Construction personnel, construction equipment, building materials...

Near noon, the necessary people or things arrived at St. Freya Academy,

The reconstruction of the academy is in full swing.


"To attach too much importance to St. Freya Academy, will it affect the Eden Technology Group?"

Currently, Theresa is in the main control room of St. Freya Academy.

Here is a central computer that gathers the monitoring screens of the whole school, which is suitable for her to coordinate the overall situation.

Besides Teresa, Hagiya was also there.


Theresa doesn't know the details of Eden, so it's not surprising to have such doubts.

At this stage, Yu Gong will not confess to her.

"St. Freya Academy alone will not affect Eden Technology Group."

"A few more may hinder the operation of the group."

"Ha ha."

Theresa noticed the key point in Yumiya's words.


These two words are too intriguing.

Yu Gong is really unpredictable and unpredictable.

"Jizi is really my lucky star. I always feel that my fortune has improved a lot since she came to St. Freya Academy."

"Oh? Are you referring to me?"

Yumiya asked with interest.

"You are willing to take care of St. Freya Academy because of Himeko."

"Probably, plus Kiana, Mei, Seeer and Bronya."

There were only the two of them in the main control room, so Teresa didn't pay much attention to her words.

"Kiana, Jizi and the others?"

Yu Gong smiled meaningfully.

He squatted down, keeping the same height as Theresa.

"you you......"

Theresa's heart beat faster, and she panicked unconsciously.

What is Yumiya going to do? Why did he suddenly get so close?

"Can't it be because of you?"

Yumiya stretched out his hand and held Teresa's face.


Theresa's head was buzzing, and her face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She had never encountered such a situation before, so she didn't know what to do.

"Because, because of me?"


Feeling the tenderness of Theresa's face, Hagiya moved her arms to Theresa's waist.


Without any resistance, Teresa's petite body was embraced by Yumiya.

"It has nothing to do with others, I just want to help you and 437 is already gone."

The next moment, Yumiya's soft voice came into Teresa's ears.

"Let go, let me go."

Nervous, shy, surprised...

Complex emotions filled her heart, causing her body temperature to rise rapidly. Theresa felt that her body had a tendency to fire.

"Leave your rhetoric to Jizi and Kiana, don't try to deceive me."

After speaking, Theresa put her hand on Yu Gong's chest, trying to push him away.

"Every word I said is true."

Theresa's reaction was completely within Hagiya's expectations.

Before Teresa exerted her strength, Hagiya hugged Teresa by the waist and walked towards the single chair not far away.

He sat down first, then put Teresa on his side and hugged tightly.


Suddenly, Theresa didn't want to leave Yu Gong's embrace.

Due to her size, Teresa, who was held in Hagiya's arms, almost melted into his body.

This pose made Teresa feel infinite warmth and security.

That is Teresa, who has been living in the shadow of Otto, what she desires most is the deadly "poison" she cannot resist. .

Chapter 449

"Hmph, that sounds very nice."

"How much is true, only you know it."

Theresa gradually calmed down and stopped struggling.

Before, Teresa felt such warmth once.

The warmth came from her friend, the former Valkyrie - Cecilia Shaniat.

Therefore, Theresa is determined to protect Cecilia.

Later, Cecilia died in the second collapse.

From then on, there was only coldness and loneliness in Teresa's world, until today.

"Ha ha."

Theresa didn't resist, which was exactly what Yumiya was happy to see.

He lowered his head slightly and bit Theresa's lips.



After a few minutes, the two slowly separated.

"Today, I'm leaving."

In order to deal with Wendy's affairs, Hagiya has been temporarily staying at Himeko's house recently.

During this period, there were very few visits to the seaside villa.

Now that the matter is over, he should go home.


Theresa took out a magnetic card from her pocket and handed it to Hanamiya.

"Is this the information on human body manufacturing technology?"

This type of magnetic card has been used several times by Hagami Rita to store data.

It is self-evident what information is stored in it.

"Yes, it should meet your standards."

Theresa nodded, confirming Hagiya's guess.

"It's very efficient."


Yugiya collected the magnetic card and gave Theresa a reward.


Theresa tilted her head arrogantly and shifted her gaze to the large screen of the central computer.

On the surface, Theresa was watching the reconstruction of St. Freya Academy.

In fact, her eyes were erratic, and her mind was obviously not focused on business.


Accompanying Theresa until the afternoon, the two separated.

Hagiya and Himiko, as well as Kiana, Mei and others said goodbye and left St. Freya Academy.

In the evening, Hagiya's seaside villa.

"How are things going?"

Seeing Yu Gong come back, Chi Yuan chatted with him.

The matter of St. Freya Academy involves the Herrscher. She is also more concerned.

"Very well, Wendy..."

Yumiya briefly described what happened.

"Hamiya, your attitude towards Herrscher seems to be..."

The memory that had been covered in dust for a long time, so long that it was almost forgotten, floated up the memory of Chiyuan.

If Hanamiya was born in the last era, would humans be able to overcome Honkai?

"Special, isn't it?"

Yu Gong probably guessed one or two of Fu Hua's thoughts.


That's right, it's just special.

The vocabulary Yu Gong used accurately described Fu Hua's feelings.

Whether it is the last era or this era, the attitude of mankind towards the Herrscher is surprisingly consistent.

The Herrscher is the confidant of mankind, the messenger created by the Kokai to destroy mankind.

Once the Herrscher is born, it must be destroyed.

Fu Hua himself, too.

Ke Yu Palace is completely different, and does not regard Herrscher as an enemy.

"Because the enemy of mankind has never been the Herrscher, but the Honkai."

"The Herrscher is different from the Honkai Beast. It was transformed from a human being, and there is still humanity in his heart."

"Therefore, lawyers can be divided into two categories."

"After some people become Herrschers, they are willing to degenerate and become tools of collapse."

"This type of lawyer should be eliminated."

"And after some people become Herrschers, they are not willing to give in, and they are always fighting against Honkai."

"We have to be tolerant and accept them."

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