Stargazing suppressed the anger and killing intent in his heart.

After calming down, she thought of a key point.

"Mr. Assassin, although we know that the killer was sent by Jackal, but there is no evidence, how can we testify against her?"

"It's true that Jackal is a treacherous villain, but he bears the identity of a young master on his head."

"If there is no real evidence, she can shirk the blame. What should we do then (beff)?"

"Take the way of people, and treat people's bodies."

"Using shady means, sometimes for self-protection, sometimes doesn't seem so wise."

"No one knows that Jackal hired killers to assassinate us."

"Similarly, no one can think of us when she died suddenly in her own home."

Hagiya had already thought about how to deal with the jackal.

The laws of the kingdom of Huang? rule? These things can't restrain him.

"It's a brilliant idea."

Stargazing was quick-witted and immediately understood Yugiya's intention.

Thinking of the jackal's fate, Star Watcher showed a black-bellied smile.

Having a strong backer is really a very comfortable and pleasant thing.

No matter how complex a problem is, it will become much simpler.


After discussing important matters, the tense atmosphere was slightly relieved.

Gao Xing pulled out a pile of weeds, covered it on the formation he had drawn, and then spread out the pile of weeds.

She wanted to hide the formation so that it would not be damaged by passers-by or beasts.

After the stargazing had hidden the formation, the two left the area.

There are dead people in the woods, and it is not a suitable place to rest.


Time passed quietly without knowing it.

The destination of Yu Palace and stargazing - the submarine altar, is located in the inland sea of ​​the western region of Huangguo.

They went west all the way, setting up arrays along the way.

It took about two days for the stargazer to arrange five array eyes.

Two days later, Yu Gong and Gao Xing arrived at Shiyuan Town, where the sixth eye formation was located.

Ziyuan Town is very close to the Western Regions of Huangguo.

Due to the particularity of its location, Ziyuan Town has been gathering visitors from all over the world for a long time, and it is an enemy with many eyes and eyes.

Yu Gong accompanied Star Gazing to set up the penultimate array eye, and then found an inn as a temporary place to stay.

Tomorrow, they will go to Baizhangyuan, where the last formation is located.


The next day.

The yellow sands on the western border of Huang Kingdom stretch for thousands of miles.

Baizhangyuan is a small part of the periphery of this forbidden area of ​​life.

Approaching Baizhangyuan, a sea of ​​sand appeared in front of Yugiya and Stargazing.

In the sand sea, rotten rust iron can be seen everywhere.

Knives, spears, swords, halberds, bows...

There are many kinds, almost including eighteen kinds of weapons.

"Three years ago, General Youlan led an army of 300,000 people and fought fiercely with alien beasts here."

"The soldiers made countless sacrifices and finally slaughtered the alien beast Yama, and the rest of the empire was safe."

"The soldiers who died in that battle have since then slept in this sea of ​​sand with their weapons."

Stepping into the desert, Yu Gong looked at the weapons scattered all over the place.

Seeing that he seemed to be very interested in this, Guan Xing explained the origin of the weapon to him.

"The part of the weapons you see is just a drop in the ocean compared to the huge total."

"The vast majority are under the sea of ​​sand."

"The last formation eye, in that ancient city?"

On the boundless desert, there is an ancient city.

The ancient city is like a solid shield, standing still in the vast Gobi.

With his extraordinary eyesight, Yu Gong saw that there were a lot of people moving on the walls of the ancient city.


Star-gazing nodded, affirming Yu Gong's words.

"This city is an important border town in our country. It is guarded here by the Great General Hollander and his most elite troops, the Peerless Battalion."

"Let's go to General Youlan and explain the ins and outs. I believe she will assist us."

"Well, let's go."

Hagiya agrees with the suggestion of stargazing.

The Hollander in the world bubble of Honkai Kingdom has a title.

Unparalleled Guo Shi.

Ps; the next chapter will be late, please forgive me.

Chapter 479

In the story of Honkai Kingdom, Star-gazing, with the help of the captain, the doll Tesla-ZREO, the prime minister Rita, and Hollander, had a difficult time sealing the beast of the sun-Beast of the Sun.

After the war, star-gazing was rewarded for meritorious deeds at the enthronement ceremony.

Her original intention was to confer tens of thousands of taels of gold in the city of Hollander.

However, Hollander refused.

Not only that, but she also invited Changying to guard the borders of the Western Regions, and never entered the imperial city for the rest of her life.

Personality, strength, temperament...

No matter how you look at it, Hollander is a standard loyal and good general, a pillar of the country.

In the future, Guan Xing will inherit the throne of Huang Kingdom, and he will inevitably have to contact her.



Baizhangyuan is not far from the ancient city and can be reached in less than an hour.

Guanxing and Yugong walked halfway, when a rush of hooves came into their ears.

They stopped and looked in the direction of the sound of the hooves.

Step, step, step.

In the distance, the tall warhorse galloped over and approached the two of them in an instant.

On the back of the warhorse, a gallant blond figure could be vaguely seen.


After galloping in front of Yugong and Stargazing, the front hooves of the war horse lifted high, stopping the tendency to rush forward.

The figure on the horse turned over and dismounted, and saluted to the star-gazer.

"The last general Youlan has been waiting here for the two of you for a long time."

"His Royal Highness Star Watching, Young Master Yu, let's go to the Peerless Camp for a chat."


Yu Gong silently glanced at the star.

His meaning is obvious, it is up to stargazing.

"Okay, lead the way, General Youlan."

Stargazing thought for a while and figured out the cause and effect.

Probably Irene informed Hollander through the flying pigeon biography that she and Yu Gong were about to arrive in the Western Regions soon.

Therefore, Durandal sent scouts to patrol the surrounding area.

After the scout discovered the traces of the two, he immediately reported to Hollander before she came to greet him.

"Please come with me."

Hollander got back on his horse and led the way.

Behind, Yu Gong and Guan Xing followed silently.


The Peerless Camp, the main account.

"A few days ago, I received a letter from Prime Minister Irene."

"She said in the letter that the two of you have important things to do and will come to the Western Regions soon."

"I don't know, why is this important thing?"

People in the army have always acted resolutely, quickly and resolutely.

The leader among them, Hollander, is no exception.

As soon as she entered the tent, she screened off the idle people, and then asked about the specific situation.

"General Youlan, we are here for the unborn beast of the sun..."

Stargazing replied without hesitation to Hollander's question.

On the way to Wushuang Camp, she had already prepared her draft.

"The beast of the sun?"

After hearing the reason, it was difficult for Hollander to calm down.

In the past, the strange beast Yama came into the world, and countless people came to the world to fight with blood, and Fang won a silver lining for the kingdom of Huang.

Now, Huang Kingdom is facing the threat of alien beasts?

The terrifyingness of Yama, the beast of the yin, was personally experienced by Hollander.

The unborn beast of the sun stands side by side with Yama, so it can be inferred that the strength of the two is at the same level.

No wonder stargazing traveled thousands of miles from Bright Moon City to the Western Regions.

If the beast of the sun is left alone, the consequences are not as simple as "serious".

"Lord Stargazer, the beast of the most sun..."

Hollander put down the teacup in her hand and sat upright.

She inquired about the whole plan of stargazing in detail, and she refused to let go of every detail.

Due to Hollander's cautiousness, this matter, which could have been finished in less than a quarter of an hour, just dragged on for almost an hour.

"The stakes are very important, and there is no room for the slightest mistake. Please forgive me, Lord Star Watcher."

After learning about the stargazing plan, Hollander solemnly apologized.

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