The frost started from the sharp tip of the giant claw and spread to the rear.

In the blink of an eye, Fudou's claws and the flames covering them were completely frozen.

not only that......


The alien beast, whose size is comparable to a hill, left the ground with all four limbs, and after smashing a stone pillar in the process of flying upside down, it was able to fall to the ground.


Stargazing couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The scene just now made her suspect that something was wrong with her eyes.

The flame was frozen in ice contrary to common sense?

Moreover, Yu Gong was able to knock out a calamity that was many times bigger than him with just one punch?

It's no wonder that Yu Gong dares to see the fight as nothing, it turns out that he has a strong strength to support this confidence.

Suddenly, what Yugiya said some time ago came to Stargazer's mind.

There are indeed things that make me fearful, but the Kingdom of Huang is not one of them.

Yes, with both the strength to crush disasters and the superb medical skills, what is Nawa Palace of the national power of beff?

The most shocking thing is that this is only the ability that Yu Gong is showing now.

Yu Gong hid a bit, only he knew.


As a unique beast of the sun, Fudou possesses a considerable degree of intelligence.

The previous scene and the innate keen intuition of the alien beasts madly issued a warning to the calamity.

Yu Gong is very dangerous, extremely dangerous.

The most correct choice is to get away from him as soon as possible. The farther away, the better.

Can be easily knocked away by the little things, and his flames are still frozen, so the fight feels extremely humiliating.

This intense humiliation overwhelmed all other emotions.

"Hoo **** ho ho."

Countless flames fell, like a downpour.

In the end, Fudou did not follow his instinct and tried to escape from the seabed altar, but chose to fight Yu Gong to the end.

"It's useless."

The scene from ten seconds ago reappeared, and the flames were all frozen without exception.

The original flame, now the ice cube has changed its owner.

All the ice cubes gathered together to form an ice meteorite with a larger volume than any other.


When a meteorite of this size falls, the movement must be astonishing.

At least, most of the underwater altars cannot be preserved.

Fortunately, there is an excellent meat pad at the bottom, and the impact of the ice meteorite is not too big.

Only a large piece of dust was raised, and the floor under the wreck was broken.

"Roar, roar, roar."

Jiudou twisted his body hard, trying to move the ice meteorite away to hold him down.

Of course, an object larger than itself is not so easy to move.

No matter how hard the disaster fights, the Frost Meteor only shakes slightly, and there is no sign of rolling down its back.

"Uh, Mr. Assassin, what are you going to do with the Beast of the Sun?"

Stargazing couldn't bear to look directly, so he looked away from Fudou and turned to another place.

That's horrible.

The dignified and strange beast suffered such great grievances as soon as it was born.

Compared to the two seniors, Yama and Wuxiang, the battle of misfortune is really pitiful.

There is no way this can be done. After all, Yan Luo and Wuxiang are facing Huangguo soldiers, and Disaster Fighting is facing Yu Gong.

If the alien beast is a monster, then Hagiya is a monster among monsters.

"It's a disaster to keep it, kill it."

Yumiya said of course.

PS: The code came out in a hurry, it's not too late, it's not too late. .

Chapter 484


Stargazing thought for a while, and felt that what Yu Gong said was very reasonable.

Sealing is just an expedient measure, not a cure for the symptoms.

If you want to eradicate the threat of alien beasts, simply killing them is the best choice.

"If you have a better plan, - you can propose it."

Doudou is a ticking time bomb, and it is an earth-shattering type.

If you don't get rid of it for a day, the kingdom of Huang will not be able to be peaceful for a day.

It is impossible for Yu Gong to stay in Huang Kingdom all the time, so it must be solved completely without leaving troubles later.


Originally, the idea of ​​stargazing was just to seal the fight.

Because there have been two painful lessons, proving how much sacrifice one needs to make to kill alien beasts.

It can be seen that after seeing Yu Gong's strength, Star Watcher feels that his horizons have broadened a lot.

Ideas that I didn't dare to have in the past have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

"But it doesn't matter. If it is within my ability, I will try my best to help you."

With a casual sentence of his own, Star Watcher fell into contemplation, which was beyond Yu Gong's expectations.

Could it be that Star Watcher wants to spare his life.

"Mr. Assassin, domesticate the beast of the sun and let it be used by us. Is this possible?"

After pondering for a while, Star Watcher responded to Yu Gong's question.

"Teaching and fighting? Are you sure?"

Even Yu Gong was a little surprised by the boldness of Stargazing's proposal.

"My generation just says it casually, you don't have to take it seriously."

The courage to tame the calamity was given to stargazing by Yugiya.

When the momentary urges subsided, she felt that she was out of her mind.

Domesticated scourge?

The dignified beast of the sun is extremely arrogant, how can it be an existence that can be easily tamed?

Even if Yu Gong's methods are sky-high, he can really do it, can he be 100% assured?

"It's okay to give it a try."

It has to be said that although the proposal of stargazing is bold, the possibility is very high.

If Hudou is domesticated as a protector of the kingdom of Huang, there is no need to worry even if other beasts are born in the future.

"Can it be guaranteed?"

As someone else, Guanxing decided not to gamble on the fate of Huangguo, with the exception of Yugong.

Although I didn't know each other for a long time, in the minds of stargazers, Yu Gong's has already occupied a considerable position.

Star-gazing believes that Yu Gong will not deceive herself, and will not harm herself.

"Don't worry, there's no problem."

Yumiya is full of confidence.

He has Yu Duchen, why can't he overcome the calamity?

Moreover, he is not afraid of the misfortune to hide the evil intentions. First, he will deceive himself and the stars to gain the trust of him, and then he will wait for the opportunity to cause trouble.

"I hope you can succeed."

Since Yu Gong made a promise, Star Gazing no longer hesitated.

The beasts of the sun are fighting against each other, and their power is extraordinary.

Standing on the opposite side of Huang Kingdom, Doudou is a terrifying beast that can lead to the demise of Huang Kingdom.

But if you stand with Huang Guo, it will be Huang Guo's most solid barrier.

No matter the barbarians in the west and north, or the pirates in the east and south, none of them dared to cross the thunder pond.

"Let's go, let's go."


Step, step, step.

In the world of ice and fire. Yu Gong and Guan Xing slowly approached the disaster.

The disaster that was suppressed by the ice meteorite was not far from them, and the two quickly came to the disaster.

"Roar, roar."

He could barely move, and from time to time he let out a painful roar.

At this very moment, how could Hudou still have the majesty and arrogance when he was just born, and the whole look of a drowning dog is extremely miserable.

While burning with anger, the figure of the "enemy" broke into its sight.

Fudou automatically ignored Stargazing and glared fiercely at Yu Gong.

Its gnashing of teeth is not difficult to believe, if it can move freely now, it will definitely bite Yu Gong to death.

"Hoo **** ho **** ho ho."

Due to the restrictions on movement, the enemy is in front of him and he can't do anything about it.

Fudou could only vent his anger by roaring, trying to intimidate Yu Gong.

"To shut up."

It seemed to be the roar of a calamity, which disturbed Yu Gong.

He frowned in displeasure. said coldly.


It was as if the videotape being played had jammed, and the roar of the calamity came to an abrupt end.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

Yu Gong's voice was light and slow, compared to its roar, it was nothing compared to its roar.

However, these short two words penetrated the skull of Fudou and hit the depths of its mind.

In a trance, Wo Dou saw an ice statue of Avalokitesvara with thousands of hands reaching the sky.

At the same time, he lifted the countless arms behind the Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara and slammed it down.

"Roar, woo~."

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