If I miss it, I don't know what year and month I have to wait for.

"Start binding, target the world of Touhou Project, 1%, 2%..."

Yu Gong's consideration and worry, the dimensional shadow system will not care.

As an existence of tool nature, it will only faithfully execute the host's commands.

"98%, 99%, 100%, the binding is successful."

"Sorry, you are useless."

Knowing the background of the world, Yu Gong determined the origin of the few small fish that attacked him without opening his eyes.

Monster. .

Chapter 492


The blood-stained ice pick pierced through the monster's heart.

The monster's eyes suddenly widened, and his movements stopped for a moment.


After a few last struggles, the monster died.


Yu Gong didn't even look at these little scoundrels, and left the jungle.


Due to the low economic level, the number of ancient cities was very small.

The main layout is mostly around a city, with many towns and small villages, like satellites guarding planets.

Such a layout determines that the distances between cities are very far away.

Therefore, it is not easy to find a city.

However, Yu Gong carried out his good luck all the time.

As soon as he walked out of the mountains, he saw the shadow of the city in the distance.

The outline of the city is a little blurry, and the visible distance is definitely not close.

But having a city is a good thing, and distance has never been a problem for Yugiya.

He rushed to the city as fast as he could, and then Hagiya, just like when he traveled through the world a few times before, sneaked into the crowd to find out news.

"It turned out to be here, it's really good."

Yu Gong Shi Shiran walked on the avenue, casually looking around.

According to a rough calculation, the city covers an area of ​​at least 20 square kilometers.

Its internal streets are intertwined vertically and horizontally, and various buildings are scattered in an orderly manner, just like the character for "well".

On the street, there are not a lot of pedestrians coming and going, and most of them seem to be civilians of low status.

Dressed in monotonous coarse linen, her complexion was yellow, and her figure was slender and thin.

The complexion, the better-dressed children of rich families, only occasionally see them.

Overall, every aspect of the city is in line with Yumiya's perception of neon ancient times.

There are only two places that are exceptionally different and conspicuous.

One is a vast palace that can be seen from anywhere in the city.

Another place is a shrine not far from the Imperial Palace.

It was based on that palace that Yu Gong determined the city he was currently in.

The ancient neon capital - Heianjing, also known as the later Kyoto.

In the Touhou Project world, Heian-kyo is the main map for the story of Taketori Monogatari.

"Do you want.....〃〃."

The Tale of Bamboo Tori is one of Neon's very famous literary works, which is often presented in the form of plays and movies.

The main content of this work is that when an old man was cutting bamboo, he accidentally picked up a cute little girl in the heart of bamboo.

The little girl is an adult in March, and her face is so beautiful that she seems to be able to light up the dark night.

And because it was taken from bamboo, it was named Bamboo Take Kaguya.

Kaguya Hime seems to be swept across the world by a gust of wind, causing countless men to think about it day and night.

Admirers flocked, hoping to see Kaguya's beauty and even marry her as his wife.

Unfortunately, no one can fulfill their wishes.

Ordinary suitors were rejected, five noble children were stumped by difficulties, and even the emperor was helpless.

At the end of the story, Kaguya returns to her homeland, the Moon.

The Touhou Project version of Bamboo Story is similar to the original version.

Kaguya Taketori, the protagonist, formerly known as Kaguya Penglai Mountain, is the daughter of one of the three gods of the sky, Tsukiyomizun, who stands at the top of the eight million gods in Gao Tianyuan.

Originally from the Moon Capital, he was exiled to the ground because of his participation in the production of Penglai's Immortality Medicine.

Yu Gong didn't know whether Kaguya Penglai Mountain had been exiled at the current time, so he hesitated how to plan the next itinerary.

"I hope I can ask for a good sign."

Ahead, the corner of the street is in front of you.

Yu Gong, who was in deep thought, had no time to take care of other things, and turned around at will according to instinct.

Coincidentally, when he turned the corner, a figure bumped into him.


Although he was thinking about things, Yumiya did not neglect the vigilance around him.

He took a step sideways, forcing away the person who bumped into him.


Yu Gong's quick response, based on his formidable strength, is very human.

And the figure who was about to hit Yu Gong was obviously an ordinary person, and his reaction was more than a beat slower.

She stopped so hastily that she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Yu Gong stretched out his hand to support her.

"Are you OK."

"I, it doesn't matter to me, thank you."

Thanks to Yu Gong's support, the figure escaped the misfortune of falling to the ground.

She quickly stood up and politely thanked Yu Gong.

".~It's just a matter of raising your hands."

Yu Gong released the figure, and an imperceptible difference flashed in his eyes.

When this person saluted, Yu Gong saw her face clearly.

It was a beautiful girl with short black hair and a delicate and lovely appearance.

The girl's salute is quite standard, and at first glance, you can tell that she has received relevant education.

And she was wearing a kimono, so her identity must be unusual.

What is strange is that the girl is thin, with sunken cheeks and dull eyes.

This series of symptoms of malnutrition makes it difficult for people to associate her identity with the children of a wealthy family.

The family is in the middle of the road?

Or is she an unimportant half-abandoned child at home?

Step, step, step.

The girl ran quickly, and judging from the direction, the place she was going to was probably a shrine.

"never mind."

Yu Gongyao ( Zhao Zhao ) shook his head, no longer thinking about the girl he met by chance.

She is just a passerby. Whether her life is good or bad has little to do with herself.


The sun slanted westward, and the sky gradually dimmed.

It took most of the day to visit the entire Heianjing.

Until dusk came, he still hadn't come up with a complete plan.

In the end, Yu Gong decided to go to the outskirts of Ping An Jing first to find out the situation of the old man who adopted Kaguya in Penglai Mountain in the story of Bamboo Tori.

After confirming the location of Penglai Mountain Huiye, make plans.

...... Khan.

Outside the Ping An Beijing, there is a small mountain.

As the saying goes, rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and rely on the water to drink water.

The resources in the mountains are quite rich, medicinal materials, wild animals, materials and fire are all available, no matter what you can exchange for money.

I dare not say that I am rich, at least I have no worries about food and clothing. .

Chapter 493

And relying on the mountains of big cities like Anjing has another advantage.


In the Touhou Project world, the era of Bamboo Tori Monogatari is a node where gods are lonely and monsters are rampant.

From this, Onmyoji came into being.

Onmyoji is proficient in magic and is good at subduing demons and eliminating demons.

Any big person who has the ability and financial resources will support the Onmyoji in the family to ensure safety.

Heianjing is the capital, where emperors, ministers and other high-ranking people gather.

It is conceivable that there are many Onmyoji here.

Therefore, the outskirts of Ping An Jing and the nearby mountains and forests also benefited.

When the little monsters heard the news, they almost didn't dare to approach.

And powerful monsters have the intelligence that matches their strength, their intelligence is no less than that of humans, and they won't cause trouble casually.

Therefore, this mountain outside the peaceful Beijing has become a treasure in the eyes of those who live in the mountain, and people often visit it.

For example, at this moment, there is an old man cutting bamboo in the bamboo forest on the mountain.

Click, click, click, click.


After cutting off a few tender bamboos, the old man raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

He kept slashing with the knife, making the tender bamboo into dozens of pieces of the same length, and then putting them all into the bamboo basket behind him.

Probably because the number of bamboo 477 seeds reached the expected value, the old man did not continue to cut bamboo.

Instead, he put away the knife and went home.

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