It was a dignified and strong man in his fifties.

There was a faint flush on his face, and he looked healthy, but in fact it was a sign of weak essence and blood.

In the sharp, radiant eyes, there is deep exhaustion hidden.

The momentum is not anger and self-arrogance, but what hides it is decay and twilight.

"No wonder Star Watcher is so anxious, he's not seriously injured."

Yu Gong observed for a moment, and had a general judgment on Huang Guosheng's condition.

There is a word that is very suitable to describe his current situation.

Back to light.

"He, is the star-gazing doctor's friend?"

When the three of them arrived outside the imperial study room, Sage Huang Guosheng showed obvious surprise.

Yu Gong's youth was far beyond his expectations.

However, this shock only lasted for a moment.

As the head of a country, you cannot easily express your inner thoughts.

"You all step back."

When Yu Palace and the others approached, Huang Guosheng screened the maids and eunuchs he was serving.

The royal family is secret, and the servants have no right to know.


The maid and the **** dared not refuse to obey the Holy Lord's order, and immediately retreated in an orderly manner.

"Divine doctor, there are no outsiders here."

"If you can see the way of Gu's injury, you can tell the truth without any scruples."

When the irrelevant people were gone, Huang Guosheng took the initiative to speak, and Yu Gong asked about the situation.

"The vitality is almost cut off. If there is no effective treatment, then within a few days, there will be no doubt of death."

Yumiya said lightly.


Stargazing and Irene's eyes fell on Yu Gong in no particular order.

On the face of the saint, his complexion is not very bad, it doesn't look like he has only a few days to live.

Did Yu Gong make a wrong judgment, or...

"Ha ha."

Huang Guosheng was surprised at first, and then smiled bitterly.

It's no wonder that Star Watcher highly praises Yugong. He really is a genius doctor who can see everything at a glance.

"Do not believe?."

Yu Gong raised his head and motioned to Irene and Gao Xing to look at Huang Guosheng.



Gao Xing and Irene looked at each other and turned their eyes slowly.

Immediately, their bodies trembled violently.

Huang Guosheng's face was as pale as paper, his eyes were chaotic and dull, and he leaned against the back of the chair, showing weakness all over his body.


The **** facts destroyed the luck of Stargazing and Irene.

Compared with a few seconds ago, the Emperor Huang Guosheng has changed his personality.

From a majestic emperor to a terminally ill wounded.

With this appearance, it is absolutely no exaggeration to say that his life has come to an end.

"Divine Doctor, is there any salvation for the lonely one?"

After Yu Gong pointedly pointed out the truth, Huang Guosheng no longer forced it.

As a client, his worries were not as strong as those of Star Watcher and Erin.

Because, Huang Guosheng noticed something.

From the beginning to the end, Yu Gong was extremely calm, even when he was talking about his illness, his expression was calm.

There is only one possibility, and that is that he can treat.

"Thorn, Mr. Yumiya."

Being too anxious, Star Gazing almost blurted out "Mr. Assassin".

Fortunately, she responded quickly enough to change her tune in time.

Otherwise, there may be other incidents. .

Chapter 473

"Don't worry."

Yu Gong raised his hand and aimed his palm at Huangguo Sheng, who was a few meters away.

"Have you forgotten what you said not long ago?"

"The diseases that I can't heal, the injuries that I can't heal should not exist at present."

A bright light wave shot out from Yu Gong's hand and submerged into Huang Guosheng's body.


The moment he walked into the body, Huang Guosheng immediately noticed the change in his body.

The feeling of weakness that haunts me all the time, like a nightmare, is rapidly slowing down.

After a long absence, the sense of fulfillment returned to me.

His injury, okay?


The external performance of Huang Guosheng's injury improvement is also very obvious.

Gao Xing and Irene watched his face turn red, and his breath turned from decay to prosperity.

Such a miraculous scene. They were speechless.

Both of them knew that Emperor Huang Guosheng's injury would probably not be difficult for Yu Gong. After all, his self-confidence could not be faked.

The fact that a dying person can be cured in an instant is too incredible.

"He's really a rare person in the world."

Surviving in a desperate situation, Sage Rao Shihuang couldn't hold back his excitement and excitement.

"Divine Doctor, you have a life-saving grace for Guding, and Guding has a great reward."

"you want......"

"Don't bother."

Huang Guosheng was interrupted by Yu Gong when he was halfway through speaking.

His next words were nothing more than "What kind of reward do you want, Gudu promises you" and so on, etc. Yu Gong was not interested in hearing it.

Even if the sage of Huangguo is paid by the entire Huangguo, he doesn't need it.

"I'm not here today for your reward."

"It's because I came to Huangyue City in a hurry, and I didn't prepare a suitable gift for Star Gazing."

"Healing you is like a birthday present for stargazing."


Huang Guosheng was a little embarrassed when he was speechless for a while.

If it was someone else who dared to be so rude to him, he would have been shattered long ago.

Yu Gong, is the only exception.

One of the reasons is that Yu Gong is his savior.

The second reason is that Yu Gong's ability is so amazing, and its origin must be extraordinary, so it's better not to offend him.

"There will be a period later."

Leaving a goodbye, Yu Gong walked slowly to the door of the imperial study.

"and many more."

Xinggao was happy when he saw that Yugiya was about to leave.

She subconsciously spoke out to keep Yu Gong.

"Any thing else?"

Yu Gong stopped and turned to look at the stars.


Stargazing is fine, it's just that I don't want Yu Gong to leave.

At this moment, she was directly questioned by Yu Gong, but she couldn't answer.

"Young Master Yu, although you are lofty, we can't assume that nothing happened, otherwise it will damage the majesty of the royal family."

"Well, there is a banquet in the palace today to celebrate the twelfth birthday of His Royal Highness Xing Guan, please be sure to attend."

"In that case, it can be considered as a thank you."

The thoughtful Irene saw through the mind of stargazing.

She thought about it urgently and came up with an excellent reason to keep Yu Gong.

"Yes, yes, yes, the Prime Minister's words are reasonable. I wonder what your doctor thinks?"

Huang Guosheng secretly cast an admiring look at Irene.

Not only stargazing, he also did not want Yu Gong to leave.

As long as Yu Gong can stay, and he is not asked to serve the Huang Kingdom, even if it is offered in the palace, it is a life-saving talisman.


Anyway, I have nothing to do when I go back to the inn, so it's better to enhance my relationship with stargazing.

What's more, Irene is there.

"Ha ha."

Lord Huangguo, Irene and Star Watcher both laughed.

This is the best result.


Outside the imperial study.

"Forgive me for overstepping, Young Master Yu, your actions just now were a little dangerous."

Walking out of the imperial study, Irene suddenly became serious.


Yumiya didn't understand what Irene meant.

"As the saying goes, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger."

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