"and many more."

Seeing this, Yu Gong finally turned around and called out to the second inn.

"What other orders do you have?"

Before coming here, the boss had strongly instructed that he must try his best to meet Yu Gong's requirements.

This kind of remarks, Rao Shidian Xiaoer has been working in the inn for many years, and has heard very few times.

He has been receiving all kinds of people all the year round, and he has already honed his smooth personality, so he knows that Yu Gong must be a big man.

Therefore, he immediately stopped and waited for Yu Gong's order.

Clang clang clang.

A golden streamer drew a graceful parabola in mid-air, and accurately fell into the tray in the store's second-hand store.

"I'm new here, and I don't know much about Huangyue City."

"So, I have something to ask you."

"This small amount of money should be regarded as your hard work..."


Subconsciously, the shop boy's eyes turned to the tray.

Immediately, it was difficult for him to look away.

Yu Gong's reward for his hard work is a piece of gold.

Although the gold is small in size, it was only earned by him doing odd jobs in the inn for many years.

Small money?

No wonder the boss attaches so much importance to Yu Gong, he is indeed a big man.

The shop assistant was full of joy, and bowed to Yu Gong again and again.

"Excuse me, the villain must know everything and say everything."

"Since entering Huangyue City, what I've heard the most is the birthday of the grandson Guanxing."

"If you understand this, tell me in detail."

In the world before Yu Gong traveled through, in martial arts dramas and martial arts novels, there will be plots where the protagonist asks Dian Xiaoer for news.

This is not without reason.

In ancient times, the inn was a place with a relatively large flow of people, only a few places such as Huajie Liuxiang, taverns, casinos and so on.

Here, there are often people who are not strict with their mouths.

They either drink too much or get too excited, so they inadvertently reveal important information.

Over time, the store clerk with low status has become one of the most well-informed groups.

Yu Gong's understanding of Huangguo and stargazing is limited to Honkai 3RD games, which is very one-sided.

Wanting to walk in the Huang Kingdom in 5.5 is slightly insufficient.

Asking about the specific situation is an essential part.

"You are asking the right person."

It seems that Guanxing's popularity in Huangyue City is not low. Talking about her, the shopkeeper's second eyebrows are all over the place.

"Speaking of the birth date of the grandson Guanxing, the protagonist - Lord Xingguan can't be avoided."

"Master Star Watcher has been reading poetry and books since childhood. At only twelve years old, he has a deep understanding of military, French and political affairs, and he will become a great tool in the future."

"It is said that......"


On the birthday of Gao Xing, Huangyue City is full of festivity and joy.

Even the streets and alleys are like this, in the palace, not to mention more.

As early as a few days ago, Huang Guosheng had already started preparations. .

Chapter 467

Now, everything is ready, just wait until tomorrow.

However, the situation in the palace was different from what outsiders imagined.

"You go, Erin."

"Yes, Your Majesty."



Leaving the sage's study, Irene, the prime minister of Huang Kingdom, sighed sadly.

(In the story of Honkai Kingdom, Rita is the prime minister of Huang Kingdom, and this book is replaced by Irene.)

(Only this point, no harm, please forgive me.)

The country of Huang is strong and prosperous, and the people live a prosperous life and live and work in peace and contentment.

As the prime minister of such a country, anxiety, worry and other emotions should not appear on her face.

However, it is not.

Because of the calamity called "extraordinary beasts", it is no longer threatening the safety of Huang Kingdom all the time.

Alien beasts are disasters that come from another world, and they will come to the world without warning.

When it comes into the world, countless otherworldly things will emerge like a tide.

Wherever they pass, nothing grows.

Three years ago, the alien beast, Yama, came into existence, and the Great General of the Huang Kingdom, Youlandel, led an army of 300,000 people and set out to destroy it.

In the end, the result of 14 was a narrow victory, which ensured the safety of Huang Kingdom.

Last month, strange beasts appeared in the world.

The sage of the Kingdom of Huang went on a personal expedition, leading 100,000 elite soldiers to meet him.

In this battle, the Kingdom of Huang achieved victory, but at the cost of Sage being seriously injured and unable to recover for a long time.

This secret, few people know about it.

The people of Huangguo do not know that there is a huge crisis hidden under the bright and beautiful surface of Huangguo.

"Alien beast, alien beast."

Erin was so worried about national affairs that she neglected to pay attention to her surroundings.

She didn't even notice anyone approaching her.

"Master Prime Minister."


Hearing someone calling her, Irene, who was in deep thought, woke up.

At this time, Irene discovered a small figure standing in front of her.

"It turned out to be His Royal Highness Star Watcher, what's the matter?"

"Grandpa's body..."

Irene came out of the saint's study, and she frowned again, looking preoccupied.

Her performance really can't make stargazing have a good association.


Irene didn't answer Stargazing's question.

She moved her eyes from side to side and glanced around.

Nearby, maids and eunuchs come and go, and there are guards not far away.

"His Royal Highness, there are so many people here, how about we talk in another place?"

"it is good."

Stargazing nodded, agreeing with Erin's suggestion.

Indeed, there are too many people waiting around, so it's not a good place to talk.



Ash blonde waist-length hair, long bangs slanted, covering the left eye.

Beautiful appearance, fat and thin body, perfect curves.

Wearing a delicate cheongsam with pure white as the main color, the cheongsam is dotted with red and black ornaments and cloud patterns.

The lower body is black pantyhose.

Irene, the prime minister of Huangguo, is a stunning beauty who combines elegance and sexiness.

Walking side by side with her, the brilliance of the vast majority of women will be covered up, appear eclipsed, and end up being reduced to a foil.

However, stargazing is not on this list.

Gao Xing has short white hair, which is pinned with luxurious hairpins.

Wearing a long-sleeved long blouse of immortal silk that combines indigo and white, her legs are wrapped in pure white silk.

Her face is equally beautiful, and her figure is a little thin due to her youth.

Obviously only twelve years old, stargazing shows maturity that is different from that of girls of the same age.

These two beauties, big and small, indistinguishable from top to bottom, constitute a unique landscape.

They consciously walked to a place with few people, and finally came to the cleanest back garden in the palace.

"Your Majesty's injury is not optimistic."

Now, there are no outsiders around, so there is no need to care about speaking.

She told the stargazing the most real situation.


Stargazing was silent.

She is the smartest person in Huang Kingdom, and her intelligence is beyond ordinary.

This result, as long as Stargazing expected, she just didn't want to admit it.

"His Royal Highness, the state of the court..."

Irene will not increase her troubles when stargazing is in a bad mood. This is out of the concern of her friends.

Of course, she had to say something, this is her duty as a courtier.

Irene talked a lot, including the situation of the government and the opposition, the situation of Huangguo, the people's livelihood, and so on.

Stargazer listened silently, neither interrupting nor expressing opinions.

After Irene finished speaking, she raised her head and looked at Irene.

"Master Prime Minister, why do you say this?"

"His Royal Highness Xingguan is very smart, can't you guess it?"

Erin looked serious and said seriously.


Stargazing fell silent again.

How could she hear Erin's overtones?

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