Jizi and Theresa widened their eyes.

What happened, why did Wendy suddenly become a Herrscher?

"I'll go see Wendy."

In order to prevent the situation from expanding to a point where it was difficult to end, Yu Gong decided to take the first step.

"Jizi, let me know immediately..."

"I'll go."

Although the incident happened suddenly, they were well prepared and there was no problem.

Theresa and Jizi follow the steps and act according to the plan.


On the other side, on a small island around St. Freya Academy.

"Lord Otto, it was detected that the Herrscher-level Kokai source broke out in the extreme eastern branch."

Almost at the same time, Destiny's European headquarters also detected an unknown source of collapse in St. Freya Academy.


Immediately, Amber, who was in charge of the overall situation at the headquarters, contacted Otto, who was in the extreme east and stayed for nearly two weeks.

"Whether it will be carried out according to the original plan, please instruct."

"Execute the original plan,"

The reason why Otto stayed in the Far East for two weeks is today.



Communication hangs up.

Looking in the direction of St. Freya Academy, Otto showed an inexplicable smile.

"You won't let me down, right?"


St. Freya Academy, training ground.

The birth of the Herrscher has affected the surrounding environment.

The storm was raging around the training ground, and the airflow was extremely unstable.

The surrounding trees fell in pieces, and the buildings were crumbling.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Standing out of thin air, Wendy, who was laughing wildly in the wind, seemed to be the queen of the wind.

As a Hersser, her appearance has changed a lot.

The short hair of black on the outside and blue on the inside fluttered in the wind, and there were some blue decorations on the clothes.

The most eye-catching are Wendy's azure eyes, and the unidentified cyan object behind her.

"She, she..."

At this moment, the students on the training ground had already stopped training.

Their attention was attracted by Wendy. Death.

Chapter 442

The girls were shocked by Wendy's power, shivering, and didn't dare to move.

Okay, so scary, who is she?

"Let's cut you guys first."

When the laughter stopped, Wendy's eyes fell on the students in the training ground.

"She, she won't want it, just kill us."

Wendy's killing intent was undisguised, and the girls clearly felt it.

Subconsciously, these students want to resist.

But at this moment, they realized that the body was not theirs.

Stiff and sluggish, it was difficult to even lift a finger.


"Go to hell..."

The increasingly violent winds indicated Wendy's uncontrollable excitement.

Just when she was about to make a move, someone suddenly appeared and stopped between the two sides.

"Wendy, you can't hurt them, or you'll regret it."

The person who arrived in time was naturally Yu Gong.

He glanced around, then turned to Wendy.

Destroyed buildings, trees and other insignificant things.

That's all, there are no casualties, so the impact is not big.

This is thanks to the location of Wendy's Herrscher transformation, in St. Freya Academy.

The resident staff of St. Freya Academy are Valkyrie, Valkyrie candidates and related staff.

Everyone's resistance to collapse has been tested.

If it were changed to Queenstown, I am afraid that at the moment when Honkai broke out, everyone in the town would be infected with Honkai and become dead men.

"Mr. Yumiya."

Seeing Yu Gong, Wendy's frantic expression slightly lessened, and a little humanity returned to her face.

Unfortunately, it was only for a moment.

In the blink of an eye, the Herrscher personality took over.

"Please get out of the way, I don't want to fight you."

"Obviously he has become a lawyer, does he still retain a trace of reason? What a good boy."

Just as Yumiya expected. Wendy, who had just turned into a Herrscher, wasn't deeply trapped.

Relying on the foreshadowing made by the front-end time, it is not difficult to influence her.

"St. Freya Academy is the school you attended, you want to destroy it?"

The best way to wake up a fallen person is to use feelings and fetters.

Yumiya, who knows the power of emotions, prescribes the right medicine directly.

After speaking, he pointed his finger at the girls in the training ground.

"They are all your juniors, are you sure you want to hurt them?"

"School, junior."

The methods that have been verified by countless predecessors are indeed effective.

Wendy was obviously hesitant and started to struggle.

She looked at the messy scene around her, and then looked at the Valkyrie students not far away.

The girls were stunned in place, and their eyes were full of fear.

Where did their fear come from? .

Obviously, the source is yourself.

"No, I can't hurt them, I can't cause trouble to St. Freya Academy."

The howling wind gradually weakened.

The irritable Wendy also has a tendency to calm down.

With the help of Hagiya, Wendy's consciousness has a tendency to overwhelm Herrscher's personality and regain control of her body.

"Emergency notice, urgent notice."

"All members of St. Freya Academy, go to the central square immediately."



Here, Yumiya is trying to influence Wendy.

On the other hand, Deresa's movements were not slow, and she sent out an emergency broadcast.

All in all, first gather people together to ensure safety, and then consider the following things.

"Let's go quickly, it's very unsafe here."

Yu Gong's words were undoubtedly addressed to a few outsiders.


"Thank you for your help."


The girls who were in a daze came back to their senses one after another.

They didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, and left quickly, not forgetting to thank Chao Yugong before leaving.

Although he has never met Yu Gong, anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is a big man.

And Wendy, the broadcast just now showed that something big happened at St. Freya Academy.

Maybe Hanamiya is the one who came to solve the trouble, or to help the senior management of the academy to solve the problem.


The person who ran away in a hurry alarmed Wendy...

She stared at Yu Gong closely, her expression was frantic, and she switched back and forth between the two.

The next second.


Wendy left Yu Gong and flew away.

After all, the collapsed consciousness was too strong to be suppressed. In order not to do anything wrong, she chose to escape.


Wendy's actions were exactly the same as the game's plot, Yu Gong had no choice but to chase.


At this moment, the situation changed again.

Several huge Honkai Beasts toppled the building and appeared.

I don't know if it was intentional or no doubt, but they just blocked Yu Gong's way.

"Hehe, the birth of a ruler will never lack followers who will never die."

Hagiya raised his head, his eyes passed through the giant Honkai Beast blocking the way, and looked up behind him.

At this moment, the sky has been filled with Honkai beasts with flying ability.

The number of them is vast.


A stream of light rushed into the sky and chased Wendy away.

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