"It's okay."

Gao Xing waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care.

"General Youlan, are you willing to assist us?"

"The last will be duty bound."

Without any hesitation, Hollander made a decision immediately.

As a general, it is her duty to protect the kingdom of Huang.

"Master Star Watcher, tomorrow morning, I will order people to prepare the carriage and horses, and leave together with the two of them to form a formation to seal the strange beasts."

"No, General Youlan, you can stay in the Wushuang Camp."

Unexpectedly, Star Watcher rejected Hollander's proposal.

"But why?"

Hollander didn't understand the meaning of stargazing, so she asked suspiciously.

"I have two formations, one is to seal alien beasts, and the other is to lead them to the world."

"Although my generation can lead the beast of the sun to the bottom of the sea to take advantage of the land, I am not sure whether other things from other worlds will appear along with it."


"This place is where Yama first appeared in the world, and the yin and yang have long been in chaos. If there is such a calamity, this place will definitely bear the brunt."

"General Youlan, I hope you will stick to this place when we seal the alien beasts, so as to keep the world safe."

"I have heard a little about the talent of His Highness Star Watcher."

"Hamiyako's situation was also mentioned in the Prime Minister's transmission."

"But forgive me, but with the power of the two of you alone, can you really seal the beast of the sun forever?"

Hollander frowned and questioned.

It's not that she doesn't believe in Yu Gong and stargazing, but it's about strange beasts, and she can't tolerate the slightest difference.


The star-gazing gaze turned to Yugiya on the side.

For a moment, she couldn't think of any words to persuade Gurlandelle.

Helpless, stargazing had to pin his hopes on Yu Gong.


Along with stargazing, Hollander also paid attention to Yugong.

The confidence that Star Watcher dared to face the Beast of the Sun must come from Yu Gong.

Who exactly is Yu Gong? What's so special about stargazing?

"General Youlan, you can rest assured that you can leave the matter of strange animals to us."

A dull voice resounded in the tent.

At the same time as Yu Gong's voice fell, Hollander's body trembled slightly, and her expression became dazed. Death.

Chapter 480

Blue sky, white clouds, endless ice...

"Where is this place?"

Hollander's eyes narrowed slightly, and her right hand habitually stretched out to her side.


Accidentally felt empty, and he was always tied to his waist, the sword that never left his body even when he slept was not there.

Hollander was in shock, and quickly adjusted her body to a state that could be activated at any time.

Right now, the situation is still unclear, and we can only observe and observe first.

Kacha Kacha.

At this time, there was a slight cracking sound out of nowhere.

The voice was as thin as a mosquito, so small that it was almost inaudible.


Hollander's sharp eyes swept to the location where the cracking sound came from.

At this moment, she is in a state of full concentration and high concentration. four seven zero

Not to mention the sound of mosquitoes and flies, even if a needle fell on the ground, it could not escape the ears of Hollander.

Kacha Kacha.

When Hollander deliberately listened, the voice became more and more obvious.

The cracking sound came from the direction of the ice surface, no, it was more precisely below the ice surface.

It seems that the ice surface is cracking from bottom to top.

"Who is it?"

Hollander silently stared at the ice surface, her brain spinning rapidly.

Until now, she still didn't understand what happened.

where is this place? What was it that was making trouble in the dark and brought him here? How did he do that......

Countless questions swirled in Hollander's mind.

Kacha Kacha.

The cracking sound under the ice surface continued.

As time goes on, the sound gets louder.

At first it was the level of mosquitoes and flies, then it was the size of soil work, and finally it became a roar.

Not only that, but the ice surface also trembled visibly.


As Hollander was thinking, the ice surface two or three kilometers away suddenly collapsed on a large scale.

Through the cracks, it is faintly visible that beneath the ice surface is sea water.

Clearly there was no wind, but the sea was surging wildly, rolling backwards.

As if there were terrifying monsters, stirring underwater.


Hollander narrowed her eyes, focusing on the place where the sea was surging.

Intuition tells her that a mutation is coming.


Under the eyes of Hollander, the height of the sea water rose wildly, and in the blink of an eye, it was nearly 100 meters higher than the surrounding ice surface.

Then, a huge amount of sea water was pulled by gravity and fell straight down.

When most of the sea water returned to the embrace of the sea, an ultramarine blue island appeared in Hollander's eyes.

"Strange, monster?"

Hollander has been on the battlefield for a long time, and has also fought against the alien beast Yama.

His xinxing has long been honed as hard as iron.

However, at this moment, her faith has a tendency to collapse.

It wasn't an island at all, but part of the body of a behemoth.

Because it is too large, it is easy to mistake it for an island at first glance.

"The parts that surfaced from the sea are all of this size. The body of this monster..."

Hollander's heart trembled, and the wordless terror was like a giant mountain pressing down on her slender shoulders.

Although the distance between the two is several thousand meters, Hollander has no sense of security.

Even if the distance is a little further, the monster can easily take its own life.

This thought took root in Hollander's heart and lingered.

Ka Ka Ka Ka.

Just when Hollander's heart was trembling, her brain was full of fear, and she almost lost her ability to think.

The situation has changed again.

In front of the unknown monster, countless ice cubes of different sizes broke off the ice surface and slowly floated up.

As if attracted by an invisible force, these ice cubes gathered together.

After half an hour, the 300-meter-high pure ice Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara statue took shape.

Less than fifty meters apart, the Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara and the huge monster faced each other head-on.

Such a distance, for them, is not much different from face-to-face with normal people, and they can touch each other with a slight movement.

The atmosphere naturally became tense, and it was quite an imminent situation.

"They want to fight?"

The uncontrollable excitement overwhelmed Horendelle's fear...

She stared at the Thousand-handed Avalokitesvara and the monster without blinking, as if she was afraid of missing some wonderful scene.

If you can witness a shocking battle, it is worth dying to die.


Camp tent.

"Mr. Assassin, General Youlan?"

Previously, Hollander fell into sluggishness for no reason.

Star-gazing called a few times, but she didn't respond, as if she had lost her soul.

This appearance made Stargazing very worried.

"Wait for a while, and soon, General Youlan will recover."

Yu Gong gave a brief explanation without saying much.

"All right."

The current situation, stargazing is generally clear.

80% of the abnormality of Urandale was caused by Yu Gong.

He doesn't explain it now, probably because he wants to explain it together when Horandel wakes up.

One second, two seconds, five seconds, fifteen seconds...

Time passed quietly in silence.

After a few minutes......

"Hu, hu, hu."

The look in Horendelle's eyes, who had been in a daze all the time, recovered, her breathing rhythm was disordered, and she was gasping for breath.

"Mr. Assassin? 5.5"

Seeing that Hollander was sober, Star Watcher couldn't hold back his curiosity any longer, and asked Yugong aloud.

"I showed General Youlan a piece of my past experience."

In the world of Blood Devouring, Yumiya and Leviathan fought fiercely.

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