
The curiosity of stargazing was aroused by Hagiya.

This seemingly small man seems to be hiding many secrets.

"The recipe for the lollipop, I wonder if Mr. Assassin is willing to sell it?"

"My generation promises that as long as you are willing, I will give you a generous reward."

"Trust me, it's far from your reach when you spend a whole night in the palace."

"I'm not short of money."

Like a trick, Yu Gong made a few lollipops.

"Little things like lollipops are not worth mentioning. If you like it, I'll give you some more."

"I heard that tomorrow is your twelfth birthday, so consider this as a greeting."


Gao Xing took the lollipop from Hanamiya and thanked him politely.

The two met by chance, Yu Gong's identity and origin are unknown, and his willingness to give gifts shows his sincerity.

As for gifts that are too shabby, that's not a problem.

"I'm gone, goodbye by chance."

If you can see the stars, this trip to the palace is worth it.

Now, it's not a good time to have an in-depth communication with Stargazing, so Yu Gong intends to leave first.

In addition to calculating the time, the guards patrolling in the palace are almost here.

"Strange people."


Stargazer whispered softly.

Yu Gong is gone now? Did he really come to the palace to see the scenery?

Step, step, step.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Gong had reached the corner of the palace and was about to disappear into the darkness.


Star-gazing lowered his head, biting his lip with his teeth.

Her flickering eyes gradually became firm, as if she had made a decision in her heart.


What Yugiya said to the star-gazing star was not false.

The ancient imperial palace, Yu Palace has only been seen in film and television works.

After all, film and television works are the products of modern people, even if the framing is carefully referenced, the cultural heritage that has existed since ancient times has been compared.

If you want to restore 100%, it is impossible (beff).

Now that we are on the ground, how can we not take a good look.


Passing by a smaller side hall, Yu Gong stopped without warning.

Since he separated from Stargazing, someone has been following him.

It is self-evident who this stalker is.

"Come out."

Yu Gong turned his head with a smile and looked at a dark corner behind him.

"I don't mind if you want to follow me. You don't have to be so sneaky."

"Have you discovered it long ago?"

At the corner, a small shadow walked out, which was stargazing.

"With all due respect, your tracking skills are really poor."

"I don't even know how many times I've died."

Star-gazing is a very curious person, and Hagiya, who has played Honkai Impact 3RD, knows this very well.

What Hamiya could not have imagined was that her curiosity would flourish to such an extent.

She dared to follow an unknown person who broke into the palace at night, she was simply daring, is she not afraid of accidents?

"Mr. Assassin, you don't look like a villain, how can you speak so nasty?"

Star Watcher frowned displeased and protested.

"It is said that although the grandson Guanxing is young, he is very intelligent and can be regarded as the number one in the country."

"Seeing you today, it seems a little bit unworthy of the name."

Yu Gong confronted each other and made fun of stargazing.


Really sharp teeth.

Is Yumiya mocking himself for being innocent and doing things without thinking?

"Tell me, why are you following me?"

Joke, too much.

Appropriate jokes help to enhance feelings, but if it is overdone, it will have the opposite effect.


Star-gazing snorted softly, trying his best to suppress the fluctuations in his heart.

"When you visit the palace, don't you need someone familiar with the terrain to guide you?"

"Oh, you?"

Interesting, is that the guide?

Yu Gong understands the character of stargazing, and will not believe her one-sided words.

When the guide is false, it is true when there is no attempt.

"What, do you think my generation is not good enough?"

Yu Gong guessed well, stargazing really has no intentions.

However, now she won't say it.

"Okay, I'm happy to do it."

Yu Gong stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture.


The corners of Gao Xing's mouth rose, revealing a fox-like smile.

She stepped forward and stood side by side with Yu Gong.


"This place is..."

"Wait, there are soldiers on patrol here."


Tonight, a strange pair appeared in the Huangguo Palace.

The two walked around most of the palace, and finally stopped by the imperial city.

"Mr. Assassin, I admire you very much."

Stargazer sincerely admires Yu Palace.

The two of them have not been discovered by the guards in the palace until now, it is all due to Yu Gong's incredible perception.

No matter where they go, Hanamiya can detect the passing patrol more than ten seconds earlier.

Not seeing it with my own eyes, stargazing is really hard to believe.

She even suspected that if Yu Gong deliberately hid, even if the imperial palace was under martial law, he would not be able to find him.

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong smiled softly.

What Xinggao didn't know was that from the moment he stepped into the palace, the entire palace was under his surveillance.

The reason why it is not too exaggerated is not because it is impossible, but because it is unnecessary.

"Now you can talk about your purpose."

"For the sake of your due diligence as a guide, I can promise you if you don't ask too much."

"Take me out of the palace."

Yu Gong said that he was careful, and stargazing was not surprised at all.

Although the time spent together is less than half a day, the feeling of stargazing is particularly strong.

Yu Gong's wisdom is no less than his own.

"Out of the palace?"

Yu Gong was stunned for a moment, then returned to his senses in an instant.

Is it because you were bored in the palace for too long, so the girl's playfulness broke out, or did you want to go outside to relax?

"This shouldn't be an excessive requirement for you, right?"

If it weren't for the troubles, stargazing wouldn't sneak out of the bedroom at night. .

Chapter 470

Although the palace is beautiful, the atmosphere is dignified and turbid, dull and uninteresting. It is really not a good place to relax.

Maybe going out of the palace for a walk would have a better effect.

It is not difficult for stargazing to slip out of the bedroom.

But if you want to sneak out of the palace, the difficulty increases exponentially, and there is no certainty in stargazing.

After thinking about it, Star Gazing finally decided to ask Yu Gong for help.

Since Yu Gong can come in, it must be easy to go out.

"Of course, it's a small matter."

Yu Gong was full of confidence and stretched out his hand towards Star Gazing.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Stargazing asked suspiciously.

"Give me your hand, and I'll take you out~ go."

You have shown yourself so clearly, stargazing actually doesn't understand.

This can't help but make Yu Gong sigh that a wise man has a thousand worries, and he must make a mistake.


Stargazing is clear, and secretly annoyed that he is slow.

She embarrassedly put her hand in Yu Gong's palm and let him hold it.

"Get ready, we're leaving."

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