"But for Mei's sake, forget about it."


When the voice fell, the third Herrscher lost consciousness, and fell into Yu Gong's arms.

"Ha ha."

Yu Gong smiled helplessly.

It is unreasonable not to "close" the third discipline.

However, it seems that there is no need to continue to close it in the future.

"My eldest brother."

Xi'er slowly floated to Yu Gong's side, and then raised her head.

Her pair of scarlet eyes are particularly eye-catching.

Matched with the evil, playful smile on the corner of the mouth.

It's hard to believe that this is a little girl who is only fourteen or five years old.

"I also contributed to the previous battle."

"Well, Xi'er is the best."

Yu Gong smiled softly and stroked Xier's little head.

Just this "big brother" is enough.


The scarlet color in Xi'er's eyes gradually faded, turning into a deep blue.

After the blue filled Xier's eyes again, the usually obedient and obedient Xier came back.

"Yu, brother Yu Gong."

"You did a very good job, Xier."

Like soothing a kitten, Yumiya gently stroked Xier's head.

"Xie'er, you won't let everyone down."

Xi'er's face was slightly red, and she was too shy to look at Yu Palace.


"You've done it there too."


After that, Theresa, Jizi, Kiana, and Bronya came over one after another.

After a few simple conversations, Theresa left Jizi to deal with the aftermath.

The rest went straight to his office.


The principal's office.

"Yugong, what's going on?"

As soon as she entered the office, Kiana couldn't wait to ask questions.

She was full of doubts until now, and it was finally time to understand her confusion.

"More than a week ago, Me and Theresa, Jizi..."

Hagiya put the unconscious Mei on the sofa and answered Kiana's question at the same time.


Kiana, Seeer, and Bronya broke into cold sweats.

In charge of the whole world, there are probably not many people who would take such a risk.

"I'm so sorry, Master Principal, Mr. Himeko."

Wendy apologized to Theresa and Himeko in a low voice.

In order to solve the problem of her craving for gems in her body, Hagiya, Theresa and Jizi took great pains...

"It doesn't matter, as long as the result is good, it's worth it."

Theresa shook her head, indicating that she didn't take it to heart.

"Brother Yu Gong, Xier her?"

Bronya asked another question.

Desire for gems is important, but she cares more about Xier.

In the previous battle, Bronya was very concerned about the strength that Seele showed.

The root cause is not whether the power is strong or not.

It was the creepy evil aura that pervaded Xier's body at that time.

The eyes of everyone present, involuntarily, his focus was on Yu Gong.

Seeer's power, Himeko, Theresa and Kiana are also very curious.

"I'm not sure, I'll tell you when I find out."

"Don't worry, that power is not harmful to Xi'er."

The Herrscher of Death in this era has a high probability of being Xier.

For the sake of rigorous consideration, Yu Gong does not make a rash conclusion for the time being.

"That's good."

Bronya, Jizi and the others are relieved.

Possessing great power is a good thing that countless people can't ask for, as long as there is no harm, it will become better.


After a few more chats, Kiana, Wendy and the others left with Mei who woke up.

They need 5.5 to take a good rest and replenish their exhausted physical and mental energy.

"I will notify the person in charge of Eden Technology Group and let him be responsible for the reconstruction of St. Freya Academy."

"Theresa, you will send him to contact him tomorrow."

The matter ended perfectly, and there were additional harvests, and Yu Gong was in a good mood.

In the future, you can relax.

"Should I contact the European headquarters?"

Theresa asked Hagiya for her opinion.

"You can do whatever you want."

Yu Gong doesn't care about such trivial matters.


Theresa sincerely thanks.

As for Wendy and the desire for gems, Hanamiya is purely helping.

He did his best, but he hardly got any benefit.

Theresa was extremely grateful to Hagiya and was also very moved. .

Chapter 448

"a piece of cake."

From Teresa's point of view, Hagiya has paid a lot.

However, he doesn't think so.

It is inevitable that there will be differences in ideas depending on how much capital you have.

"If you really want to thank me, just do me a little favor."

"What are you busy with?"

Of course, Theresa is willing to help Yumiya.

What Teresa was more curious about was, with Yumiya's ability, what could stumped him?

"I need your Destiny's human body manufacturing technology..."

Eden Technology Group also has human body manufacturing technology, but it is definitely not as good as Destiny's.

After all, Mandate of Heaven has been developing for hundreds of years, and it has been less than a year since Eden Technology Group was established.

The background is very important.


Theresa was dumbfounded, unable to speak for a while.

Yu Gong used Yu Duchen to protect the consciousness of two people who had been dead for many years, and now wants to reshape their bodies and bring them back to life?

If these words hadn't come from Yu Gong's mouth, she would never have believed it.

"Well, it should be fine."

Yes, Yu Gong asked 14 requests for this, for Dan Zhu and Cang Xuan.

It's okay to deal with people who are irrelevant.

Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu's bodies, he wants to strive for better.

Otherwise, Yumiya would have already done it.

"no problem."

The human body manufacturing technology is not an important secret, the major branches of the destiny are all kept, and Theresa can make the decision and hand it over to Yu Palace.


Hagiya got up and left Theresa's office.

"Ah~, it's really troublesome."

Theresa complained and left.

Yumiya, Kiana and others can rest, but not by themselves.

She wants to contact the headquarters and report the situation of St. Freya Academy.

Although Otto definitely knew what was going on in the academy, the procedure to go through was always going to be gone.

Besides, there are other chores Teresa has to take care of.

For example, the accommodation of personnel, the reconstruction of the school, and so on.


The next day.

In the morning, Theresa 00 contacted the person in charge of Eden Technology Group.

As Yugiya explained in advance, the person in charge was very polite.

Said that he would put the work of helping the reconstruction of St. Freya Academy as one of the highest priorities.

When the matter was settled, Teresa handed it over to the people below.

As the principal of St. Freya Academy, she has to focus on the whole.

Specifically, it is better to have a special person deal with it.

Time, bit by bit, passed by.

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