As if being strongly stimulated, the calamity that had been calm for less than ten seconds suddenly went crazy and twisted his body with all his might.

While twisting, it subconsciously wanted to growl.

Before the roaring voice blurted out, Hudou remembered Yu Gong's previous warning, and held it back abruptly.


"There are two paths for you to choose."

Yu Gong found that Fudou seemed to understand people's words, which saved a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"One, surrender to us, and I will let you live."

"Second, smashed to pieces."


Yu Gong's guess was good, the wit of woe is far beyond that of ordinary animals, and he can understand the language of human beings.

surrender? This is impossible.

How can the dignified beast of the sun be surrendered to humans?

"Haha, it's really a toast instead of eating and drinking as a penalty."

As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul.

From Fudou's eyes, Hagiya could see what it was thinking.

He took Stargazer's little hand, then jumped and landed lightly on top of the ice meteorite.


A huge force passed through the icy meteorite, hitting the back of Bane Dou heavily.


The inexplicable attack came suddenly, and the calamity was unprepared.

Its limbs were spread out in four different directions, and it lay on the ground in embarrassment.

Kacha Kacha.

The smoke and dust in the altar increased, and fine cracks appeared on the ground.

"I'll ask again, surrender or die?"

The cold words without emotion came from above, and floated into the ears of Fudou.

"Mr. Assassin, is this really possible?"

On the top of the ice meteorite, stargazing stands on the edge, looking down. Death.

Chapter 485

In all fairness, stargazing doesn't have too much hope that Yu Gong can tame the calamity.

The Beast of the Sun is the king of other beasts, and it is too arrogant.

I'm afraid I would rather die than surrender to a fight.

"We have limited time, just wait a little bit."

"If the alien beast is obsessed, I will send it to hell."

Yumiya's bottom line is twenty seconds.

As soon as twenty seconds pass, Yu Gong will act.

It's just a beast of the extreme sun, and it's not worth a lot of effort by Yu Gong.

"it is good."

Stargazing is very well-behaved, and leaves everything to Yu Gong.

One second, two seconds, five seconds, eight seconds, ten seconds...

In the blink of an eye, half the twenty seconds had passed.

I don't know if it was caused by the oppressive atmosphere, or if Yu Gong was brewing Four Seven Zero's own offensive.

The temperature has dropped significantly, and the nearby flames are swaying left and right, like a candle in the wind, which may go out at any time.

Eighteen seconds, nineteen seconds, twenty seconds.

"In that case..."

The time limit has come, Yu Gong did not see the sincerity of the fight.

Then, I can only say that it is a pity.


Just when Yu Gong was about to make his move, the flames that surrounded Fu Dou went out for no reason.

"Uh, it."

Stargazing stared at Yu Gong in amazement.

The flames of Doudou's body protection are equivalent to natural armor.

If ordinary people want to attack the calamity, they must be hurt by its flames first, which is very tricky.

At this time, the calamity extinguished the flame, does it mean that it chose to surrender?

"Congratulations, Huangguo is going to get a powerful protector of the country."

The frost on Yu Gong's face melted, revealing a faint smile.

He was smart and made the right decision.

"It's all your credit."

Stargazing is also smiling, with a strange brilliance in his eyes.

Yu Gong is really a lucky star given to her by God.


Unparalleled Camp.

"General Youlan, General Youlan."

A soldier was sweating profusely and hurriedly broke into the main tent.

"Why are you so panic? Don't worry, take your time."

Hollander frowned, looked away from the book in her hand, and turned to the fiery soldier.

Trespassing the main tent is a taboo in the military, and according to military discipline, fifty should be slapped.

But Hollander saw that the soldier was in a panic, and it was obvious that something important had happened, so he did not punish him.

"An alien beast, an alien beast was born."

The soldiers did not dare to waste any time and reported the situation succinctly and clearly.


The book slipped and fell to the ground.

Hollander's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

Alien beasts are born, maybe stargazing and feather palace...


Hollander tried her best to calm down the turbulence in her heart, and her expression became cold again.

Now, there is no time to think about what happened to Yugiya and Stargazing who went to seal alien beasts.

The most important thing is the alien beast that was born.

"It's urgent to stop alien beasts."

"Send the order, beat the drums and gather the generals."



Step, step, step, step.

On the desolate Gobi Desert, the battle of misfortune moved forward slowly, getting closer and closer to the Wushuang Battalion.

Ahead, thousands of soldiers gathered outside the Wushuang Battalion, which was hundreds of meters apart.

The soldiers were lined up in a neat square, facing the same direction as the calamity.


"Really, is it really a beast?"


In the army formation, the voices of swallowing saliva came and went.

The Peerless Battalion is the most elite unit of the Huang Kingdom. No matter what kind of difficulties it faces, it will not back down.

However, they are human after all.

As a human being, it is inevitable to have a fear of powerful things.

No one is willing to face alien beasts, especially in the Wushuang Battalion, there are survivors of the battle against Yama three years ago.

Having personally experienced that tragic battle and deeply understanding the horror of alien beasts, they were already prepared to die in battle.

In the battle with Yan Luo, Huang Guo paid 300,000 sacrifices.

Now, in an unprepared situation, hurriedly confronting new and exotic beasts, there is no hope of victory.


Sensing that his morale was low, Hollander, dressed in military uniform, rode his horse to the front...

She doesn't blame the soldiers for being afraid, because she is also afraid of alien beasts.

However, being afraid doesn't mean you can retreat.

They escaped from the battle, who will protect the kingdom of Huang?

"We are..."

"Don't be nervous, General Youlan."

Hollander was about to boost her morale when she suddenly heard a young female voice.


Hollander turned her head in surprise.

The voice of stargazing? It seems to be coming from the direction of the alien beast.


When he came to a position only a few dozen meters away from the army formation, Doudou was crawling low.


"So, what is that?"

"how is this possible?"


When the height of the battle of calamity was lowered, Hollander and the soldiers discovered that there was a man and a woman standing on its head.

who are they? Why do you get along so well with alien beasts?

"His Royal Highness Star Watching, Young Master Yu, you..."

As calm as Hollander, her mood couldn't calm down at this time.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she heard the news of the birth of a strange beast, and she thought that Yu Gong and Star Watch were less fortunate.

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