If the two successfully seal the alien beast, it will not be the alien beast, but them.

However, the actual situation does not seem to be what I think.

"This and even the beast of Yang 5.5 - Doudou, has been subdued by us, and protects the country's divine beast for our country."

Stargazing simply explained.


Hollander suspected that she had heard it wrong.

The alien beast was subdued and became the protector of the kingdom of Huang?

"Hey, did you hear that?"

"It should be true, otherwise, why don't alien beasts attack us and let people step on their heads?"


Not only Hollander, but also the soldiers of the Peerless Battalion couldn't believe it.

Their nervousness, fear and other emotions turned into stunned, and then they whispered.


Yumiya and Star-gazing jumped off the head of the calamity and reunited with Gurandelle.

"This is not a place to talk, let's go back to Wushuang Camp to discuss in detail.".

Chapter 486

"Okay, Your Highness Star Watcher."

Hollander nodded, then faced the lieutenant beside him.

"You lead your army back to the camp and send someone to settle the beast."

"Subordinates take orders."

Settling alien beasts? It won't kill us with one paw.

The lieutenant of Hollander secretly complained in his heart, but he had to obey Hollander's orders.

"Young Master Yu, Your Royal Highness, please come with me."

After simply arranging things, Youlandel turned over and dismounted, and walked in the direction of Wushuangying with Yu Gong and Gao Xing.


After the three left, Hollander's deputy began to deal with the aftermath.


The Peerless Camp, the main account.

"I see."

Back at the camp, Gao Xingjian roughly told Hollander about the journey of the group under the sea.

After listening to it, Hollander was full of surprises.

I have to say that stargazing is very courageous.

To subdue the beast of the sun? I'm afraid that before stargazing, no one had the idea of ​​14.

"Your Highness Xingguan, there is one last question at the end."

"Then the beast of the supreme sun will really obey orders and protect our country?"

"Mr. Yugiya said that at present, the fight will only obey me and him."

"In the future, I can't say for sure."

Stargazing explained.


At this point, Hollander was completely relieved.

On the surface, there are two people who can control the calamity.

Yu Palace, stargazing.

But in fact, it is equivalent to only stargazing.

Since Yu Gong can easily conquer the calamity and force him to surrender, he must not have much interest in it.

Because what Hudou can do, Yumiya can do it.

What the calamity can't do, Yumiya can do it too.

Therefore, this is the best result.


Hollander stood up and gave Yu Gong a big gift.

"Young Master Yu, thank you for your help to Huang Kingdom."

In the whole thing, the biggest contributor is none other than Yu Palace.

Without Yu Palace, the safety of stargazing is still difficult to guarantee, and it is even more nonsense to conquer alien beasts.

"It's just an effort, General Youlan doesn't have to take it too seriously."

It is true that there are many beautiful Valkyries in Honkai 3RD.

But most of them are lilies, and the captain's CP is very rare.

And stargazing is one of the very few Valkyries, and Yu Gong will naturally take good care of it.

"Next, what should we do?"

This question was asked by the star-gazing, and the object of the inquiry was Hagiya.

"What do you say?"

The corners of Yu Gong's mouth raised slightly, and he asked the star-gazing star with a smile.


What does Yumiya mean?

Stargazing put one hand on his chin and thought silently.

After a moment, her eyes shone brightly.

He went to the seabed altar to seal the beast of the sun with all his hardships, for two purposes.

The first is to eliminate the threat of alien beasts in the bud.

The second purpose is to pave the way for him to inherit the throne of Huang Kingdom in the future.

Isn't it an excellent opportunity to establish prestige?

"General Youlan, I need your assistance with something."

"Your Highness, please say, I will do my best in the end."

At this time, Hollander has returned to his position.

Although she was in the frontier, she knew a thing or two about things in Huangyue City.

The first prince died young, and the second prince was not an emperor.

Obviously, in the future, stargazing will be the master of the Huang National Congress.

Therefore, Gladdale was willing to accept the order of stargazing.

Of course, the premise is a reasonable order.

"I will repair a book, and you will immediately send someone to Huangyue City to deliver it to the Prime Minister."

If you don't explain the situation in advance and make preparations for Huangyue City, it will definitely cause a huge panic.

Outside the Peerless Camp, Xinggao has made a mistake once, and she will not repeat it.

"Okay, before that, you two should stay in the Wushuang Camp for a few days."

Recalling the performance of the soldiers of the Wushuang Battalion before, Hollander probably guessed the intention of stargazing.

She is quite thoughtful, and it is indeed necessary to say hello in advance.


A few days later, Bright Moon City.

"This is really, surprising."

A few minutes passed after reading the stargazing letter, and there was still surprise on Erin's face.

She could never have imagined that the matter of sealing the Beast of the Sun would end in such a dramatic way that it was subdued.

As the saying goes, wealth is sought in danger,

The success of this dangerous move for the two of them is far from being comparable to the sealed alien beast.

"Come on, prepare a sedan chair."

In the letter, Guanxing mentioned that she wanted to use the calamity to establish her prestige.

Irene can't decide this matter, so she will go to the palace to discuss with the current sage.


Astonished, surprised, shocked...

Hearing that the beast of the extreme sun, Hudou, has become the protector of the kingdom of Huang, the first reaction of the sage of the kingdom of Huang was exactly the same as that of Irene.

After the surprise, it was an endless surprise.

He and Irene discussed secretly for two 473 hours and came up with a complete plan.


"Hey, have you heard?"

"What did you hear?"

"The newly born alien beast calamity was subdued by Master Stargazer's friend Yu Gongzi."

"Conquering alien beasts? How is this possible?"

"This matter is absolutely true. It is said that Lord Star Watcher has gone outside Lihuangyue City."

"When she enters the city, the sage, the prime minister, and others will all come to greet her."

"Hey, really? Who is Young Master Yugong, who has such a means?"

"How can we speculate on the origins of such great people?"

"You and I should hurry to the gate of the city. If you go early, you might be able to get a good position and see the style of the beast fighting."

"That's right, let's go."


The west gate of Huangyue City, at the city wall.

A huge guard of honor was standing on both sides of the city gate, holding sausage books, gongs and other objects.

On the city wall, with the sage of Huangguo as the center, civil and military officials lined up left and right.

In the city, the soldiers formed two cordons, and they performed the guard work conscientiously.

Behind the cordon is a sea of ​​people.

PS: The story of Honkai Kingdom will end within two chapters. Is it too long to write? .

Chapter 487

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