"All right."

Yumiya was just pretending, and never thought of refusing stargazing.

At this moment, seeing the star-gazing expression of a little girl begging for a gift, he agreed with her.

"No regrets."

Star-gazing was overjoyed, and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, wanting to settle the matter.

"Thank you for watching, folks, folks, those who have money support the money field, and those who don't have the money to support the individual field."

At this moment, the performance of the juggling team came to an end.

One of them came to the crowd gathering place with a gong and collected money from the audience one by one.

bang bang bang bang.

The crisp impact sounded one after another.

This group of juggling troupes are skilled and perform wonderfully.

Everyone looked at it with relish, so they were not stingy with their money.


When people came to Yu Gong and Star Gazing in front, Yu Gong casually threw a small piece of gold into the gong where he was holding money.


When the unexpected harvest is obtained, the person who collects the money has all eyes.

He bent down again and again and sincerely thanked Yu Gong.

"Thank you so much for your generous gift, son, I am very grateful."

"I wish you and your sister good health, all the best, longevity, good health, and good luck..."

This person is quite talented, and when it comes to congratulatory speeches, he goes all the way.

After speaking, he turned to the next audience member.

"My name is Yu Gong, and I am currently staying at the Yuelai Inn. You can send someone to find me tomorrow morning."

Yu Gong told Star Watcher his name and residence to show his sincerity.

He reported that Yu Gong, not Yu Gong Margot Royd, was willing to rely on " Yu Gong" to be more in line with this era.

"My generation remembers it."

The sadness and haze between the star-gazing brows have all dissipated.

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and there is another village in the dark and bright.

The existence of Yugiya perfectly answers this sentence.


"There are candy sellers over there, hurry up, they will be sold out later."

"Well, Bai is excited. Compared with the lollipops given by Mr. Assassin, the taste of the sugar man can be described as one in the sky and one in the ground."

"Crystal dragon and phoenix cake? Mr. Assassin, I want this, buy it for me."


The night is getting darker...

After walking around Huangyue City with Star Watcher for another hour or two, Yu Gong sent her back to the palace.

The next day.

"Your Highness, Star Watching, is what you said true?"

In the morning, Star Gazing found Irene and explained what happened.

She concealed the fact that she sneaked out of the palace last night, and brought up a friend who was proficient in medicine to come to Huangyue City and contacted him.

After listening to Stargazing's words, Irene was in shock.

A star-gazing doctor friend? When did she meet? Why have you never heard of it?

"It's absolutely true, Prime Minister, don't you even believe what my generation said?"

Star-watching is so plausible that it makes it hard to raise doubts about her.

"Don't dare."

Of course, it's not that Eileen doesn't believe in stargazing, but she can't believe it.

"Mr. Yu Gong is staying at the Yuelai Inn, you should send someone to pick him up immediately, the sooner the better."

It is about the safety of the saint, and stargazing doesn't want to waste time.

"No, His Royal Highness, I will go to Yuelai Inn in person."

If the star-gazing is telling the truth, then Yu Gong must be a reclusive master.

Such characters are different from ordinary people, and their reverence for the royal family is extremely weak, and it can even be said that they do not.

Therefore, it is better to show the greatest sincerity than 5.5, especially since you still have to ask Yu Gong.

"Uh, that's fine."

Erin's suggestion is very reasonable, and Stargazing agrees.


The inn where Yu Palace stayed.

"Young Master Yu?"

In order to avoid trouble, Irene walked lightly and only brought two guards.

Therefore, the innkeeper did not recognize her identity.

"Yes, I'm Yu Gongzi's friend, is he there?"

Irene thought for a while, and then she guessed that the innkeeper's word for Young Master Yu was Yu Gong.

"Yes, please come with me."

Hearing that Irene came to look for Yugong, the innkeeper didn't dare to neglect at all.

People with noble status pay more attention to the right match.

Yu Gong's friends must also be unforgettable by ordinary people. .

Chapter 472

On the top floor of the inn, at the entrance of Yu Palace's room.

"This is Young Master Yu's room."

After bringing Irene and her guards to the place, the innkeeper left wisely.

"All comers are guests, please come in."

Irene just raised her hand, ready to knock on the door.

In the room, Yu Gong's voice came out.

"You are waiting outside. You are not allowed to enter without my order."

Worried that the guard would be disrespectful, he accidentally bumped into Yugong.

Therefore, before entering the house, Irene specially instructed them.


The two guards responded respectfully.


After making arrangements, Irene pushed open the door and entered the room.

"Your Excellency is a member of the royal family?"

Seeing the person who came, Yu Gong was slightly different.

The prime minister of the Huang Kingdom - Rita, he naturally recognized it.

But, why is this Rita the long-haired version?

In Hagiya's 14 Elephants, Rita with long hair is a character from another world bubble, named Erin Adler.

"Don't dare to get involved with the royal family."

Irene bent down slightly, as a courtesy to Yugiya.

Like Yu Gong, her heart is not very calm.

When I heard the voice outside the house earlier, Irene felt that she was too young.

Who would have thought that the real person is younger than she imagined.

"Under Erin Adler, who is trusted by the Holy High, currently holds the post of Prime Minister."

"Prime Minister?"

Is it really Erin Adler? Yumiya finds it very interesting.

Could it be that they made a world bubble?


No matter how you look at it, Yu Gong is not even twenty years old.

But Irene wouldn't do something as stupid as judging people by their appearance.

Her attitude is still polite, neither humble nor arrogant.

"I wonder if Young Master Yu can leave and follow me to the palace?"

"Okay, lead the way."

Yu Gong had already made an agreement with Star Watch last night to help her heal the wounds of Sage Huangguo.

He never regretted what he promised.


After successfully inviting him to Yu Palace, Irene's heart was mostly relieved.

"Please come with me, Young Master Yu."



"His Royal Highness Stargazing?"

Irene originally wanted to lead Yu Gong to the side hall and let him rest for a while.

As a result, halfway through the journey, the two ran into Star Watcher.

"Have you all arrived at the palace?"

Seeing Yu Gong and Irene from a distance, Star Gazing quickened his pace and rushed to their side.

"Master Prime Minister, Mr. Yu Gong, you came at the right time. I just wanted to send someone to pick you up."

"I made an agreement with my grandfather. He is now waiting in the imperial study."

"It's not too late, Your Highness Star Watching, Young Master Yu, let's go."

Erin makes a suggestion.


In this regard, Hagiya and Xingguan have no objection.


In the imperial study, Yu Gong met the grandfather of stargazing, the current saint of Huang Kingdom.

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