He presented this battle to Hollander in the form of an illusion.

Presumably, her heart trembled quite a bit.

"How? General Youlan?"

"Is this true?"

Ignoring the rhythm of calming her breath, Hollander raised her head and looked at Yu Gong in amazement.

Hagiya's past experience?

He meant that one of the two sides in the battle was him?

Youlandel suddenly remembered that there really seemed to be a figure on the top of the thousand-handed Avalokitesvara.

Could it be that the figure is Yu Gong? .

Chapter 481


As Hagiya expected, Gladdale's mood was extremely restless.

This is exactly the result he wanted.

Hollander is loyal to the monarchy and the country, and is extremely brave.

However, her many advantages cannot cover one disadvantage.


What she thinks is right, Hollander will stick to the end, even if it goes against the will of stargazing.

It was time-consuming and laborious to try to persuade Gurlandell by language, and it was not necessarily a success.

Therefore, Yumiya used extraordinary means.

"Deceiving you, whether it is for me, for you, for stargazing, or for the Kingdom of Huang, is harmful and useless."

"That's it, Young Master Yu, His Royal Highness Star Watcher will ask you."

Recalling the situation in the fantasy, the turbulence in Hollander's heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

The frozen sea, terrifying monsters, the god-like Avalokitesvara statue, comparable to the battle of natural disasters...

This pile of things, piece by piece, is shocking.

If what Yu Gong said is true, then his strength is probably beyond his imagination.


14 Outside the tent.

"Mr. Assassin, what did you show General Youlan to see?"

As for the itinerary, Yu Gong and Xing Gao have already negotiated.

Today, I will rest in the Peerless Camp, and I will leave early tomorrow morning to go to the location of the last Array.

After the two reached an agreement with Hollander, Hollander arranged for them to go to their respective rooms.

For the sake of convenience, Hagiya and Stargazer's residence are very close.

On the way back, Stargazer asked about the illusion.

"Later, you will know."

Yu Gong smiled and stretched out his hand, and touched Stargazer's head.


Suddenly attacked by Yu Gong, the stargazer, who was originally calm and wise, suddenly exploded.

She raised her eyebrows and raised her eyes, and patted Yu Gong's claws unceremoniously.

"His Royal Highness Star Watching is so cute, it's hard not to feel bullying."

Yugiya withdrew his hand and nimbly avoided Stargazing's attack.

Then, his hand returned to the stargazing head.

"Damn, don't touch my head, the president is not tall."

"It doesn't matter, stargazing is the cutest right now."


The two of them fought and went farther and farther.


The next day, Wushuang Camp North.

A carriage rolled up the yellow sand and galloped away from south to north.

After a while, he disappeared into the vast Gobi.

The last formation eye is located near Linjiang Pavilion.

Linjiang Pavilion is the same as the first formation, in a vast forest, and it is very far away from Wushuang Camp.

Yu Gong and Xing Gao quickly arrived, and it took a whole day to arrive.

After stargazing arranged the formation, the two set off for the final destination of the trip - the seabed altar.


"Is this the ancient altar that Grandpa said?"

Looking at the stone building in front of him, Stargazer muttered to himself.

This altar is called the Seabed Altar.

As the name suggests, its location is deep in the Imperial Inner Sea, protected by an unexplained water bubble.

If you want to come here, you can't do it without knowing the way to get there.

Of course, except for those who can move freely in the deep sea.

"Calculate the time, the beast of the sun is about to be born."

The theme of the submarine altar is a pile of ancient stone artifacts.

These stone artifacts are still engraved with characters that have never been seen before, and may not even be recognized by the most authoritative linguists in the Kingdom of Huang.

Hagiya's attention was on one of the giant statues.

The colossus stands under the blue ocean as deep as the night sky, and it is incomparably majestic.

If he remembered correctly, the place where the Beast of the Sun - Doudou was born was above the colossus.

Moreover, this colossus is more than just a relic.

It is the most precious treasure in the underwater altar, enough to attract countless people and even cause chaos in the world.

"Yes, that beast of the sun..."


Stargazing was about to explain in detail, but before he finished speaking, the space above the colossus was distorted and torn.

In an instant, a long and narrow crack traversed from one end of the colossus to the other.


The scorching air waves spewed out from the cracks in space, and stargazing was caught off guard and was about to be blown away.

"Hide behind me."

At the critical moment, a solid figure stood in front of Stargazer.

"Thorn, Mr. Assassin."

The person who blocked the air for stargazing was undoubtedly Yu Gong.

The fierce wind blowing from both sides of Yu Gong's body clearly showed the strength of this air wave.

But no matter how the air waves hit, the Yu Palace remained motionless, like a majestic mountain.

At this moment, an unprecedented sense of security filled the hearts of stargazing.

It seems that as long as Yugiya is there, no one or anything can hurt 470 her.

"Whether it's a figure or a word, it's so reassuring."

"Huh? No, no, no, what am I thinking?"

"At present, the most important thing is to seal the beast of the sun."

Sensing that he had a tendency to wander, Stargazing shook his head gently, throwing strange thoughts out of his mind, forcing himself to be serious.

"Fighting in trouble? Might is might."

"Unfortunately, it's just a big cat after all."

Hagiya noticed the strangeness of stargazing, but didn't pay attention to it.

At this moment, most of his attention is on the spatial crack.

Following the searing heat wave, a giant claw came out.

The appearance of the giant claws aggravated the instability of the space and made its distortion more serious.

A few seconds later, the legendary beast appeared.

It was a mighty and majestic tiger-shaped beast surrounded by flames.

The Beast of the Sun - The Fight of Disaster, in this world.

Fudou stood on top of the colossus, with a proud and domineering posture, living up to its reputation as a disaster for the country and beast.

"Stargazing, let's do it."

Yumiya reminded.

The formation method to seal the battle of misfortune, stargazing has been arranged properly.

Now that the Lord has appeared, the formation can be activated. .

Chapter 482

"Understood, my formation has already been prepared."

Stargazing nodded solemnly.

She crossed Yu Palace and looked at the calamity behind her, her eyes were extremely cold.

Today, star-gazing is going to send the calamity into another dimension, so that it will never turn around.


On the stone statue, the calamity is screaming in the sky, as if proclaiming its existence to the world.

Immediately, its tiger eyes swept coldly towards Yugong and Stargazing not far away.


The monstrous flames suddenly emerged, burning in the air.

In an instant, the water outside the bubbles was reflected red.

The temperature of the originally cool underwater altar has risen sharply, and there is a faint trend of turning into a steamer.

Disaster fight, the alien beast of the extreme sun.

The hexagram lives away from the fire, swallowing the flames and exhaling the flames, and wherever they go, they are all simmering ashes.

If it is allowed to recklessly riot, the country will be in great disaster, and all souls will be ruined.

It is evident that there is such a degree of ferocity and the horror of a calamity fight just by showing a little means.

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