya became a sinner.

Bayi Yonglin is right, she is the one who has sinned more.

Because she is the one who makes the medicine, and Penglaishan Kaguya is just a helper who provides eternal and instant ability.

But to the two people who also participated in the manufacture of Penglai Immortality Medicine and also ate Penglai Immortality Medicine.

Yuedu's attitude is completely different.

Bayi Yonglin was pardoned and was safe and sound.

Penglai Mountain Kaguya is defined as a sinner, and will be exiled to the earth soon.

As for the reason? Simple.

Bayi Yonglin is one of the founders of the Moon Capital, the brain of the moon, and the best friend of Moonlight Seeing Venerable, with a high status.

And Hui Ye, who is Penglai, is just the princess of the moon, a dispensable character.

"Hehe, it's pointless to discuss who's guilty is the greatest."

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