He wanted to take the opportunity to experience Xier and Mei, so that they could grow up.

"But isn't he afraid that Mei Yi won't be able to suppress the Herrscher's personality, causing him to go berserk?"

"You think Yu Gong is confident that even if Mei goes wild, he can control the situation."

"Or does he know that Mei Yi won't run away at all?"

Ji Zi asked with a light smile.

"Uh, I don't know that."

This question was asked by Teresa.

Yu Gong's thoughts, she really can't understand, or no one can understand.

"All in all, St. Freya Academy must be rebuilt."

"Don't care."

Jizi patted Teresa's shoulder comfortingly.

"I know Yu Gong, he will help you."

"At that time, it is estimated that you don't even need to contact the European headquarters."

"Ha ha."

Theresa smiled, wondering if Jizi's words were correct.

She is not someone who doesn't know what is good or bad. It is about the Lawyer, and sacrifice is inevitable.

It's just a St. Freya Academy, and this little effort is completely negligible.


the other side.


Otto's face was calm, and he remained silent.

In front of him, a virtual screen was spread horizontally.

The screen is a monitoring screen, showing the battle situation in the central square of St. Freya Academy.

"Master Otto?"

In the communicator, Amber's voice came.

Otto's silence had been held for nearly five minutes.

There was obviously something wrong with his situation, and Amber had to ask aloud.

"You say, I'm listening."

Amber's greeting received an immediate response.

Otto's tone and tone were as usual, flirtatious and cynical.

"Sir Otto, the support troops on standby..."

Amber took a business-like attitude and asked Otto's next move.

Otto has always been like this, his inner thoughts will never be expressed through any external factors.

During the period when he was just transferred to work with Otto, Amber always liked to explore.

Over time, she learned to get used to it.

"Let's get rid of them, they won't be used anymore."

Otto did arrange a support force, intending to dispatch at a critical moment to assist the extreme eastern branch.

The first is to ensure the safety of Teresa.

Second, to see if there is a chance to capture Wendy.

Until a few minutes ago, everything was under Otto's grasp.

Just when he was about to give Amber an order to exclude the support troops, Mei and Xier suddenly broke out.

At this point, the situation is completely out of control.

Now the Honkai Beasts in St. Freya Academy are almost wiped out.

This meant that Otto's idea of ​​testing Yumiya was basically in vain.

Fortunately, it is not that there is no gain at all.

The details of that little blue-haired girl are worth checking carefully.

"Yes, Lord Otto."

The surveillance footage of the central square of St. Freya Academy was sent to Otto by Amber using the equipment at the headquarters.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

In other words, she can see what Otto sees at the moment.

Therefore, Amber understood what Otto meant.

"I'll be right away, eh?"

He was about to cut off the communication to carry out Otto's order.

For some reason, she let out a soft whimper.


Otto succinctly expressed his doubts.

"Lord Otto, I found Hagiya Margot Royd."

As Otto's confidant, Kohaku has always been very fond of Hanamiya until Otto.

She didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported to Otto.


Rarely, there was a hint of imperceptible impatience in Otto's voice.


"Just outside the square, quite close to the battlefield."

On the surveillance screen in front of Otto, the camera began to shift to a hidden foot outside the square.

In that corner, two people stood.

Yu Gong, Wendy.

"Why didn't he take action? He expected them to solve it?"

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Otto's mind.

At this moment, Yu Gong moved.

Originally looking at the battlefield, he turned his head slowly, and his face was facing the surveillance screen.


Otto's thinking was interrupted for a moment.

He had a strong delusion that Yu Gong seemed to be looking at him.

Or, this is not an illusion, Yu Gong is looking at him through the screen.

"Oh, Lord Otto."

Amber, who was also watching the surveillance screen, felt the same way as Otto.

Yu Gong's eyes were very flat, neither killing intent nor hostility.

Even, there is no negative emotion at all.

But he couldn't help it, Amber's heart trembled.

"Turn off the surveillance, Amber."

"Besides, I'll be returning to the headquarters soon."

At that moment just now, did you feel a sense of fear? Otto couldn't believe it.

The last time, how long ago? Who are you facing?

Scarlet Kitten Immortal? Kevin? Siegfried? Death.

Chapter 447

Otto can't remember clearly and doesn't want to recall.

This humiliating period should be completely forgotten.



The surveillance screen in front of Otto disappeared.

Amber's movements were exceptionally fast, without any hesitation.

There are also many who face Yu Gong for a second, even through the monitoring screen, it is a huge pressure on her.

"Could it be that my angle was wrong from the beginning?"

Otto interrupted the communication with Amber and turned to leave.

He felt that he was high enough to see Yugong, and this time he went out in person to prove it.

However, it seems to be underestimated.


St. Freya Academy.

"Mr. Yumiya, what are you looking at?"

Seeing Yu Gong's gaze suddenly turned elsewhere, Wendy asked curiously.


Before, he felt that someone was watching him secretly.

Expanding his perception, he didn't find any strange people nearby.

Then the only two possibilities are mysterious or high-tech means.

Who is it, Otto?

"The battle is almost over, let's go find Theresa and the others."


Wendy nodded obediently.


in the square.

"finally come."

After eliminating the last few Honkai Beasts, the Third Herrscher, who was suspended in mid-air, landed and headed towards Yugong.

"Thank you for your hard work."

In this case, the Third Herrscher always helped.

Yu Gong felt that it was necessary to express his corresponding thanks.

"There's no need for polite words."

After coming to the front of Yu Palace, the third Herrscher leaned forward and brought his lips to Yu Palace's ear.

"What makes me uncomfortable is that you kept me locked up for a few months at a time."

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