"Even though you saved His Majesty's name, if you don't show any mercy, he will still be angry."

"Once Longyan is angry, you will have no place in your country."

"Longyan is furious? Hahahaha."

Yu Gong laughed inexplicably, and laughed very happily.

"There are indeed things that can make me jealous, but the Kingdom of Huang is not one of them."

"I made a blunder, sorry."

Maybe Hagiya didn't do it on purpose, but Irene could hear the disdain in his laughter.

This disdain made her realize one thing.

My own understanding of Yu Palace is close to nothing.

Based on her own thinking, she thought that Yu Gong was afraid of Huangguo, so she said those words.

But, is Yu Gong really afraid of Huang Kingdom? not necessarily.


Next to him, Star Watcher was silent, wondering what he was thinking.


This trivial matter, Yu Gong will not take it to heart.

And Irene is willing to care about him, which is a good sign.


In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Irene subtly changed the subject.

Stargazing was no longer silent, and joined the conversation between the two.

The three came all the way to the main gate of the imperial city, and then separated.

Irene is the prime minister and has many affairs to deal with. Now she is going to return to her own post.

As for Yugiya, entertaining him is the task of stargazing.


Time (is Li Hao), bit by bit passed by.

Near noon, the stargazing birthday celebration kicked off.

She is the most favored grandson of the saint, and the grandeur of this celebration can be imagined.

There is a huge banquet in the palace, manpower, material resources, and financial resources are expended.

Songs and dances, operas, artist performances...

There are a wide variety of programs.

The imperial relatives, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, were all absent.

Everyone enjoyed themselves to the fullest, until the evening did not tend to end.


Bang bang bang bang.

One by one, countless fireworks rose into the sky.

The fireworks exploded, dyeing the dark night sky into brilliant colors.

This grand firework is the last link of tonight's celebration.

When the fireworks started, everyone present raised their heads and admired the beautiful scenery. .

Chapter 474

"Star gazing, you don't seem to like such occasions very much?"

The location of Yugiya was arranged beside the stargazer.

Therefore, Yu Gong sees her actions and performance.

Yu Gong felt that stargazing was not very happy.

Even if the top royal painter came to paint her portrait just now, she forced a smile.

"This is not the first time."

Once, whenever my birthday came, stargazing was very excited.

After all, everyone has vanity and wants to be the protagonist.

A grand celebration, the ruler and his ministers rejoice together.

All this is because of myself, no one will dislike it.

However, once or twice is fine.

When the number of times increased, the excitement and anticipation in my heart inevitably gradually weakened.

"Ha ha."

The feeling of stargazing, Yu Gong can fully understand.

Yes, no matter how interesting things are, there will eventually be a day when you get bored.

Taking a birthday banquet as an analogy to travel through the world, the two people's mental journeys are about the same.


Bang bang bang bang.

The gorgeous fireworks continued.

Hagiya and Stargazer were chatting while watching the fireworks.


Just as the fireworks were about to end, Yu Gong felt a malicious gaze fell on him.

Is someone hostile to you?

Yu Gong appeared calm on the surface, and his eyes drifted to the source of malice imperceptibly.

"I said who was so stupid, and it really was you."

Seeing the appearance of the rival in love, the corners of Yu Gong's mouth rose slightly.

Not far ahead, there is another table.

This table and the place where Yu Gong and Xing Gao are located are opposite to each other across an avenue, and there are only two people.

Judging from the location where it is placed, the person sitting behind the table must have a high status in Huang Kingdom.

In fact, it is.

The two were Qiana, "Jack".

In this parallel world, Kiana's identity is the second prince of Huangguo, the uncle of stargazing.

Perhaps Kiana in many parallel worlds has something in common in terms of personality.

The second prince only cared about eating and drinking, and paid no attention to other things.

The jackal of the main storyline world is the cadre of the world snake and is good at scientific research.

In Huang Kingdom, her identity is Taifu.

"Power is a real poison."

Glancing at the jackal, Yu Gong withdrew his gaze.

The malicious gaze he sensed earlier came from the jackal.

As the saying goes, it's easy to hide a bright gun, but hard to defend against a dark arrow.

It is not a wonderful thing to be remembered by others, maybe one day it will be plotted against.

However, Yumiya didn't care.

Just a clown-like character, nothing to be talked about.


Bang bang.

After a while, the fireworks feast was over.

After the celebration ended, everyone went back to their own homes.

Yu Gong declined the assistance of Guanxing and Irene, and insisted on returning to the Yuelai Inn.


"Is this true?"

"I heard that this news came from the palace."

"It's true or false, I'm afraid only the big figures in the palace know."

"Eighty percent of it is a rumor. His Royal Highness Star Watcher is very talented. This is true."

"But she's twenty-six years old, and there is a second prince on top of her, Your Highness..."

"Quietly, no matter if it's true or not, you and I are not qualified to discuss such important matters, so beware of misfortune coming out of your mouth."

"Uh, yes yes yes, come, have a drink."


Two days have passed since Stargazing's twelve-year-old birthday.

At noon today, Yu Gong, who had nothing to do, came to the bottom floor of the inn to drink, and unexpectedly heard amazing news.

The current sage of Huang Kingdom intends to pass on Guanxing, the grandson of the emperor, and has plans to train him as the heir to the throne.


Yumiya thought it was quite interesting.

The original plot of Honzai Kingdom was indeed that Guan Xing succeeded to the throne shortly after his twelfth birthday.

But that was because Sage Huangguo died of serious injuries, and before his death, he issued an edict to pass on her.

Now, Huang Guosheng's injury has been cured by himself.

With his age, it is not a big problem to be an emperor for about ten years. There is absolutely no need to rush to determine the heir.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

The reason behind this is worth thinking about.

"Little Er, keep the accounts."


After drinking a pot of good wine, Yu Gong put down the wine glass and tableware, and called the shop assistant.

He is going to go to the palace.

It is more efficient and quicker to directly seek answers from stargazing from the person concerned, rather than making random guesses.


The palace, the imperial study.

"Okay, Gu promises you."

"Thank you, Grandpa, I will live up to my mission."

"Remember, you must pay attention to safety, contact me in time if necessary, and I will send General Youlan to assist you."

"I see."


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