Yu Gong was very interested in this.

"No, but each era will not be too long, and the time point of the host's round trip is the same."

The dimensional relic system faithfully performs its duties and takes the trouble to explain.

"That's good."

Since it can't affect the collapse of the world, then there is nothing to worry about...

After thinking for a moment, Hanamiya made a decision.

He bent down and tapped Cang Yue's forehead, who was sleeping beside him.

"Remnants of time and space, activate."


On the first floor, the living room.

Among the people in the villa, Yu Gong is relatively lazy.

Normally, Yumiya is still sleeping, but several girls have already started a new day of life.

For example, Rita, she is responsible for cleaning the villa and preparing breakfast for everyone.

Another example is Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan, who are playing in the living room.

"Dan Zhu, I have something to ask you."

Quietly glanced at Rita who was busy with breakfast in the kitchen, Cang Xuan lowered his voice.

"you say."

What is it that Cang Xuan is so sneaky about? Dan Zhu was very curious.

"You and Yumiya..."

What Cang Xuan wanted to ask was naturally the relationship between Dan Zhu and Yu Gong.

In fact, she wanted to ask yesterday, but she was always unable to open her mouth due to shyness, hesitation and other reasons.

It was only at this moment that Cang Xuan made up his mind.


Dan Zhu's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She wasn't stupid, she instantly heard the overtones of Cang Xuan's words.

How could Cang Xuan know about it? At that time, I paid special attention to the surroundings, and it was obvious that no one was there.

"Cang 5.5 Xuan, you, how are you..."

"Have you forgotten? There is telepathy between us."

Cang Xuan is not a person who likes to troll and explore secrets, but this matter is different, and she cares too much.


Dan Zhu reluctantly chose to confess.

Anyway, I couldn't hide it, so I just told it, maybe I could ask Cang Xuan to help me with reference.


The atmosphere of the villa, as always, is warm and harmonious.

None of the girls realized that their backbone quietly left.

PS: Considering that the Honkai Impact is too long, I have to open another small copy to change my taste. This is something I thought about before writing dozens of chapters.

I am an oriental cook, so I chose oriental. Those who don't like it, please be merciful.

Chapter 491

"The old forest in the deep mountains?"

The feather palace, who traveled through the world, landed in a deep mountain.

There are dense vegetation in the deep mountains, and all kinds of ancient trees and strange trees can be overwhelmed, creating a scene of primitive forests.

Hagiya has seen a similar scene more than once.

Blood-devoured Central America in the world, Lushan in the godslayer world, and Yae village in the collapsed world.

Therefore, Yu Gong is very clear that he has traveled to an ancient era.

Moreover, judging from this deep mountain and old forest, this era is even older than Yae Village.

"Here is it, eh?"

Wanting to inquire about the dimensional shadow system, Yu Gong's eyes suddenly sharpened.

Several creatures are approaching his location.

Cold, dark, bloodthirsty, tyrannical.

The breath of these creatures is extremely unusual. Rao is Yu Gong, who has experienced crossing the world four times, and this is the first time he has encountered it.

"It's human."

"Haha, you can have a full meal."



Full of joy, the wild chatter came.

At the same time, 14, the lush foliage on the side of Yu Palace was pushed aside.

In the next instant, several tall figures broke into his sight.

"No way, you monster?"

Yu Gong was stunned for a moment, and then there was a look of interest in his eyes.

These figures are grotesque and ugly, obviously not normal people.

It can even be said that it is not human.


"Ha ha ha ha."

The creatures suspected of being monsters stared straight at Yu Palace, their mouths kept overflowing and dripping on the ground.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that they regard Yu Palace as their prey.

"Do I look like a weak person who can only be slaughtered by others?"

Yu Gong shook his head helplessly, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

In some worlds with a certain degree of mystery, there are often monsters, elves and other long-lived species in the mountains and forests.

They are good and bad, with different personalities.

A kind of longevity species that is friendly to human beings, willing to become friends with human beings and live in harmony.

Most of the longevity species that are hostile to humans regard weak humans as low-level creatures and only treat them as food.

At this moment, the monsters who are approaching Yu Palace are undoubtedly the latter.

In the desolate mountains and jungles, there are ordinary human beings, which is really a gift from God.

Seeing the opportunity to taste human delicious food, they came out to forage.

Step, step, step, step.

"Go to hell."

Within five meters of Yugong, the monsters finally couldn't help it, and they rushed up one after another.

Their eyes are fiery, eager, and their movements are faster than each other.

It seems that he is afraid that the speed will be slow, and he can't even drink the soup.

As for Yumiya's resistance?

Sorry, the monsters didn't think about it.

In their eyes, Hagiya and weak rabbits are the same kind.

Are the struggles and resistances of rabbits worth paying attention to?

Puff puff.

In the jungle, there was the sound of the body being torn apart.

The blood splattered in all directions, dyeing this emerald green world a little red.

According to common sense, Yu Palace should have been eaten by the monsters.

However, the opposite is true.

The "ordinary human" Hagiya was safe and sound, but the monsters who saw him as their prey suffered heavy losses.

A few sharp icicles protruded from the ground without warning, piercing the vital points of most "yokai" and killing them on the spot.

Only one lucky man's wound was slightly deviated, and his life was temporarily saved.

"Yin? Onmyoji?"

The lingering "yokai" was unable to kneel down, then leaned forward with his upper body and fell to the ground face down.

Its previous madness is no longer, only endless fear remains.

"Onmyoji? Neon ancient?"

Most of the low-level monsters have low IQs, and it is easy to leak information.

This is also the reason why Yu Gong killed most of the "yokai", leaving only one alive.

Sure enough, Yumiya got quite useful information.

"It was detected that the current world is the Touhou Project world, the era of Bamboo Tori Monogatari. Is the host bound?"

Very coincidentally, the help of the system arrived at the right time.


Knowing that he was traveling to the world of Touhou Project, Yu Gong's mood was quite complicated.

Excited, excited, nervous...

In the world before Yu Gong crossed, the Touhou Project series is a set of barrage games.

Due to the age, the graphics of the game are not exquisite, and the gameplay is not high.

However, with the unique character setting and a large number of secondary creations by fans, it has been popular for a long time.

Even after the popularity has passed, there are still many loyal fans.

Hagiya himself is one of them.

In the Touhou Project world, there are many characters he likes.

For example, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye, Feng Jian Youxiang, Eight Cloud Purple, Xixing Temple Youyouzi and so on.

Therefore, 477, traveled to the world of Touhou Project, Yu Gong was very happy.

But there is a problem, combat power.

The fans' second design endows the Touhou Project with super high combat power. Although they are uneven, they are all extremely terrifying. Some versions can only be described as exaggeration.

If the strength of the crossing version is not outrageous, Yu Gong can still stand firm.

If it is the version of waving his hand to destroy the universe, it is not something that Yu Gong can touch at this stage.


The risk is very high, and Yu Gong still chose to gamble.

If he had to pick a few worlds he was reluctant to give up, the Touhou Project was definitely one of them.

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