"I'm not interested in playing with you now, so get out of here."

bang bang bang,

Streamer is unusually domineering, rampaging all the way.

The blockers along the way, whether it is a giant Honkai beast or a slightly smaller flying Honkai beast.

They were all smashed away savagely, flying around crookedly.

In this way, the streamer has opened up a smooth path.


St. Freya Academy, Central Plaza.


Kiana shot and knocked down a Honkai Beast.

"Damn, there are too many, what happened?"

"I don't know, wait for the principal to explain."

Mei and Kiana were back to back, closely guarding the surroundings.

Not long ago, the academy suddenly sent out a broadcast and called everyone to the central square.

Everyone still didn't understand what was going on, and the tide-like Honkai Beasts poured out from all directions.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it at all.

St. Freya Academy is a training site for Valkyries and one of the positions to fight against Honkai.

Here, how can there be such a large number of Houkai beasts? .

Chapter 443

"Just now, there was a strong Honkai energy reaction near a training ground in the academy, with a value as high as 2000HW."

"According to inference, it should be a lawyer."

Bronya, a few meters away, answered Kiana's question.

At the same time as the battle, she was investigating the reason for the appearance of the Honkai Beast Tide.

"The lawyer?"

Kiana, Mei even suspects that she heard it wrong.

"I remember when I was in class, Sister Jizi talked about it."

Seeer slowly retreated to Bronya's side and formed a temporary partner with her.

"Hangrui is the unfathomable will of God."

"And the Lawyer is the apostle of God."

"The birth of every Herrscher will make the number of Honkai Beasts in its location increase wildly."

"Combining with the data detected by Sister Bronya, there is only one reasonable explanation."


Mei's expression was solemn, and Kiana also lost her usual cheerfulness and vitality. 14

Xier's analysis was reasonable, and they couldn't find any loopholes.

The two of them knew that Xier's guess was very likely to be correct.

However, how the Herrscher could be born at St. Freya Academy is simply incredible.

Bang bang bang.

Puff puff.

They didn't have time to think and discuss too much.

Because, at this time, the entire central square has become a battlefield.

Fortunately, there are enough people on the St. Freya Academy's side to be able to hold on for the time being.

However, everyone has a pessimistic attitude.

The number of Honkai Beasts is too large, and unless a battleship is dispatched, they will not be able to kill them all.

However, now Honkaikai is mixed with people from St. Freya Academy.

The possibility of accidental injury is very high when the battleship fires.

"What should I do?"

Ya Yi lowered her eyes and glanced at the necklace around her neck without a trace.

The power of a lawyer, he also has it.

As long as she takes off the necklace, she can release this power.

At that time, destroying these Honkai Beasts will be as easy as the palm of your hand.

However, Mei did not dare.

This method is too risky.

The birth of a Herrscher has caused chaos in St. Freya Academy.

If you lose control, it will make the already bad situation even more critical.

"Well, do you want to..."

Not only Mei, but Xier was also in a tangle.

The two people without any communication had similar ideas at this time.

With the power of Li's personality, you can overcome the current difficulties.

The reason why Xi'er hesitated was because she knew Li's style too well.

If Li takes a shot, he will definitely be treated as a monster.

"It doesn't matter, it's important to save people."

Unspoken, Mei and Xier made the same decision.

The situation is urgent, and you can't help yourself.

If it really comes to the most critical moment, you must not hesitate.

"Everyone, hold on."

Boom, blah, blah.

With a crisp sound, several golden chains lased from afar.

The golden chains circled around the square a few times, and after strangling a large number of Honkai Beasts, they quickly retracted.


With the help of the strong, everyone can take a breath.

Following the chains, their eyes focused on one place.

At the edge of the square, Theresa had a solemn expression, and her tender and lovely face was full of majesty that did not match her appearance and age.

Beside her, a cross that was at least twice her size was extremely conspicuous.

Leaning back a little, Jizi carried the big sword and stared coldly at the Houkai beasts that filled the field.

"Academy principal?"

"Mr. Jizi?"

One of the three S-rank Valkyries of the Destiny, the ace of the extreme eastern branch.

The arrival of Ji Zi and Theresa gave everyone a booster.

Not to mention how much the odds of winning have increased, at least the backbone is there.

"Don't worry, reinforcements will come soon."

Theresa's clear voice spread throughout the audience.

She knows that the top priority now is to boost morale.

"Are there reinforcements?"


Sure enough, when they heard the reinforcements, many people's dull eyes gleamed again.

"Principal of the academy, Mr. Himeko."

Kiana, Mei, Seer, and Bronya gathered and advanced to Himeko and Theresa.

"Master, does the headquarters already know the status of St. Freya Academy?"

Yayi asked in a deep voice.

"Do not."

Theresa shook her head, denying Mei's guess.

"The reinforcements are not from the headquarters, but from Yugiya."


The nervousness and anxiety of Mei and others dissipated in an instant without a trace.

In their hearts, Yugiya is far more trustworthy than Destiny's European headquarters.

"Auntie, what's going on?"

"Bronya said that the Herrscher was born in the academy?"

After finally waiting for someone who has a high probability of knowing the truth, Kiana couldn't wait to ask.


Theresa's mouth twitched slightly.

What did Kiana just say? aunt?

"The specific situation 433, I will tell you later."

"What you have to do now is to do your best to destroy the Honkai Beast."

Now is not the time to worry about names, Deliza pretended not to hear.


The attention of Mei, Kiana and the others returned to the Honkai Beast Tide.

Indeed, the Honkai Impact is the most important issue.


the other side.

Wendy's speed was far less than Yumiya's.

When Hagiya caught up with Wendy, she didn't even leave St. Freya Academy.

"Don't follow me anymore, Mr. Hagiya."

Knowing she couldn't get rid of Yu Gong, Wendy had to talk to her.

"Come back with me, Wendy."

"You are just being eroded by Honkai Energy, and you have lost your true nature."

"Trust me, you can recover."

The Honkai Beast that ravaged St. Freya Academy is also a problem that needs to be solved urgently.

Yu Gong didn't have much time to waste on Wendy.

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