When Otto and the others regained their sight, they saw a figure in the vicinity of One Thousand Worlds.

Because it was too close to the Second God's Key, the figure looked extremely dim under the reflection of the purple light.

However, the silhouette of the figure is very familiar to everyone.

"Bishop, I'm back."

The light continued to dim.

The blurry figure beside Qianjie Yicheng slowly became clear.

It was because of an accident in the experiment that she was pulled into Horlander in Sumeru mustard.

At this time, the appearance of Hollander was different from before.

She is no longer wearing the Radiant Knight Moon Soul armor, but a gorgeous golden battle armor that does not lose its heroic power.

"Are you all right, Hollander."

Otto walked out of the laboratory and came to Hollander.

He stretched out his hand and tapped a few times in the air.

Beep beep.

Several inaudible electronic sounds rang out.

Four curved blue virtual light screens surround Otto in a ring shape.

"You stayed in that world bubble for twenty-three minutes."

"During this time, I have been analyzing the structure of the world bubble."

"Unfortunately, the time is too short to find a way to save you."

"Don't worry, Bishop, it doesn't matter to me."

Gladdale thanked Otto for his kindness.

"That's good."

Otto closed the virtual screen, and turned to look at Horendale's new armor.

"I've never seen your armor before."

"Have you had any adventures? Can you tell me about your experience in the world bubble?"

"The world is in a bubble..."

This is not a secret, and Hollander didn't intend to hide Otto.


Otto's pupils narrowed.

How did you get involved with Yumiya?

When did he come to the Destiny headquarters? How long have you been spying in the dark?

After leaving the world bubble, where did Yugiya go?

Whether they have returned to the extreme east, or are they still hiding in a corner of the testing ground to observe their every move.

Or, or neither?

"It's hard work, Hollander, go and rest first."

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

"Tomorrow, I will arrange special personnel to help you test the power of the new armor."

Restraining the countless thoughts that could not be restrained, Otto tried his best to calm down.


Hollander nodded in response, and then left.

"Today's experiment ends here."

Otto gave a hasty command and hurried to the main classroom.

Being sneaked into the headquarters, but I didn't notice it, this matter must be taken seriously.


Hollander's dormitory.

Back in the dormitory, Hollander took out a leaf.

The leaves radiated light, as if floating unrestricted by gravity, surrounded by strange patterns.


"Find a chance and hand it over to Yu Gong."

At the proving ground, Hollander told Otto about his entire experience in Sumeru.

Only one element was concealed, the leaves.

This leaf was entrusted by SU to Gladys and asked him to give it to Yu Gong.

According to SU, he recorded some information about parallel worlds on the leaves, which may be useful to Yumiya.


"Tomorrow, is the birthday of the grandson Guanxing?"

"I'm so ignorant, you don't know about such a big event?"


In the quaint and majestic city, the streets are lit up with colorful lights and hung with all kinds of things that symbolize joy.

Passers-by were excited and gathered together in twos and threes to discuss.

"It's a rare visit, do you want to bring some gadgets back?"

Yu Gong walked through the streets like an ordinary person.

As he walked, he listened to the messy conversations in all directions, adding to the work of constructing the current framework of the world.

Five minutes ago, Yu Palace, who entered the World Bubble, landed in an inconspicuous corner of the city.

He has had two travel experiences. He is very experienced. He knows that when he comes to an unfamiliar world, the first thing to do is to collect information.

So, Hanamiya mixed into the crowd.

PS: It's not that I want to die more and more late.

Chapter 466

Coincidentally, there seems to be something big happening there.

This provided great convenience for Yu Gong.

Walking through a few streets, although the content of the conversations of everyone is different, they all revolve around a center.

The twelfth birthday of Guanxing, the grandson of the crown prince, was celebrated by the whole city.

This important message gave Yumiya a general impression of the world he is currently in.

In Honkai 3RD, the world bubble where the story of Honkai Kingdom takes place.

This ancient city is the center of the plot - the imperial capital of Huang Kingdom, Huangyue City.

I have to say that Yu Gong's luck is very good.

In the quantum sea, there are thousands of world bubbles, as many as stars.

Entering a world bubble at random, and the result happened to be here, can only be attributed to luck.

"Twelfth birthday? Get some little 447 stuff as a welcome gift."

The general situation has become clear, and Hagiya has finished the work of gathering intelligence.

He took a fancy to a well-decorated inn and planned to use it as a temporary place to stay.

Now this time is neither too early nor too late, just right.

With his intervention, the fate of Huangguo and Stargazing will definitely be rewritten.



Naturally, Yu Palace does not have the currency of Huang Kingdom.

However, he always carries the hard currency that can be used in more than 99.9% of the places - gold.

Its purpose is to deal with special circumstances.

At this moment, it is just in use.

When Yu Gong took out the gold to pay the bill, the innkeeper's eyes almost bulged out.

Few of Huang's princes, ministers, and royal relatives are so generous.

Where did this young gentleman come from?

"Sir, I will arrange the best room for you immediately."

Not daring to neglect at all, the innkeeper carefully collected the gold, and then personally served Yu Palace.

If such a big man is well served, maybe he is in a good mood and will be rewarded.


Yu Gong accepted the hospitality of the innkeeper safely.

Although I don't care about money, it is only right and proper to pay a lot of money to enjoy better service.

On the top floor of the inn, Room No. 1 Tianzi.


Looking at the layout of the guest room, Yu Gong nodded in satisfaction.

The layout is antique and the atmosphere is quiet and comfortable.

The windows are located close to the street, so you can see the outside when you open them.

"Get some good food and drink and have them delivered to my room."


The innkeeper respectfully exited the room, and did not forget to close the door before leaving.

"I'm used to seeing modern buildings, and it's not bad to change my taste occasionally."

Yu Gong came to the window and opened it.

He leisurely admired the scenery of Huangyue City, while waiting for the inn's second to bring his own food and drinks.


dong dong dong.

"Guest, your food and drinks are here."

As the saying goes, money can make a ghost run the mill.

Without making Yu Gong wait too long, the shop assistant with the tray knocked on the door.

"come in."

Yu Gongtou said without looking back.


With Yu Gong's permission, Xiao Er opened the door and walked into the room.

"Please take your time, guest."

One by one, the wine and dishes were placed on the table in a proper manner, and the second child said goodbye and wanted to leave.

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