"He should be Weng Bamboo Tori."

The old man didn't know that his every move was captured by Yu Gong.

He was on his way home, and Yu Gong followed behind him.


Bamboo Tori's home is located at the foot of the mountain.

He went to the mountains to cut bamboo all year round, and made some bamboo baskets, bamboo cages and other things to sell in Ping'an Beijing.

These little things are cheap, and helping people get rich is delusional, and can only be used to subsidize households.

"Have you come down yet?"

Yu Gong looked at Wang Bamboo Towon's old home from a distance, and left.

If he remembered correctly, after Bamboo Towon adopted Kaguya, he would get a lot of gold every time he cut bamboo.

In a short time, he became a rich man.

But now, Bamboo Tow's family is extremely poor.

From this, it can be seen that Penglai Mountain Huiye is still on the Moon, and has not been exiled to Earth.

The Dimensional Remains System once stated that the era experienced through the residual currents of time and space will not be too long.

Then it can be inferred that the beginning of the Bamboo Tale is approaching.


Yu Gong rushed into the sky and galloped towards Heianjing.

At the time, he already knew what the next plan would be.


On the way to Heianjing, Hagiya's flight came to an abrupt end.

Someone was watching him in the dark.

The feeling of voyeurism is illusory, seemingly non-existent, a hallucinatory unreality.

"Don't hide, come out."

"Oh, to be able to discover our existence, little brother, it's not easy for you."


Like paper being cut open, the space in front of Yu Gong was torn apart by a small gap.

I don't know if it was the instigator's bad taste, there was a red bow at each end of the gap.

Inside the gap, an immeasurable number of eyeballs can be seen faintly.

This scene is both comical and chilling.

"It really is her."

Sensing that someone was watching him, Yu Gong had guessed the identity of the watcher.

That feeling is so unique, it's not hard to think of who it is.

Later, the appearance of this crack further confirmed his idea.

"Can you tell us, who are you?"

From the long and narrow crack, a crisp and charming female voice came out.

Immediately after that, a peeper appeared little by little.

He has long blond hair, eyes that are slightly lighter than his hair color, and a pure white hat with a red bow tied at the front (beff) on his head.

The face is exquisite and perfect, without the slightest flaw.

The temperament is graceful and luxurious, and the purple clothes on her body add a touch of mystery to her.

The person who secretly peeked at Yu Palace was a stunningly beautiful girl.

The girl leaned out half of her body and hid her lower body in the crack.

She leaned lazily against the edge of the crack, and her golden eyes were filled with undisguised curiosity.


The monster in the gap - Yakumo Zi, a monster sage, a beautiful girl of seventeen years and n months.

Its strength ranks at the top of the pyramid of the Oriental Project.

Her gaps and realm powers are all terrifying abilities.

Yu Gong never expected that he would meet her on the first day of traveling to the Touhou Project.

However, it is normal to think about it.

After all, this is the Touhou Project version of Bamboo Tale, not the original Bamboo Tale.

"Ordinary people? It's really interesting for my little brother to talk."

Yakumo Zi looked at Yu Palace up and down with a smile that was not a smile.

She seemed to be saying, do you believe this statement yourself?

"You don't seem surprised to see us at all, do you know us?"

"I know Yakumo Zi, the monster sage, of course."

Yumiya showed her calmness, and secretly thought about the reason why Yakumo Zi found him.

Pure curiosity?

Accidentally found a human master, and want to kill it, so as to avoid future troubles?

To discover factors other than calculations, to explore the reality?


No matter what the possibility is, according to Yakumo Zi's character, the chances of being good are probably not high.


Yakumo Zi put away the playfulness and casualness a little, and became a lot more serious.

Most of the people who saw her died.

The very few did not die, and the vast majority did not know themselves.

After two major screenings, there are very few people left, all of whom are her "old friends".

Yakumo Zi didn't remember that there was Yugiya among those people.

Who is Yu Gong?

Yakumo Zi searched carefully in her mind, but couldn't find any information about Yu Gong.

No, it's impossible for her to not have the slightest impression of a character like Yu Gong.

Silence, deathly silence.

In a tacit agreement, Yu Gong and Yakumo Zi stopped talking.

The atmosphere gradually became tense and solemn, and it had a tendency to develop in a bad direction. .

Chapter 494

"Why are you looking for me? It's better to say it straight. I don't like to be around the corner."

When the situation was on the verge of breaking out, Yu Gong was the first to break the silence.

Yakumo Zi is a standard monster, whose behavior and thinking patterns are very different from those of humans.

It is almost impossible to guess what she is thinking.

In addition, Yakumo Zi's personality is also very strange.

Based on the above, she can be said to be one of the most dangerous monsters.

When humans encounter it, the chance of survival is infinitely close to zero.

However, this does not mean that humans will definitely become enemies with Yakumo Zi.

As long as the strength is strong enough, no matter what race, you can get her respect.

Yu Gong didn't want to be an enemy of Yakumo Zi, so if it's not necessary, it's better not to do it.

"Our purpose? Haha."

From somewhere, Yakumo Zi took out a delicately crafted and beautifully decorated purple lace fan.

She opened the fan and covered the lower half of her face.


The purple light bullet silently penetrated Yumiya's chest from the rear.

"Is this your way of saying hello?"

The body was pierced, but Yu Gong seemed to be okay, and still spoke to Yakumo Zi in a calm tone.


Yu Gong understood it as a greeting, but it wasn't a mistake.

That purple light bullet is just a simple magic power aggregate, and its strength is not high.

Not to mention the strong, even a slightly more powerful monster can't be killed.

Yakumo Zi's actions were intended to test Yu Gong.

The little tricks of carving insects can't help Yugiya, and this result was expected by Yakumo Zi.

However, Yu Gong's methods made her unable to see through.

Consciousness interference? Illusion?

"I don't mind fighting you, but is it necessary to fight this kind of meaningless battle?"

In mid-air, Yu Gong's figure blurred, scattered into countless dark red feathers flying around.

At the same time, another Hagiya appeared at Yakumo Zi's location.

"Hee hee, little brother is right."

At this time, Yakumo Zi was no longer there, and the space crack disappeared without a trace.

A few dozen meters away, she maintained the same posture as before, smilingly looking at Yu Gong.

The only difference is that Yakumo Zi's eyes have a little more incomprehensible things.

"It's really unnecessary to fight for nothing. We apologize to you for our presumptuousness."

"There's no need to apologize, just treat you as saying hello to me."

There are two main abilities of Yakumo Zi.

One is the gap, and the other is the power of the realm.

The gap is the high-level space ability, and the manifestation is the crack that Yakumo Zi is leaning against at the moment.

She can open gaps in most places in the world, making it invisible and difficult to detect.

Whether it is moving, peeping, reconnaissance or sneak attack, it is very convenient.

And the power of the realm is more terrifying than the gap.

Movement and stillness, big and small, light and heavy, existence and non-existence, life and death, illusion and reality...

If Yakumo Zi wants to, she can manipulate it.

This is the ability to fundamentally rewrite something, enough to turn the world upside down.

Yumiya saw Yakumo Zi's interstitial ability.

He consciously wanted to catch Yakumo Zi, it was not an easy thing, and his grasp was very small.

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