She wanted 447 to prepare for the worst.

"I retire."

Rita saluted slightly, and then left alone.

At this time, stargazing needs nothing but a quiet environment.


Time is passing little by little.

The sun gradually sinks into the horizon, and night falls.

Usually, every day when it gets dark, Huangyue City will "rest" with people.

However, tonight is different.

The lanterns hanging in the streets and alleys replace the sunlight and illuminate Huangyue City.

To say that it is as bright as day is an exaggeration, but it is also very bright.


The palace door of a certain bedroom opened a gap.

After a while, the crack in the door widened, and a small figure came out from inside.

With the help of the dark shelter, the figure quietly avoided the passing maids and patrolling guards, and went away silently.

"Go to the garden, or later, eh?"

After successfully escaping the bedroom, the figure began to consider the next plan.

Suddenly, she froze violently.

Because just a few meters away, there is a stranger who has never been seen before.

As if sensing someone approaching, the stranger turned his head.

The two sides face each other. .

Chapter 468


The stranger, it was Yu Gong who sneaked into the palace not long ago.

His original intention was to walk around casually without disturbing others.

I never thought about it, and I had an unexpected harvest not long after I arrived.

At this time, the little figure who met him was not stargazing, but who was he?

"You, who are you to dare to trespass the palace?"

After talking with Erin during the day, the mood of stargazing became very bad.

She was upset and couldn't fall asleep.

So he sneaked out of the bedroom, looking for a place to relax.

As soon as the result came out, he encountered a character who was suspected to be an assassin.

It's true that the house leaks and it rains overnight, and the ship is late and the wind blows.

What should I do?

"Idlers, come to the palace to see the scenery."

Yugiya looked at the stargazing, with imperceptible playfulness and admiration flashing in his eyes.

After all, they are the children of the royal family, and they have received the highest quality education since childhood.

Her concentration, courage and flexibility are not comparable to ordinary people.

Under such circumstances, ordinary people are not afraid to turn pale, even if they are shouting.

However, she was quite calm and did not show much fear.

Moreover, he deliberately lowered his voice when speaking.

Obviously, he was worried about stimulating the "assassin", causing him to violently.

After all, the two of them were too close together. If Star Watcher cried out for help, he tried to attract the attention of the patrolling guards in the palace.

I'm afraid that before the guards arrive, her own safety will be threatened first.


In the short period of less than ten seconds when the two met and then Yu Gong spoke, Star Gazing imagined countless possibilities.

For example, Yu Gong is the top killer in the world, and he was hired to assassinate important members of the royal family.

Like himself, the second prince, the Holy One, etc.

Or maybe Yu Gong is not a killer, but a robber from Jiang Yang.

He sneaked into the palace in order to steal gold and silver treasures, valuables, etc.

However, Yu Gong's answer was, "Come to the palace to see the scenery"?

As smart as she is, she didn't expect it at all.

More precisely, such a ridiculous thing, no one would have thought of.

"What nonsense are you talking about, you thief? Could it be that I think we can be deceived because we are young?"

"There aren't many people in this world who can fool you into stargazing."

Yu Gong smiled faintly.


Yu Gong saw through his identity at a glance, did he analyze it? Or did he know him already?

Stargazing's eyes widened slightly, sweat dripping from his palms.

It doesn't really matter which possibility it is.

The important thing is that the situation is likely to develop in a bad direction.

"You, how did you..."

"Is it weird? I don't think it's hard to guess."

Stargazing blurted out, but only half of what he said was undoubtedly "how did you know".

Yes, in terms of normal circumstances, it is indeed a little scary to think about.

Unfortunately, Yu Gong is not a normal person, and the current situation is not normal.


For a while, Star Watcher didn't know how to answer.

She is very smart, and with Yu Gong's few words, she figured out the joints.

80% of Yugiya deduced her identity as a grandson, star-gazing, based on her age and reactions.


This clear mind and keen judgment alone proves Yu Gong's extraordinaryness.

"Ha ha."

Stargazing looks the same as Theresa, but has a completely opposite personality.

Her reaction at the moment was really cute, and Yu Gong couldn't help but tease her.

Step, step, step.

Yu Gong showed a malicious smile and slowly approached the stargazer.

"Thief, thief, this is the important place of my royal family, you can rest easy."

From the point of view of stargazing, Yu Gong is obviously desperate to see it.

She stepped back step by step, her brain was running fast, thinking of strategies to get out of the predicament.

Coincidentally, behind the stargazer is the wall of the palace where she lives.

She couldn't take a few steps back, and her back was against the wall.


Even if there is a talent in the sky, it can't hide the fact that stargazing is a twelve-year-old girl.

Besides, she is not a martial artist.

Therefore, after racking his brains, stargazing couldn't think of a way to help himself out of Yu Gong's clutches,

Helpless, she closed her eyes and made a wise choice to give up resistance.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Star-gazing only hopes that Yu Gong's conscience is not lost, and he doesn't humiliate himself.

".~Pfft, this 'dark history' of stargazing is very valuable to be doubled in the future."

Yu Gong suppressed his laughter and came to stand in front of the star-gazing star.

He turned his wrist, and there was a small thing in his palm.


Gao Xing was waiting for Yu Gong's disposal when suddenly, something hard separated her lips and forcefully broke into her mouth.

The taste is sweet, like candy, with a strawberry flavor.

"I said, I'm here to see the scenery, and I won't do anything to you."

Before he could react, Yu Gong's voice rang in the ears of the star.


Stargazing's closed eyes reopened.

Yu Gong's smile changed, the meaning of ill will no longer, replaced by gentleness.

In an instant, most of the nervousness, anxiety, fear and other negative emotions of stargazing were eliminated.

She has a miraculous talent, which is to penetrate the essence of people.

(What is Li's) Stargazing can see that Yu Gong's gentle smile is from the heart.

The series of actions he just made were just joking with himself.

"Well, I believe you once."

Stargazing held the white plastic stick and took out what was in his mouth.

It was indeed candy, but it was different from the candy man I ate when I sneaked out of the palace.

The weight is not too much, nor is it a strange shape, but a small sphere.

In terms of taste, this candy is many times better than Sugar Man.

"Mr. Assassin, what is this? It tastes good."

Mr. Assassin?

Even though he wasn't a captain, was he forced to become an assassin?

Yu Gong smiled and acquiesced to the name that Stargazing imposed on him.

"This thing is called lollipop, it's my secret dessert, it's an exclusive recipe, and there's no semicolon.".

Chapter 469

About the origin of the lollipop, Yu Gong told a small lie, but it was harmless anyway.

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